When is it time to stop loosing?

I started 3 months ago at 273 pounds today I weigh in at 210 I've worked extreamly hard to loose this weight and still need to loose 80 more to be a healthy BMI witch is what I want. How ever people at work have begun telling me I look great and should stop loosing weight. When I tell them that I still need to loose 80 more they look at me and say omg there will be nothing left why your going to blow away. I dont know if there saying this because they don't want the former "fat girl" to be smallet than them or if they think I will look bad at that weight. When they say this to be its kinda discouraging me considering maybe I should a just my goal to 160 instead of 130 but then I think I'll still be over weight and not healthy. What is your thought on the matter I'm 5ft 2 and 210 pounds my BMI is 38 is loosing weight a waste of time if your steal a unhealthy weight, or is a "healthy" BMI considered to skinny in today's world? When and how do you know when to stop loosing weight and just maintaine


  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    It sounds like your doing great. I have the same experience's with people and my weight loss. Just think WHATEVER and go about your day. And your body will yell you when enough is enough.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You've lost 60lbs in 3 months? That's fairly extreme.

    You may want to eat a little more to reduce your deficit so you're not losing too much muscle and you don't get too much excess skin.
  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    I think people have a hard time picturing the loss with any degree of accuracy. 60lbs seems like a lot, so they're thinking you'll look anorexic. Only you and your doctor can decide when enough is enough based on your body type, the amount of muscle mass, and your overall health. Maybe you'll be fantastic at 140, maybe it's 135. You won't know until you get there. Make goals, reasses as you go and keep doing what is best for you. Just because someone else can't imagine it,doesn't mean it's not worth while!
  • LLT38
    LLT38 Posts: 172 Member
    Sometimes people make comments because they think they are being flattering. You are right that some could be jealous especially if they struggled with their weight too. I am your height and my goal is currently 140 lbs. Once I am there, I expect I'll want to lose a bit more until I am satisfied with how I look. Don't worry about getting people's approval and focus on your health and happiness. You are doing great - best of luck!
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    Stop losing weight when you feel happy with how you look in the mirror. I mean...as long as you're still within a healthy BMI and not underweight. It doesn't matter what other people think because at the end of the day you're the one living in your body. If you're happy with it that's all that matters.
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    Sounds like something I'd bounce against my doctor, assuming you trust him/her to have your best possible health in mind.
  • christina111494
    christina111494 Posts: 4 Member
    You've lost 60lbs in 3 months? That's fairly extreme.

    You may want to eat a little more to reduce your deficit so you're not losing too much muscle and you don't get too much excess skin.

    I have been going to the doctor every 3 weeks to have blood taken to make sure I'm not getting anemic it just turned out a lot of the reason I was over weight was I have PCOS it's causes a hormonal imbalance along with infertility and higher insulin levels something like 80 persent of all people with pcos are over weight and once I started my medication to balance out the hormones and help the insulin the weight is just shedding off. My blood work is comming back great and I'm healthier than I've ever been I've been doing some weight training it seems to help slow down the weight loss a little and I'm starting to tone up pretty nicely my doctor and I were both amazed/ worried at how quickly the weight is comming off