Insanity and protein shakes for women

angelafranker Posts: 8 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi. I'm a newbie here, just wanted to pop in and say hi and ask a few questions. My husband ordered the Insanity program. We are starting it on July 5th. I'm overweight and haven't exercised in a long time. A little scared after watching the My question is what would be a good protein powder for me? I want something that won't taste horrible and will help shed the weight.
My second question is, if I can barely move on the second day, do I keep going or is it ok to rest your muscles? I know I'm not going to be able to move out of bed after getting these musles going again. I want to follow the program to get the best results, BUT my body will be going into

Would appreciate any input. Thanks!


  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    I would go to GNC and purchase a protein powder, they have a policy, if you don't like it you can return it, or atleast the one here does that.

    I use the Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey protein Strawberry flavor, but they have several flavors to choose from!

    If you are just sore, push through the workout, if you are hurt, don't do the workout. If I didn't do the workout just because I was sore, I wouldn't do any workouts!

    To get the best results you need to follow the nutrition plan. 80% comes from nutrition, 20% from the workouts!

  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    Just do as much as you can. At first you will take a lot of breaks, but just get back up and keep going. I am on day 33 and I still need to stop and rest and regain my focus. Try to stick with it and push, you can do it. Shaun T encourages us to take a rest when you need to, so it's ok.

    As for protein shakes, I just mix 8oz milk with a chocolate EAS powder, it's yummy. You could try searching on these forums for what others think is good or check out your local GNC and ask them. There are some powders with less sugar, more protein, less calories etc....just depends on what you are looking for.

    Good luck and remember that your MFP friends are here to help you get started and stay motivated!
  • Hi. I did insanity for a while with my husband as well. It is a great workout, but very hard. The informercial is exactly what it looks like. Do what you can at first, but push yourself outside of your comfort zone as well. After the first video - fit test - I literall couldn't squat for three days. I did end up taking the following two days off. After the initial shock you will be fine. I really enjoyed the videos - they are a lot of fun. But like anythng, you'll get out of it what you put into it. I drink Oats & Whey protein shakes from ON. They mix in well and taste good. I actually enjoy having them. Best of Luck and stay strong!!!!

    If you body is too fatigued that is one sign you need to stop. If you are having a bit of muscle pain from making them work, you can push through. Just listen to your body - don't hurt yourself.
  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    GNC Lean Shakes are awesome. They have some made with extra protein but the nutrients are wonderful. I usually have one for breakfast and sometimes at lunch with a snack. I don't drink them all the time but when I've hit a plateau they really give me the extra boost I need to loose that extra couple of pounds to break through!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I tryed shakology from beach body did not like it just fyi

    you will be sore just keep going take breaks I can finally make it through warm up without a break it is brutal but big calorie burn!
  • GNC actually has a great protein shake just for women. It's in a light blue bag, called Wellbeing Be Buff Protein & Fiber Complex, and the Chocolate Chunk flavor is amazing. I usually mix it with a cup of skim milk, half of frozen banana, ice and a teaspoon of peanut butter for an awesome 300 calorie breakfast shake.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    If you haven't exercised in a long while, Insanity may not be the place to start. It is only a 60-day program, so skipping days probably is not a good idea. Though, maybe you will surprise yourself and it won't be as bad as you think. Just make sure to stretch real good afterwards (even beyond the DVD) and get your potassium to help with muscle soreness.

    I personally use GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein powder (vanilla flavored), and it works for me. Taste isn't that great, but then again I really only use it as a snack and normally only mix it with water. I think you should look for one that doesn't have alot of sugar.

  • solaryn
    solaryn Posts: 2
    You absolutely want to continue working out even if you are sore. That being said, you should probably not bring full intensity for your first 2 workouts, because your body needs to get used to the idea.

    I like vanilla protein powder (any brand really, i'm using body fortress from walmart right now) mixed with 6-8oz of simply orange OJ and 4oz water.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    I drink the EAS Advantedge shakes and love them- the chocolate are the best!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I also use the Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey protein in strawberry. It's not unpleasant with water, and quite nice with skim milk!
  • angelafranker
    angelafranker Posts: 8 Member
    Wow!! I aprreciate all the input. Looking forward to getting healthier! This seems like a great place for support. You guys are awesome!!!
  • Hello,
    I do Insanity and this is my second time going completely through the program. I am currently on the third week of the first month and I can tell you that I love it. You are right, your body will go into shock but don't let that stop you. Even when you are sore the next day, work through it. As long as you make sure you take advantage of your stretch time after the warm-ups, you will get through it and your results will be crazy! Make sure you are eating enough calories and eat throughout the day so you won't gorge because you WILL be hungry! lol I use GNC pro performance amplified wheybolic extreme 60 powder. It's really tasty in milk and it's pretty good in calories, 280 per serving, so you can use it as a meal replacement. It's loaded with protein, and you can use it for pre-workout as well as recovery. Hope that helps, and feel free to add me as a friend- mariamcneal
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