High protein, less to nill carbs, low fat recipes anyone?

swimfan10003000 Posts: 16 Member
edited May 2016 in Recipes
So I've started to his only protine minimal cardb and low fat diet and it's worked wonderfully so far.
I've been hogging on chicken breast, eggs, beef, protine shakes. . And honestly it's been amazing weight-loss of 11 kgs in 45 days. .
Ofcourse I didn't eat any fruits, sugars, additional salt, stopped all unhealthy food habits, made apple cider vinegar my friend and also opti men multivitamin to make up for all I'm not eating, along with fish oils.
I think I'm doing good. .
Every Saturday is an exciting morning where I see my weight. .
I'm looking for fun easy recipes to help me out further.
I created a few too. . Amazing as they turned out. . I've logged them.
More help in good food is appreciated.

Ps. Started exercise slowly :)


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited May 2016
    Low carb and low fat don't really go together. Basically all that's left is protein. An all protein diet isn't a healthy one. 11 kgs in 45 days is too fast (unless you're very obese)......but low carb starts you off with a fair amount of water weight loss.

    Here's a link to one of the low carb groups:

    Recipes there........

    I'm not low carb (no medical issues) .....I'm not low fat (again no medical issues). Weight loss is just step one.......keeping the weight off takes lifestyle changes. Your plan looks to be fairly drastic changes.

    Here are a couple good newbie threads:



  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'm a firm believer in a healthy combination of carbs, protein and fat. I know some people can't do carbs for health reasons or because carbs are their kryptonite, but no carbs and no fat is, IMO, extremely unhealthy.

    Carbs are your energy source. You need carbs.

    I suggest looking at the links TeaBea provided and reconfiguring your eating plan if you want to do this the healthy way.
  • txkatgrace
    txkatgrace Posts: 18 Member
    I do cut out A LOT of carbs, anything that has flour, dairy, and potatoes. I eat my greens, mostly in my smoothies, and I have come to really like steamed vegetables. The more I learn about foods, the easier it is to make the right choices. Education is as important as discipline.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    edited May 2016
    I love taco salad, sans the taco shells.
    A big bowl of romaine lettuce/other greens, diced tomato, ground turkey with taco seasoning (I also add black beans, but you can leave them out), with salsa.
    I leave out the cheese.
    I'm eating it for dinner right now.
  • swimfan10003000
    swimfan10003000 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for your input guys .

    Sorry didn't check this space for a while.

    @teabea yea I am morbidly obese. I was 145 kgs and now I am down to 131 in 65 days , just by becoming a little active and changing the small things like taking stairs and not elevators etc.

    I am definitely not able to cut out carbs . Just am very aware of them now .I'm including alot of Salmon in my meals and supplements too.

    Now I may have hit a plateau but as u guys said . . I need to eat healthy and exercise. .
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    also when you are eating low carb you also need to up your sodium for many reasons. little to no salt,fat and carbs will probably be a recipe for disaster
  • swimfan10003000
    swimfan10003000 Posts: 16 Member
    also when you are eating low carb you also need to up your sodium for many reasons. little to no salt,fat and carbs will probably be a recipe for disaster

    Will definitely look into that Tracey. Will maintain my body requirement in sodium and potassium !

    Thank you for pointing it out.