Weighing in - Daily or Weekly? What's your opinion ...

douglaswiener Posts: 6
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm 3 1/2 weeks into my plan and the 1st 3 weeks I weighed myself every Sunday night. I've just started weighing myself daily and am not sure which is best.

Would appreciate any insight or feedback you have regarding this topic.

Thanks from FL


  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I weigh in officially on Monday. However, I like to update my weight as I lose it (so if I weigh in and my weight has dropped, I log it). I then delete that weigh in when I "offiicially" weigh in - so I have an actual loss per week (instead of 1/2 lb every couple of days).
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    I record once a week, I can't help but neurotically weighing myself the scale is so THERE. Whichever works for you, just keep in mind that your body fluxuates day-to-day, if you eat late at night you will be a little heavier in the morning, etc.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I personally weigh in once a week...on Friday morning before I eat or drink anything. It gives me an accurate assessment of my weight loss/gain. I used to weigh everyday but the numbers were so erratic and fluctutated due to sodium, food, etc. I find this method to be the best way to tell me my progress.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I check my weight daily (it's an obsession), but.... I only record my weight on a weekly basis since I know weight can fluctuate quite a bit depending on what you eat, drink, sodium content, etc.

    I've set my official weigh in day to be Monday morning. I used to weigh myself on Friday AM, but... found that I slacked a bit on the weekends, then had to try and catch up during the week (bad habit). Now... with a Monday weigh-in, that always keeps me motivated to remember to stick to a healthy eating plan and continue with exercise on the weekends. It forces me into a "good habit" of ALWAYS eating healthy and exercising... not just 5 days a week.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    If I don't weigh myself every day I might start thinking "you can eat a tub of ben and jerrys then make up for it before the end of the week, mwahahahahahahaha".

    Also I like to see the fluctuations.

    Doing it first thing in the morning it's been fairly predictable (up when I've overeaten, down when I've not, up slightly when I don't drink enough or during my period, down slightly if I had a poo in the night) so I figure it's pretty accurate.
  • I weigh in daily but realize the trend is more important than day to day fluctuations. Just helps to micromanage what may have caused that increase..or decrease.
  • I weigh weekly - although do tend to "check" mid way through the week. I don't pay much attention to this number though as I know how much weight can fluctuate. I'd try to avoid weighing in daily as the day to day fluctuations may de-motivate you. Guess it depends how you are wired though! :smile:
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only record once a week, every monday. That way, I get to see how my body flucuates day by day, and if the scale has stayed the same for 2 days or more, I'll record that as a loss!
    Of course, you get more accurate results if you weigh yourself in the morning!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Do whatever motivates you. If daily weighing in motivates you to work harder, that's great! But if it frustrates you, go for weekly or even every 2-4 weeks.

    Personally, I like to stay on top of data, so I weigh myself every morning. If I were to go weekly, well, what if I retain water on the day of weighing in? That would result in inaccuracy. I do daily and observe the trend, and try not to focus on slight fluctuations.
  • skibrina
    skibrina Posts: 36
    i weigh in once a week. if I am feeling spunky, sometimes i will weigh during the week, just to keep me on track. have a great day!!!
  • azdmelani
    azdmelani Posts: 17 Member
    I personally step on teh scale daily brcause it helps keep me on track. Everyone is different!
  • Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I like the daily weihging to see fluctations/trends but will only record on Monday mornings in order to motivate me to think before I eat/drink on the weekends :-) Good luck all on your journey to lose!!
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