How to not look fat in clothes?

I wear big shirts,sweaters and bants most of the time. And I look fat but when i wear shorts or tanks i still look fat. Aby suggestions to look better


  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited June 2016
    It helps if you know what your body type is (apple, pear, banana, hourglass, etc...). Each body type looks better in different styles. For instance, I'm an apple shape (all stomach, small legs, small hips) and have found that empire waist dresses and flared bottom pants are more flattering, and skinny jeans not so much.
    Another thing...and I know it sounds contradictory...but if you're wearing clothing that is too big for you, it actually makes you look bigger. It's better to find clothes that fit you properly if you want to look slimmer.
    Of course, losing weight always helps, too, as others have suggested, but I figured this might help in the meantime.
    Some Google searches should help get you started! Good luck!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you believe you look fat in clothes you will need to either lose weight to where you are satisfied with the way you look or to work on your self confidence (or both). I wear whatever I like because it feels silly to think that wearing slimming clothes would make me look 100 lb lighter. Only losing 100 lb would make me look 100 lb lighter, and until then I'm wearing whatever the heck I want. People are usually too self absorbed to care about what flatters my shape and what doesn't.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Transkitty wrote: »
    I wear big shirts,sweaters and bants most of the time. And I look fat but when i wear shorts or tanks i still look fat.

    No, you don't look fat. That's a self-image thing. If you're not fat you don't look fat to other people.
  • silvilunazul
    silvilunazul Posts: 59 Member
    I found that the best way to stop looking fat was getting fit :-P
    Seriously though, I suppose a rule of thumb is wearing darker colours, clothes that fit you properly and are not baggy.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I would try to lose weight if your genuinely obese ( I have no idea if your obese or not)

    Otherwise, if your not really overweight I would try to learn how to love yourself.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Transkitty wrote: »
    Im not obese but like i just dont like the shape of my stomach on the side... Its like i can see the edges of my ribs and then i have this really wierd lower stomach that looks a littler bigger. My body just isnt proportioned the way i would like and it makes me look wierd in clothes, Thats part of the reason i wear baggy clothes and sometimes skirts to cover my stomach because its wierd. Its like my body is fighting on wether i should be fat or skinny :(

    And yet you also just started a thread entitled "Im really fat and I need to lose wieght"
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    Do you need to lose weight?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Transkitty wrote: »
    Im not obese but like i just dont like the shape of my stomach on the side... Its like i can see the edges of my ribs and then i have this really wierd lower stomach that looks a littler bigger. My body just isnt proportioned the way i would like and it makes me look wierd in clothes, Thats part of the reason i wear baggy clothes and sometimes skirts to cover my stomach because its wierd. Its like my body is fighting on wether i should be fat or skinny :(

    It kind of sounds like recomposition might be what you're looking for instead of more weight loss. You might check into it:
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Transkitty wrote: »
    Im not obese but like i just dont like the shape of my stomach on the side... Its like i can see the edges of my ribs and then i have this really wierd lower stomach that looks a littler bigger. My body just isnt proportioned the way i would like and it makes me look wierd in clothes, Thats part of the reason i wear baggy clothes and sometimes skirts to cover my stomach because its wierd. Its like my body is fighting on wether i should be fat or skinny :(

    It kind of sounds like recomposition might be what you're looking for instead of more weight loss. You might check into it:

    PO-take this wonderful advice right here.
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    You are too young to be here. Your weight is normal for your height.
  • suzyjane1972
    suzyjane1972 Posts: 612 Member
    edited June 2016
    As you've been told you are far too young to be here