Post here if you'd like more positive and supportive friends



  • fhzwart
    fhzwart Posts: 14 Member
    I would love to have anyone that would be supportive and motivational. I am currently on a low carb diet. My biggest struggle is finding the time to exercise. I have a very sedentary job, drive a lot, and try to squeeze in workout when I can. Please add me and let's do this!
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    @underjay I'm having trouble adding or messaging you fyi
  • Steven_626
    Steven_626 Posts: 171 Member
    edited June 2016
    Feel free to add me as friend here and/or follow me on IG: Steven.626
  • Colt45915
    Colt45915 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all, my goal is to lose 50 or more pounds, already down 75. Feel free to add me!
  • ramblerchik
    ramblerchik Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I would like some more positive MFP friends. I'm in a bit of a slump and need to find my motivation again. I'm in Georgia, USA.
  • Adelia979
    Adelia979 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 29 and from Ohio. Trying to lose another (roughly) 80 lbs still and could use some more friends to keep me motivated!
  • almaddox83
    almaddox83 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello. I am April. I have been on my weight loss journey a little over 3 yrs. I have lost 71(ish) lbs. I love encouraging and supporting. It's not a diet or a phase. It's a lifestyle change. It takes tons of support. I am also gluten free! Not by choice! Ha! I also suffered with an eating disorder in high school and when I started trying to lose weight again. And that too is still a daily struggle. I am a very open & honest person. My past has made me who I am today. I have two boys who are motivation! I'm always looking for new friends. I love chatting, supporting and encouraging! :)
  • bosh1213
    bosh1213 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I would really appreciate as many friends on here as possible as I think it will make the journey so much better. I joined a couple of weeks ago lost a few lbs then had a holiday and put them back on again (no surprises there) :-) anyway I'm getting back to the healthy stuff as of now. I am a 36 year old mum of two with about 45lb to lose - I want to be able to do all the fun things with my children without any hindrance from my weight and fitness.
  • KatieLQuiroz
    KatieLQuiroz Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 28 years old and from Atlanta Georgia. I am a preschool teacher and a mom of 3 kids. I've been using this app for a while, but recently became more serious about it since I started working full time and lost about 30lbs. I was a SAHM before, and working made a huge difference for me! Seeing the weight come off made me want to lose more! I'd like to lose another 50lbs and then go from there.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    requested :)
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    Thx all!! Added! Some I had trouble adding!! I'll try again soon! I hope that you're having a fab night!
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    Again, you can add me here as well if that works for you:

    No selling, just food, fitness, birds (you've been warned) and some fun motivation...original posts only!! :)
  • LeslieArkansas
    LeslieArkansas Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I would like to build a community of friends. I think it will help me stay accountable. After struggling with a heart condition for three years, with a lot of sitting, I have 100lbs to lose and I know I have to exercise and tweak my diet to do it. I'd love to receive some friend requests!
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    @lesliearkansas I've just sent a request! I'm in the same boat of sorts with having 6 casts in 3-4 years due to being hit as a pedestrian :( I've gained a lot over that time but have successfully lost 20+ lbs in 3 months...very very carefully!

    I've also posted in the community under "support and motivation" trying to find other people like you and me who are recovering too! Post there as well if that works for you!
  • donjk47
    donjk47 Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi fellow fitness pals , on a good path here , heathy happy , dieting is tough , any advice or workout routines , I'm here lol, Canadian here , add myself if you like
  • staceynowen
    staceynowen Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I could use some positive support and friends! I have been using the app for a couple years, but stopped for a while during some life stuff, am trying to get back on track! I am looking forward to meeting new people, so feel free to add me!
  • donjk47
    donjk47 Posts: 9 Member
    Ha does a person add people here
  • AlyAlyAlyboo
    AlyAlyAlyboo Posts: 276 Member
    Hi All Just checking in!! :)
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    I'm Camille from nb Canada I've lost 22 lbs goal is to lose 190 lbs. I have Hashimotos hypothyroiditis which is an autoimmune disease Which strongly affects my metabolism
  • TeaTimeAgain
    TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
    I'm Teagan from Kentucky! I've lost 27lbs now and my goal is to drop 150lbs! I am trans. I work hard to improve who I am psychically and mentally. I always can use good friends to keep me company in the best of times and the worst of times!