


  • SugarRose
    SugarRose Posts: 16
    I'm taking a drug that slows the heart rate because of occasional heart arrhythmia's, If I took a drug that increased the heartrate/blood pressure and is known to cause heart palpitations like phentermine, it could be fatal for me. The bottom line.. Like Dan suggested, Be under a Doctors care when trying OTC drugs.
  • Hi, I just started taking Phentermine along with other pills the Dr. at a weight loss clinic gave to me. My sister joined me as well. I have about 40 pounds to lose and I don't particularly feel any different. I also get a b-12 vitamin injection from the Dr. once a week. Like I said, I just started this on Monday, but I have noticed that I am eating smaller portions, eating healthier and feeling more energized. I think the biggest thing I have enjoyed these few days is this program my fitness pal. It is an incredible tool if you use it. I am motivated to going from 269 to 250 in 5 weeks. My ultimate goal would be 230 and using this program should give me a good guide. I have felt jittery at times with this drug...or maybe its the other stuff he gave me, but so far I like it and it has given me a tool to use to aid me in my weight loss. These drugs are just a tool, it's still up to me to eat healthy and exercise. I hope this helps.
  • Whitty1982
    Whitty1982 Posts: 30 Member
    My wife and I used this drug to help loose weight. Did the B-12 shots etc.
    It was great for about 3 weeks - after that - nothing. We kept taking it with no results and realized we were just throwing money away. Can't maintain weight or weight loss with a drug. We also started to realize the doc office giving us this stuff was ONLY there to make money off of it - not to actually help anyone. This was extremely apparent when my wife requested to have blood work done and they "lost" her results or the doc didn't have time to read them yet. (this went on for 3 weeks)

    It boils down to diet and exercise. There's always "snake oil" out there and it may work for a bit - but the weight will come back.

    We went to a new doctor - an established doc with a good rep - and he recommended we try a modified Atkins diet. That was 6 weeks ago - my wife is down 25 lbs and I'm down 26 - couldn't be happier!
  • Abby -

    I can tell you from a personal experience on it currently its amazing. Now with that being said everyone's body handles it differently. I am an RN in an ER here and once pulled out my bottle from my purse to take it because I forgot before I left for work. The doctor that saw me do it asked what it was, and the preached to me that unless I lose weight the "normal" way it wasn't healthy. However, I am 25 years old have hypothyroidism which causes weight gain and lots of other horrible symptoms. Now with that being said, my PCP because of my thyroid problem rechecks me monthly including blood-work just to make sure its still safe and not effecting me.

    I know they have lower doses for people that need to lose less then the average 50# or so, and if your buying it legitimatly under a doctors care I think its no more dangerous then drinking Red Bull or Mt Dew.. Everything in the world is going to have some effect on your body, candy will increase your blood glucose, water will decrease your blood glucose. If your being smart about it, and educating yourself which it seems like you are then I HIGHLY recommend it.

    Disclaimer: It is very hard to maintain the weight loss once you have stopped the medication unless, while on the Phentermine you change your lifestyle as well. Otherwise I have heard of many patients who stop taking it and gain back all their lost weight plus more.

    Oh and check out - they have a great forum where you can read tons of things from people that have been on it, are researching it, or finished and are maintaining.

  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I tried it during college. No weight loss and had EXTREME dry mouth. Stopped taking it after 1 month. I'm doing everything the natural way now and I feel better about myself.
  • proudlioness
    proudlioness Posts: 5 Member

    I'm glad you asked about this. I think it's something that people really wonder about, and obviously there are people on both sides of the fence as to whether its okay or not.
    My doc runs a weight loss clinic on the side of his main practice. I had no problem getting the script from him. He has struggled with his own weight and I think that's why he's more sympathetic to helping someone with weight problems.
    I'm about 100 pounds overweight and that may have played into his decision to write the script. I've been on it now for almost a week and have lost 6 lbs.
    I've always been an emotional eater, and the meds do keep me from doing that. I've been able to all week eat less than 20 grams a fat a day, per doc orders, and eat no artificial sugar. Without the meds I tried many times and failed. I know what is good for my body and what I should stay away from but without the extra help I couldn't get started.
    I've read many stories of the meds helping people and then when they stop putting the weight back on so I'm trying to be aware of that, by exercising and changing my eating habits, so that when I do stop taking the meds I'll be in a better place than when I started.
    I think it really just comes down to it being a personal decision to try it. You will know in the first week or two if it's going to work for you, if it does, great. If it doesn't move on until you find something that does work for your body.