Excercise for very obese



  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    Walk... Until you feel comfortable to
    Jog... Until you feel comfortable to

    Also if you can get on a stationary bike its a great low impact calorie burner

  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I started at a BMI of 50 and did resistance training and my cardio was (and still is) a recumbent exercise bike.
  • amandahugndkiss
    amandahugndkiss Posts: 15 Member
    Water excersises if a pool is accessible is a great start, i go right when my gym opens some days i have the pool to myself. ..great way to start the day and its something i enjoy.
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    I am 5'5" and when I started I weighed 283 my BMI was 47 and I had a 57 inch waist. I started with nutrition. I watched my calories and started making better choices. Most of my movement was and still is cleaning. When I started it took all day for me to clean two rooms. That was just straightening up. I could only do a few minutes at a time then have to sit down so what I did was I would set my timer for 30 minutes. I would clean straight without taking a break. I would do dishes, sweep, mop, pick up toys. I would also put music on Youtube that I love and would set the timer to 15 minutes and dance. There is also video's on Youtube called walk away the pounds Leslie Sansone. They are great and are considered low impact aerobics if you log them.

    But to me the cleaning is my biggest way to get movement. I wash walls, move furniture, shampoo carpets, do windows. This also keeps me active and I can see a immediate result even if its just a clean house.

    Since I started I have lost 66 pounds and I have lost 14 inches around my waist and my BMI has gone down to 36.1.
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    I started with a BMI of 46. I didn't do any exercise apart from walking to the car.

    I began with walking. I couldn't walk half a mile without looking like I'd run a marathon (hot, red, sweaty) and needing a break and lots of water. But I carried on with my small walks, every day without fail (unless the weather was just too bad) making them a bit longer each time (it may have only been a few more steps, like to the next lamp post, but it was more than the previous day).

    After about a month of walking, I discovered a local cycling facility that had recumbent bikes so I started doing laps around an athletics track once a week. I think I started off with 10 laps (2.5 miles) and worked up from there. In January I got a bike, and I've been using it to go everywhere - shopping, taking my daughter to college, or just for a leisure ride.

    I started last July. As far as fitness goes, I can now walk pretty much any distance at a slow pace, or 6-8 miles at faster pace (3.5 - 4mph; that's as fast as my younger son can move at). I shocked myself a few days ago as I spontaneously ran (I don't do running but my toddler was racing away on her bike) for about thirty seconds.

    I can now cycle 20+ miles (not always in one go although it has been known; I usually do 10 miles in one hit then some smaller rides, to the shops etc). I rarely walk to the car these days as I just don't use the car for local trips.

    I occasionally throw in a bit of swimming as well (couple of times a month).

    I'm now thinking of adding some strength training; I'm in the process of trying to find a program that I can do at home with my daughter - a gym would be too expensive for both of us, more than I can afford at the moment anyway.

    My BMI has dropped to 27.6. My heart rate has dropped from 100+bpm to 54bpm. My blood pressure has also dropped. I feel great.

    Start small, and with what you are comfortable with. Find something that suits you, else you won't want to do it, let alone continue with it. Best of luck :smile:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Well dahling, like others have said ... start by taking a walk, or a walk for each meal you have.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    I always recommend walking to start with. Most people can do it, and it's easy to build on. Some prefer to go out and about without music and enjoy the quiet (or, if you're in the suburbs or city, the sounds of hustle and bustle). I personally love having my music with me and just zoning out.

    Try incorporating some strength training into your routine, as well!
  • KristiMillner08
    KristiMillner08 Posts: 66 Member
    I am obese. I joined the YMCA a week ago. I did the orientation with a trainer and got my workout routine. I did light cardio and worked on the weight machines. I also went swimming laps a couple of times. This week I started their water aerobics class that meets 3 days a week before i go to work. I plan on doing the water class 3 days a week, plus doing the routine 2 days a week minimum. All if this has made my body feel better and has low impact on my knees because I go at my pace and my level that my body will allow me to. Coupled with eating healthy since April 18, I have lost 18 lbs.