Drinking 8 Cups of Water a Day??

So, I know its recommended to drink at least 8 cups a day to help with a healthy diet. But I find it difficult to drink even 2 glasses of water a day. And I'm not drinking anything else either, I just never find myself being thirsty, really ever. At meal times, I try to force myself to drink a glass of water, but I could honestly have a meal without drinking anything at all. Just wondering how you all make sure you get close to 8 cups of water a day, or if you have any tips/suggestions as to how I could get my 8 in.
Thank you!!


  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    Honestly, I think it's become a mindless habit, regardles of thirst level. I don't always hit the 8 though. I have a glass at my desk at work, with a lid and a straw. it only holds about 12 oz, so I end up refilling it a few times a day. I count the walk to the dispenser as exercise. :laugh:
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Try things like crystal light. I actually drink a lot of flavored spakling water. They are so yummy and help keep me full in between meals due to the carbonation in them. Tea is another good way to get some fluids in. Some people on here don't log anything but pure water but if your making your own tea its kinda obvious that the main ingridient is water :) Good luck! Hope this helps some!
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I drink 12-15 glasses a day, but I have always been a water drinker. It is basically the only beverage I drink. LOVE IT!! Maybe try with lemon or lime, some people say that works for them, personally I like plain ol' tap water, but my city has excellent water. Do you eat a lot of water loaded fruit (oranges, grapefruit, grapes, melon, etc) because that could be were your body is getting its water from (yes you can get water from food)

    I would still make sure you at least drink 2-3 cups before-during-after a workout.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Get yourself a reuseable bottle and carry it with you. Take a sip every now and then. You don't have to feel like you've been in a desert and completely parched before taking a drink. Before you know it, you'll be used to hydrating yourself and you'll drink more often.
  • lindsschou
    lindsschou Posts: 24
    I never used to drink any water at all, but drank a ton of iced teas. Since I started my weight loss journey, I have cut the iced teas down to two per week and brought my water consumption up to 2000 ml's or 64 oz per day. The more water I drink, the more water I feel I need.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I keep a 101.4 oz jug at my desk at work - I figure if I can drink one while I'm here, I'm good :smile:
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    For me, out of sight, out of mind is what happens. So I keep a bottle in front of me so that I'm reminded to get enough water. If you remember to keep water with you, you'll be more likely to drink it because it's there.
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    I drink 24 ounce bottle in the morning, as I'm getting ready, before I've eaten anything. Then I keep a 24 ounce bottle at my desk all day and have a sip of it whenever I look at it and refill it as neccessary. The more water you drink the more your body will crave. Try to think of water as a tool your body needs to flush toxins and fat out of your body. All the hard work you are doing with diet and exercise is amplified when you drink water.

    Side note: I don't usually drink water with a meal... my grandma always told me your food digests better if you don't have water until 30 mins after you eat... I'm not sure this is true, but it's my grandma, I'm not going to question her :) Plus it makes me feel too full.
  • Yeoville
    Yeoville Posts: 9
    I have the same problem - Its not that I'm replacing the water I'm supposed to be drinking with any other liquids - I'm just not thirsty so I don't drink, and when I am thirsty all I drink is water. Another reason I think I don't drink the recommended amount daily is that I just don't want to take that many bathroom breaks...I need to smarten up I know.
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    i was never a big drinker, i could go til 5pm easily before i fancied a drink of anything. so i have a 750ml sports bottle and i refill it once during the day, just got in the habit of sipping it all day, i dont always finish the second filling but usually get at least 1.2 litres a day. i really feel better for it too.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I keep a bottle on my desk and sip throughout the day. I rarely just drink a whole glass at once.
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    I used to be like that and find that I can really only drink water if it's ice cold! And I also heard that you burn more calories if the water is cold because your body has to warm it up. Good luck!
  • sparrowsflight
    Yeah, I go the reusable water bottle route myself. However, I also try and set goals of when I need to have finished the water bottle by. I have a 32oz water bottle that I fill up at home and drink on the way in to work. First goal is trying to finish it before I get to work (I have an hour commute) and I usually end up taking the last few swallows in the parking garage or at my desk. And then when I get to work I fill it up again and I have to finish the second fill up before lunch, although again sometimes I am drinking it during lunch. After that, I fill it up once more but just let my thirst or lack thereof dictate whether I finish a third bottle.

    It's easy now, but when I started, I had to constantly remind myself to take a drink every so often. Now I do it almost automatically and I get 64-96 oz of water a day--on weekdays at least. Haven't worked out a routine for weekends that I can stick to yet, though.
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    one cup an hour for a work day
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You get about 20% of your water requirements through the food you eat. "8 glasses of water per day" should include this amount, so really, you don't need to drink 8 glasses, more like 6 or 7. It also doesn't need to specifically be water. All liquids contain water (don't count alcoholic drinks in this because they actually dehydrate you) and count towards your daily intake. That said, some of how much you need is also based on your activity level and the climate where you live. Someone in a cool, humid climate wouldn't need to drink nearly as much water as someone who lives in a hot, dry climate, like I do. I'll probably get jumped on by the "drink water" fanatics here, but all of this is in line with the recommendations. More water might, or might not, make it easier to lose weight, help to flush excess sodium, etc. but for bottom line body functioning you don't need to drink a gallon a day.

    All of that said, it still sounds like you aren't drinking enough water. Whether or not you think you need it, you do. I used to be like you. I'd drink a couple of cans of Diet Coke each day and that was it. I rarely drank plain water and didn't drink enough, period, and as I mentioned, I live in the desert where we actually need MORE water than the average.

    I thought I was fine, but once I actually started drinking plain water, and more of it, I realized I hadn't been "fine" at all. My skin is now less dry and I generally feel better. I'm less "hungry" because my body now can tell thirst from hunger since I'm not perpetually thirsty. When I urinate, it's usually nearly clear which, by the way, is the best sign that you're getting enough water. If what you're leaving in the toilet is really yellow, you're not getting enough water. It should be no darker than the color of straw when it leaves your body.

    I guess this all boils down to: you need to drink more water. Don't make excuses that you don't "need it" because you do. Add some flavoring to it if you don't like it plain but try to keep a bottle or glass on hand all of the time. You'll find yourself drinking it more and once you do, you'll realize how much better you feel.
  • stilettolife
    stilettolife Posts: 9 Member
    I keep a 32 oz jug on my desk and drink at least 64 oz a day. At home I try to drink the same amount out of a 24 oz bottle. I also have one of those bubbles water bottles that filter the water that I take on the go with me.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I keep a glass of water with a straw between me and my laptop. I don't even need hands to drink it. Plus, straws are fun. Especially the bendy kind.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I just love water and it's the only thing I drink besides coffee...
    I will add some crystal light once in a while and i'll drink gaterade during or after a work out.

    I think for me it was the more I worked out the more water I needed and wanted.. but I bring a water bottle with me everywhere I go.. I always have one, I'm always drinking and of course always going to the bathroom. But my body stays hydrated :)

    I suggest you keep a bottle of water near you at work and see if that helps you drink. I have a friend that never used to drink water either, and now she keeps a water bottle with her at her desk and drinks it. She feels much better and can make it through her workouts because shes hydrated.

    I hope you find a way that works best for you to get your 8 glasses in! :)
  • lincolnd
    lincolnd Posts: 2
    I usually fit a 2 quart pitcher of water and drink out of that all day - that way I hit my 8 glasses and dont have to remember where I am.
  • Horuke
    Horuke Posts: 11
    The 8 cups a day is a bit of a mis conception. You don't have to drink 8 cups of water a day. Since we get a lot of water from the foods we eat too. So you don't have to drink 8 cups water, just comsume it; either from water or food.