Emotional eating and stress

I've been on this journey what seems like forever.my weight has always been up and down, I'll lose the weight and then put it back on again. This usually happens because of a stressful event in my life.

I've never been happy with my weight and always suffered with low self confidence in every aspect of my life. I don't have a huge amount to lose, around another 20lbs but to me it seems impossible. Just when I feel on track and in control of what feels like a true lifestyle change these doubts and anxiety issues come back.

I've been slowly eating more ore for the last 2 weeks and eating the 'wrong' foods. I have managed to maintain which I am trying to take as a positive. However I feel like the final straw was someone crashing into my car yesterday. Luckily there were no injuries and it wasn't major but I feel so stressed out and want to turn to food again.

Does anyone have any tips of how to keep motivated and de stress?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't really know HOW I destress, motivation is unreliable, and life tends to happen, so my tip would be to find a diet/meal plan/eating structure that you can happily follow "through thick and thin", not just as long as you feel "on track". This means setting a reasonable calorie goal, trying to hit that every day (+/- 100 calories), choose food you like - something you think is healthy and something you think is delicious.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    xelmax wrote: »
    Does anyone have any tips of how to keep motivated and de stress?

    Exercise. Nothing like a really good workout to burn off the frustrations.

    Exercise also helps me feel like I've accomplished at least one thing on days when everything is chaos.

  • Ada498
    Ada498 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey you can add me! It's been really hard on me too and some mutual support might help!
  • MissRoseZ01
    MissRoseZ01 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat. I was at 190lbs, goal weight 145, and I'm now hovering around 165. I still have a ways to go, and am looking for some encouragement myself, but I make sure I drink lots of water and walk at least 3 times a week. I also have found meditation helps me manage stress so I'm less likely to turn to eating. Finally, eating on a routine schedule and trying to eat the same or similar things at the same time every day has also helped a lot.
  • katashaaa
    katashaaa Posts: 41 Member
    Exercise is good to get out any frustrations, I always feel less stressed after shutting off from the world and going for a run/cross trainer/aerobics - releases anger I think lol. Also try meditation, it's really helped with my anxiety and clearing my mind :) hope this helps
  • chiltonsmith
    chiltonsmith Posts: 2 Member
    The key is trying to channel your stress into something productive, not destructive. I was very depressed earlier this year and when I was having a bad day, my initial response was to stuff my face with fatty food. What really helped me was learning to think ahead. When I get the urge to eat something really unhealthy, I think about how I'm going to feel after the food is all gone. Probably really terrible physically and mentally. Then I think about how I'll feel if I take a really nice walk in the park, or spend some time doodling in my sketchbook. Pretty great! It's a simple concept, but as someone who has struggled with binge eating for a long time, I can say that it's really helped me.
  • xelmax
    xelmax Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the responses guys. I definitely think exercise to relieve stress would help me, I always better after the gym or a walk. Yesterday I went for a nice walk in the woodlands and it really helped.

    When I look back I can definitely see that I have improved my habits but it just takes something like this forums to realise that sometimes!

    Thanks again!
  • jesrid96
    jesrid96 Posts: 3 Member
    I can definitely relate, I've been going through a lot of stuff and also struggling with some of the same things. I'm trying to lose around 20lbs as well and start working out because I want to become a cop after I graduate, I still have a while to go though. You can add me, some support both ways may help!
  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Exercise and and make an attainable goals. Little signs of results and small victories will help you through.
  • jakefitzgerald93
    jakefitzgerald93 Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely relate to this :) I don't think there's one thing that's fits all. Personally I exercise to distress, I eat clean and play Fifa haha.

    Keep your goal in mind, if your going to fall then fall on your back because if you can look up then you can get up!
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    I can relate xxx