SBF Reboot Boogaloo June 27

mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
Good morning my friends,

I did not want to get up this morning. The cat meowed all night and then I had dreams that friends and family were coming over without notice and my house was a mess. It IS a mess, so those dreams were not pleasant.
I didn't post yesterday! It was a busy day for sure. We got home at 4 but we had to leave at 5:15 for our pastor's daughter's wedding. So we all showered and dressed and made it with a few minutes to spare (too many close calls lately!). They were very surprised to see us but so many of our friends were there congratulating us and so happy we could come. Even the bride acknowledged us and was so happy we were there. :tongue: Alex was so bored until he was allowed to go dancing. He was not shy at all and just got right out there! The girls from our church loved seeing him out there with them! It was cute.
I wish I had felt motivated to start this day, but I really wanted to stay in bed. Being home has reminded me of the horrible thing that happened to me two weeks ago. So I have been a little down and plus I'm just exhausted, even if I have slept well (other than last night).
My goals today: get back to healthier eating (including the smaller meals and protein every two hours), get a list made and get to the store, and clean up my messy house. I don't think I will have the energy to do anything else. The evil scale number 155 is back so that needs to change. Oh and I have to drink a ton of water.
Goals over the next several weeks include: exercise routine again, cleaning and organizing, possibly moving, getting rid of stuff to make room for girl stuff, and getting back to a quiet time routine everyday (it was much needed this morning).
Mary, how was your weekend?
V, are you feeling better? I hope you were able to keep food in your system and get some strength back. Take it easy. :flowerforyou:

Back to life boogaloo!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Glad you made it home safely, MM.

    I rode my bike to the pharmacy yesterday. I was thinking it was a mistake in the afternoon because I had a weird eye thing and was fighting off a headache the rest of the day. The only yoga I did was restorative. Today's activities will be inside. Saw "Super 8" last night - fun movie.

    The schedule today is to teach and take yoga. It's my teacher's last day for over a month state side. I'm considering going to a third yoga class this afternoon. I signed up for a month of classes at a studio, so I can go as much as I like. If I'm hungry, I'll skip it and walk instead.

    Lots o' yoga, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Mary, sounds like you may have had a migraine. Have you had migraines before? I get the weird eye thing before I get them. Was it a "blind spot" or flashing light? Was it that kind of weird eye thing?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    It was a shimmering light - that happened even if I closed my eyes. It lasted about an hour. I never got a bad headache but kept feeling like one was coming.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs!

    I think I'm finally cured. The workout goal of the day is a long walk with my husband, who actually has a day off (although he is catching up on freelancing stuff at home). I think while I was sick I watched every BBC historical costume drama miniseries Netflix had to offer, and since I'm in Canada that's a lot. My husband came home yesterday and said "another one?" and I said "the clothes and scenery are pretty and nothing ever gets too loud." and, if you doze off it's ok.

    So, it's back to work organizing my week, figuring out what's still hanging over to be done from last week, and trying not to be too frustrated with the rest of my committee. I'm pretty much in a place now where I need more feedback on what I've done to do more work. I need to do the scary project of looking at my goal finishing date, and seeing what a timeline will look like to do that. Hard when I feel like I only control 25% of that timeline. Could be worse.

    Oh, and Mary, that's a migraine aura. Any chance you could have gotten too much sun or gotten dehydrated? Those are two big triggers for me. And I get the aura without the headache a lot. The neurologist says to take Tylenol at the first aura onset for me, free specialist advice.:wink:

    Could be worse, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Mary, I hope you don't get any more migraines and you are feeling alright today.

    V, glad you are feeling better. I hope your committee gets it together soon so you can continue!

    Yesterday was a little difficult for me. While I was cleaning up the house (didn't get much done) I was reminded of what I went through a couple of weeks ago and it still hurts. I honestly feel really confused emotionally. I am sure my hormones are not back to normal yet which only makes things weirder. I think as time goes on and I get past seeing everyone who is just as confused about what to say to me (an "I'm so happy for you, but I'm so sorry what you had to go through" is a typical response) and I get back into my routine then I will start to perk up again. I hope. I want to take the hormone test but I may have to wait a few weeks to make sure everything is back where is should be.
    Anyway, I did get some cleaning done yesterday, but not a whole lot. Today is a busy day so I may not get much done either. Out running errands all morning until about 1. Then I promised Alex I would set up his pool this afternoon. I might have time to clean after that. I still have wanted to nap, so that might win out. As soon as I get things back under control in the house I think I will concentrate more one working out. I just can't seem to get motivated or get the energy yet. I know I need to get to it soon because it will help...everything.
    This morning I was thinking about Miss I, and I said, "I just want to bring her home already." Then I thought, "Oh! She is coming home! She is my daughter!" I don't think it has sunk in yet, which might be why I'm not really that excited. By the time we get her home it will have been five months since we have seen her so it seems a bit surreal.

    Reality boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    V - I think I did get too much sun. It's very strong, so I think 40 minutes was more than enough.

    MM - are you guys looking for a new house now?

    I really think I need to figure out how to lose about 10 lbs and keep it off. I'll get back to you if I figure something out :laugh: I feel like I'm cutting back, but maybe I'm not. For example: I used to have 2 pieces of toast with my salad meal, now I usually just have one (and I don't make up for it with something else). While this isn't a major change, I am convinced it's how the battle is won.

    Today: walk and yoga. I need to take it easy on the sun, so no bike ride today.

    4 years and still working on this whole losing weight thing, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs. . .

    Have been working a bit this morning. My husband has been helping me with making my transcriptions extra pretty (he is better at using a music software program than I am) and he is now obsessing with research, so first thing out of bed, bleary eyed he was asking me questions. . .pretty overwhelming, but sort of funny.

    Got a walk in yesterday, so that was good. Still surprisingly wobbly yesterday, but I guess that's what a few days of effectively sort of not eating (or at least not getting to keep anything) does. Today's goals are more work sessions: another walk if the weather holds or a gym trip if it doesn't and a few light household chores. Finally have some meetings booked (although they are three weeks from now) with my other committee member. I'm hoping to sober her up by handing her another finished 45 page draft. :tongue:

    MM, I wish I could help you clean. One of my favourite things to do is to help people spring clean/clean their closets, organize their files, etc. I think if the whole "be a college professor" thing doesn't work out, I might try to be a professional organizer or something. Except the other day I saw a guy on TV say "nobody needs more than ten pairs of shoes" and I said out loud to the TV: "What?":wink:

    Charging forward, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Made a funny/interesting discovery today, which only pebbles will appreciate.

    I have been having a reallly hard time, because my favourite jeans keep seeming tight on me, which is particularly weird because the drugs I'm on mean that I have to pretty much set a timer to remind myself to eat food. These jeans are the ones I wear, and therefore wash, most often.

    Today I put on a slimmer fit, black pair I hardly ever wear, which are the same make, and a size smaller than my favourites, and they practically fell off. Hmmmm. . . .I've been noticing that since we got a new (high efficiency) washer about four or five months ago, the clothes come out hot, which I though was just friction, because the clothes spin so fast, or something.

    Then, I got out a flashlight and checked the water hookups, and it's hooked up backwards.:noway:

    I've been washing my jeans (on delicate, in what I thought was cold water) in hot water and shrinking them. :sad: I measured myself and I'm two inches smaller in the waist and an inch smaller in each thigh (probably due to less weights workouts and the appetite suppression from the meds, but still).

    I was fake moaning and yelling "the landlord is conspiring against my self esteem!"

    Funny story of the day, boogaloo.:laugh:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    How funny, V!

    I listened to this today - it's a great story about how we become addicted to things:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    So I've hurt my foot. Pretty badly. Not sure how I did it. It started hurting last week, so maybe it started last Monday? Anyway, I kept walking, though not as much. Yesterday did me in though. I search the google for "pain on the top of the foot" and "metatarsal pain" - the results aren't good - stress fracture was mentioned a few times as was tendinitis. Last night I also had pain in the achilles tendon. So I'm going to see a podiatrist tomorrow. I tried to get in to see an orthopedist, they told me they could see me in August :noway: (I told them I was in pain! and people say there's a wait in Canada...)

    I'm teaching two yoga classes today as my teacher is now off to India. Actually, I did yoga yesterday without any standing poses and I felt much better afterward - I think it was the inversions - didn't last though. There is a pool at the gym, but I might try the bikes or similar instead. I don't know really - I may just take it easy today.

    Hope it's just bruised, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    V, sorry your favorite pants were ruined but I'm glad you found the problem AND you are smaller than you thought! :happy:

    Mary, that's stinks about your foot. So sorry. I really hope it is just a bruise. :flowerforyou:

    I got nothing done yesterday except dishes. I didn't even get the rest of the laundry put away. We ran errands and didn't get home till 1:30. Ate lunch, took Alex out to his tiny pool in the backyard, did the dishes, got ready for dinner with friends and stayed out till 9 talking with them. Today is another busy day. I don't think we have gotten over the jet lag. We've both been sleeping in later than we should be and I've been having a really hard time getting out of bed in the mornings. I am going to try to get a bunch of cleaning done this morning but I am suppose to go to my closest friend's house to visit. I haven't seen her in about 3-4 weeks and she lives five minutes from me! She just had a baby a couple of weeks ago and her 3 year old boy has just started having seizures. They found out he has epilepsy. At least it's something that can be controlled. So I am going to take a meal over to them tomorrow night to try to help out. They've been through a lot the last few months.
    I don't know how long I will be gone for that. I will either get more cleaning done this afternoon or get a work out in. I really want to work out but my house is in dire need of a good cleaning. I need a few days of home time to get caught up. I also need the motivation to get it clean. That seems to be lacking.

    Jet lag boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh no, Mary! (and parenthetically, the "wait" in Canada is a priority pool. I had to wait so long for my MRI because someone looked at my case and decided that it wasn't as urgent as someone else. I'll say no more.) I hope it's something minor for you. I have some spare good vibes I will send southerly.:heart:

    MM, I think you deserve a nap! I'm not kidding. You're a powerhouse!

    I looked at my schedule yesterday after I'd posted and saw that it said "walk or rest day if energy is low" or something similar. I had low energy, so other than some light cleaning and a very brief errand walk, I skipped the workout. Today, as expected, I slept through dance, so my intention is to go to the elliptical this afternoon, for real this time. The landlord is coming to re-hook up the washer, so that I don't shrink my jeans anymore. I may reward myself with a new pair after the rent is paid next week, in whatever size I am these days, unshrunk.

    Other than that, it's scheduling, brainstorming and outlining. Just your typical Wednesday.

    Typical boogaloo, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    update: super long walk instead of elliptical. still good.

    my yoga class got cancelled tomorrow. sad face. boo to it.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey pebbles,
    I don't have the energy for a long post right now (I'm still on Pacific time, and have been staying up too late/not getting enough sleep since we've been back). Our trip was really nice, the weather was good (but hot). Overall it was pretty low-key (which is always good when you're talking about family :wink:) and my legs definitely felt a lot better. They started hurting more again yesterday (2nd day back), so I'm definitely looking really closely at my posture at work and taking lots of breaks. Still no word on my MRI either (I forgot if I told you that the insurance company decided it wasn't "medically necessary"). :grumble:

    V, I'm glad you're feeling better, and dang about your washer! MM, this time last week you were in Russia - that's just crazy! I am so happy for you that your trip was a success. You're allowed to just do a couple of things today, sheesh! You're too hard on yourself. :wink:

    And Mary! There's a lot of talk of "top of foot pain" on barefoot running sites (they even have an acronym - TOFP). One suggestion I saw was sticking cotton balls between your toes to spread them out while resting - if that helps, it could be tendinitis. If it hurts more to spread them out, then (obviously) stop - it might be a stress fracture (I think that's less likely, though). In general, I'd suggest rest and ice also. It's hard to do much without using your foot - maybe break out your most supportive sneakers instead of the Vibrams for a couple days?

    Random good news - remember my friend whose baby was delivered at 25 weeks (just over a pound)? The baby's original due date was last week, and... (drumroll) he's coming home on Friday! :drinker: He was so tiny at first, and so early - his mom took a picture with her wedding rings around his wrist. But now he's over 6 pounds and even has chubby baby cheeks. Such a miracle. :heart:

    Ha, I lied - this was a long post anyway. I guess I feel like I have to catch up after not posting in so long!

    Catch up, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Mary, how's your foot today? Are you resting it?

    V, how was your "typical Wednesday"? I was a bit envious of your super long walk. Maybe I need to try that today. I think it's about time to get back in the boat.

    CP, so good hear from you. I am glad you had a low key vacation and you were able to rest some. I know, I can't believe it was a week ago that I was in Russia and I was almost heading home! This week has flown by!

    I didn't get anything done yesterday. lol. I went to a friend's house and was there most of the day. When I got home it was almost time to make dinner and go to church. We got to tell our story at church last night. Of course we have a small church so it wasn't like hundreds hearing our story. The pastor is really encouraging us to tell our story again Sunday morning and even turning it into a bit of a sermon. :smile: We might. I don't know.
    I am hoping things will calm down a bit for my husband at his job. He's already put in over 40 hours this week and still has a lot to do. He said he might get sent home because of the over time pay but there's enough to keep him busy. We could really use the money right now. I feel like I've hardly seen him and we haven't had time to do anything as a family for awhile.
    Anyway, goals today: go to the store, make dinner for my friend and her family, and hopefully clean and get a walk in. A little cleaning will get done but I don't know how much. A walk would be great.

    Ramblings boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Thanks CP, I'm looking through the posts on that. I haven't seen one by a walker, where the foot fall is different, but I could be the treadmill slipping and pushing off with the forefoot. Now I don't know if I should keep my appointment. I guess I will.

    V - my new favorite restorative - curl into a ball with your shins pointed to the ceiling. Place a strap behind your knees and around the back of your neck - adjust the strap so your knees stay and there's a slight pull on your neck. There, now you have yoga today :wink:

    MM - I think a walk up north would be great - we are about to set a record for the hottest June.

    So today I have appointments with the podiatrist and the physical therapist. The good news is my hips have stayed level all week - which I thought could be a contributing factor to my foot pain - now the left leg is pushing down with equal force because of evenness in the hips. hmmm.

    I'm going to try to get a bike ride in this morning. It's really the only acceptable time to go outside. Don't want another aura. Though many people told me it could be dehydration - which is odd considering how much water I normally drink, but maybe I didn't drink enough that day - I certainly felt better in the evening when I drank lots of water.

    Medical mysteries, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Thanks for the pose, Mary, I'll add it in. I was already planning a few things I could do at home.:wink:

    Typical Wednesday went pretty well. I'm mostly figuring out "what now?" but while I'm percolating, I'm organizing my cumulative bibliography/discography so far, for two chapters, it's 14 pages long. Holy moley. I have research OCD.

    Today is the dentist, improvised yoga at home, some outlining/organizing of a research plan, late lunch early dinner with my husband, and that's enough.

    Enough is enough, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Mary and V, how did your appointments go?

    CP, keep checking in with us!

    I am still having a hard time getting up in the mornings. Steve says we are going to be later than usual. We need to get back on our schedule to see if that helps. It certainly hasn't helped that he has had to work late every day for a while now. Although the over time will be wonderful! He's put in almost 20 hours OT this week! So he thinks I can go to the doctor to get the hormone test done! Yay! We'll talk about it this weekend.
    Other than being tired I am feeling a wee bit normal. My goals today are to watch what I eat and stay active. I really want to just be a bum. Well, I think I do, but I know by the end of the day I will feel awful. So activity it is! I still have no motivation to clean the house but I am going to make myself do it anyway. I do not want to enter a long weekend with a messy house. It makes next week even more difficult for me. So I will burn calories scrubbing today. I am hoping we can do some drive-by's on rent houses to get an idea of what is in our price range. That's motivation to get the house cleaned up and organized. The dryer vent still plugs easily so the top of the dryer gets super hot if I don't go outside and clean the vent at least once a week. And the door knob/latch on the house to garage door is broken. So it's just more motivation to leave. :smile:
    I can not believe it's July. It sneaked up on me and I had forgotten about my birthday! :laugh: Steve felt bad but he forgot too. It's been a crazy few weeks for both of us so it's okay. So I need to figure out what to do tonight. Any ideas?

    Birthday ideas boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Happy Birthday, MM! I think you guys should go roller skating and out for ice cream.

    Happy Canada Day, V.

    I ended up cancelling the podiatrist appointment yesterday, thanks to the internet and CP. The PT said it is probably pre stress fracture. So nothing I can really say to people like "I broke my foot walking" - but will heal faster. Mostly just icing it seems to help - pretty much what I did yesterday = activity, ice, repeat. Got a bike ride in and a few standing yoga poses.

    Today bike and yoga. I really don't have other ideas. I enjoy the water when I'm in it, but I never want to go swimming - something about going back and forth over and over again bores me.

    Ice, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Canada Day, pebbs!

    Hey, Mary, what about one of those aqua-fit classes? (my spell check just changed that to "aquavit", which is a crazy strong Swedish liquor that tastes like vodka and rye bread had a baby. I haven't had any in years. My mother is a first generation Swede-American. . .how does my iPad know that?) Less boring than swimming. I used to go to one at the Y in the states. After I got over the fact I was the only person under 70 in the class, I was surprised how good of a workout I got. Maybe I should try to find one. . .hmmm mm. . .

    Anyways, today I'm aiming for a walk, hopefully with the husband, or a bike ride down by the lake if I can talk him into that. We have these new bike rental stations around the city, where you swipe your credit card, take a bike and then return it when you're done. Super cool. There are paths along the lakeshore. I am forever forgetting that I live a thirty minute subway ride away from a great lake. Derp.

    Then, he's off to play the Montreal jazz festival, and I'm stuck here to write in the quiet. If he gets to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, I'm gonna be mad.:tongue:

    Oh, Canada, boogaloo:flowerforyou:

    P.s. Roller Skating and ice cream sounds awesome.