Need more protien and fiber but don't need carbs - what to eat??

Totals 524 75 7 13 14 12
Your Daily Goal 1,210 91 25 121 40 45
Remaining 686 15 17 107 26 33
Calories Carbs Fiber Protein Fat Sugar


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Lean meats, low fat/no fat dairy. Will be hard to totally avoid carbs/fat while taking in protein - but keep in mind these are guidelines and not set in stone. Its ok if you're a little over in one, under in another. But in general try to avoid being too low in protein.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    OK, first goal is to get enough calories in. It's too late to balance the macros today. In the future, try and balance every meal with a little protein.

    Otherwise, what you're gnawing on is two plain cooked chicken breasts. Forget the fiber. It's too late.
  • jakefitzgerald93
    jakefitzgerald93 Posts: 24 Member
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:
  • godobethin
    godobethin Posts: 6 Member
    I had 3 cashews for breakfast, late morn snack of oatmeal, and 6pc sushi. Now I am left with only 15 carbs to consume and a ton of other nutrient needs. I don't know of any lean protein to acomplish this.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    So you may me off today in macros. Not the end of the world. The macro goals are estimates, not finite requirements. If you know you tend to be carb heavy in your meals, then make an effort to increase protein thru the day. Its a live and learn process. :)
    godobethin wrote: »
    I had 3 cashews for breakfast, late morn snack of oatmeal, and 6pc sushi. Now I am left with only 15 carbs to consume and a ton of other nutrient needs. I don't know of any lean protein to acomplish this.

  • 737jac737
    737jac737 Posts: 54 Member
    If I need more protein I eat a hard-boiled egg or drink a protein shake.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I gave you a hint: plain cooked chicken breast. I thought of another; hard boiled eggs.

    It is very hard to fill in on a missing macro at the end of the day, but you MUST get at least 1,200 calories in. So you will be over on carbs and low on protein. Lesson learned. Eat more protein throughout the day. Have an egg with those cashews at breakfast, add peanut butter to the oatmeal, and have a little tuna with that sushi. Finish off the day with a yogurt snack cup.
  • southhamptonmike
    southhamptonmike Posts: 61 Member
    learn to incorporate flax and chia seeds into your diet. Ex: flax seeds in your yogurt and chia seeds in a protein drink
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    6 cashews for breakfast? That's it? I would be starving! And, I could never eat just 6 cashews... Lol

    It may be hard to balance today out, but, there is no reason you can't learn to balance out your meals from here on out.

    I have a carb and a protein every meal. Rice with grilled chicken, roasted potatoes with steak tips, fish with a serving of pasta with squeezed lemon and Parmesan, add a small salad at dinner time or vegetables mixed into rice or pasta, eggs with cereal, toast or a banana, it's pretty simple really. If you have a portion of carbs and a portion of protein with some healthy fat at every meal, you will be more successful in hitting those goals. I also find, for me, I never have cravings for anything because my blood sugar is always balanced.
  • godobethin
    godobethin Posts: 6 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I gave you a hint: plain cooked chicken breast. I thought of another; hard boiled eggs.

    It is very hard to fill in on a missing macro at the end of the day, but you MUST get at least 1,200 calories in. So you will be over on carbs and low on protein. Lesson learned. Eat more protein throughout the day. Have an egg with those cashews at breakfast, add peanut butter to the oatmeal, and have a little tuna with that sushi. Finish off the day with a yogurt snack cup.

    Eating a half can of tuna now. Its all so hard to do right that I really dont feel like eating anything. I though sushi was a good choice!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Lean meats, low fat/no fat dairy. Will be hard to totally avoid carbs/fat while taking in protein - but keep in mind these are guidelines and not set in stone. Its ok if you're a little over in one, under in another. But in general try to avoid being too low in protein.

    She's low on fat too. I wouldn't worry about avoiding fat, especially with calories so low.

    OP, I'd add a source of protein and some vegetables into each meal, if possible. Vegetables have carbs, but are low cal and have fiber. I'd add healthy fats (avocado has fat and fiber). I'd look at your carbs, as that's low fiber for so many carbs -- can you substitute some whole grains for refined or some legumes or fruit for whatever it is you are eating?

    Biggest issue is to get the calories up, though. You can worry about diet composition later.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I don't worry if my macros are off by day. They usually balance over the course of a week. If I need fat, heavy cream (which is lower carb) in diet root beer makes a nice treat. Turkey or chicken always does it for protein.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Many women have a 1200 calorie/day goal who should in fact be eating more. How tall are you, how many pounds to your goal weight, and what's your weekly weight loss goal?
  • godobethin
    godobethin Posts: 6 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Many women have a 1200 calorie/day goal who should in fact be eating more. How tall are you, how many pounds to your goal weight, and what's your weekly weight loss goal?

    I am 5'4" at 216 and want to get to 130ish. I had a good first week of 7lbs but have already plateud. I was getting shaky with blurry vision so I know I need at least the 75g of carbs, but it seems they come quicker than the fiber and protein. I am not hungry in the morn so I just each some nuts to get the metabolism firing and eat oatmeal or an egg a couple hours later. Today I only added sushi to that, and now tuna. I have beans ready for later. I think I should make a grocery list like I have never had before! How I am going to fit the occasional glass of dry wine into this is beyond me - and I could use it today!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    3 cashews for breakfast? definately not a breakfast of champions.. It is not too late for protein.. for me I would head down to Chick Filet for an 8 or 12 piece grilled nuggets or if you have sandwich meat or slices of chicken or turkey meat I would make a meat and cheese wrap (with lettuce only). That fits your calories.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Chicken, fish, veggies, nonfat plain Greek yogurt. With such a puny calorie goal, those should be your staples. And I'd add beans too for the fiber/nutrients.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:

    So I can forget about calories as long as I'm eating HFLC.....but day 4 = LF too? If this were fact, you would think everyone would "know" this.

    Is this also the "best way" to maintain the weight you lost? Because if it doesn't help me keep the weight from creeping back....I'm not interested.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:

    So I can forget about calories as long as I'm eating HFLC.....but day 4 = LF too? If this were fact, you would think everyone would "know" this.

    Is this also the "best way" to maintain the weight you lost? Because if it doesn't help me keep the weight from creeping back....I'm not interested.

    Yeah what he said is completely not true...
  • godobethin
    godobethin Posts: 6 Member
    6 cashews for breakfast? That's it? I would be starving! And, I could never eat just 6 cashews... Lol

    It may be hard to balance today out, but, there is no reason you can't learn to balance out your meals from here on out.

    I have a carb and a protein every meal. Rice with grilled chicken, roasted potatoes with steak tips, fish with a serving of pasta with squeezed lemon and Parmesan, add a small salad at dinner time or vegetables mixed into rice or pasta, eggs with cereal, toast or a banana, it's pretty simple really. If you have a portion of carbs and a portion of protein with some healthy fat at every meal, you will be more successful in hitting those goals. I also find, for me, I never have cravings for anything because my blood sugar is always balanced.

    That banana would be half my carbs for the day! I only eat the nuts when I wake so my BS doesn't go too low, but I am not ready to eat anything more for a couple hours. The oatmeal was then. The sushi is the only other thing I had, and I was nearly out of carbs already.
    tryett wrote: »
    I don't worry if my macros are off by day. They usually balance over the course of a week. If I need fat, heavy cream (which is lower carb) in diet root beer makes a nice treat. Turkey or chicken always does it for protein.
    jgnatca wrote: »
    OK, first goal is to get enough calories in. It's too late to balance the macros today. In the future, try and balance every meal with a little protein.

    Otherwise, what you're gnawing on is two plain cooked chicken breasts. Forget the fiber. It's too late.
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Forget about the calories :smile: high fat, high protein, low carb. Best way to lose weight, oh and every 4th day high carb low fat :wink:

    So I can forget about calories as long as I'm eating HFLC.....but day 4 = LF too? If this were fact, you would think everyone would "know" this.

    Is this also the "best way" to maintain the weight you lost? Because if it doesn't help me keep the weight from creeping back....I'm not interested.

    I appreciate the thought, but I need my BS to be regulated always and cannot play with days off/on carbs. Why can't I still get fiber in when I haven't had dinner yet and I am nowhere near 1200 cals, which I do have to watch to get at least that many.