Been using this for awhile - friend free - need motivation

So I have been logging for awhile but never had "friends" ...find myself slacking and need some motivation and accountability! Have 100 lbs to lose so can use all the encouragement out there!


  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    Be my friend :D I'm unmotivated to but the past few weeks all my new friends have been fabulous and really help me along.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    you can add me!
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    Friend me. my experieince is that having friends is a great motivator. I will support you and log in almost every day.
  • rachelw16
    rachelw16 Posts: 90
    You can add me, I love having new friends--and new motivation! :)
  • delmore1
    delmore1 Posts: 40 Member
    You can add me to. I need motivation help to.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been doing OK most of the year until the last week or two, and I'm ready to hit it hard again.
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    im also new.... :) welcome.... i hope joining this community turns out to be the best thing ever happened to us... cheers! :)
  • beautybrainsbooty
    beautybrainsbooty Posts: 122 Member
    you can't do this by yourself. I have found a renewed motivation and ENJOYMENT on MFP. The support is unparralled. Sending my request right now and you better say yayesss :smile:
  • beautybrainsbooty
    beautybrainsbooty Posts: 122 Member
    you can't do this by yourself. I have found a renewed motivation and ENJOYMENT on MFP. The support is unparralled. Sending my request right now and you better say yayesss :smile:
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I will send you a friend request :smile:
  • MicheleDM
    MicheleDM Posts: 1
    I'm new, too. I could use some motivation and lots of friends to help. I'll be more than happy to help you. Let's keep climbing that mountain. We can do it.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Feel free to add me....I was on here for a couple of months before I had any friends....and then once I had friends, I seemed to have more motivation....Good luck!!! You can do it!
  • AnuMe901
    AnuMe901 Posts: 44
    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    Feel free to friend me....I know it makes a HUGE difference in motivation to have people on here in your corner. I have used MFP off and on for probably a year now but I didn't really start to stick to it until I introduced myself and friended some people about a month ago. Since then I have logged on every single day.

    Best of luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I started out with the same goal last year. Feel free to friend me!
  • Cindy103
    Cindy103 Posts: 10 Member
    I too need to lose 100 lbs. Last year I lost 45 lbs., but after much stress & drama in my life, I have gained 20 lbs. back!! Just started to exercise & "eat right" again! I must promise to think of myself, try to not let stress interfere & EXERCISE!!!!! :happy: I will be your friend, it sounds like we are in the same boat!
  • sonbeam
    sonbeam Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me if you want. I have been using MFP for 3 weeks now. More friends = More support.
  • dopehat
    dopehat Posts: 33 Member
    Add me too if ya like :) I've been using the phone app for a while friend free but only just remembered that there's also a website with a whole community on here! I have lacked some motivation at times, however recently I have really gotten into the exercise and I'm eating healthier and loving it! Would love to encourage others and be encouraged myself!
  • SWEET31
    SWEET31 Posts: 40
    Welcome , I love having new friends--and new motivation!