How quick is TOO quick for weight loss



  • matthewlembke
    matthewlembke Posts: 14 Member
    Part of the reason for putting such an imperative on speed is that I have been overweight pretty much my entire life, including my teen years. There was a brief period when I was 18 that I was around 200lb. This is something that has caused a lot of depression and social anxiety in my life. It has held me back from many things. I accept full responsibility for my weight and eating habits. These things are my fault, my doing, no one else is to blame. A few years ago I did a similar thing to what I am doing now. 1200 calories +60 minutes per day on an elliptical trainer. I went from around 370 to 276 in a 4.5 month period. At that point my mother passed away from cancer and I'll admit that I let it derail me. But during that period of weight loss I did not experience any light headedness or dizzy spells. I did not feel weak or short of breath. At work they did a health evaluation on everyone and my cholesterol level and blood pressure were the best they have been in my adult life. Again, I'm reading all of this and I'm trying to alter my plan to intake more calories but compensate with more work outs. But to the "warning signs" I promise that I am looking for them. Furthermore I have 1 coworker and 1 person for my personal life who are also looking for these warning signs. 1 month in, I feel fantastic. I don't sit down very much(even at home) I am constantly working on projects and cleaning. I feel full of energy but when I lay down for sleep i fall asleep quickly and sleep wonderfully. I don't get stomach aches from over eating anymore. Aside from the first 3 days, during which I was fasting, I've not felt hunger pains. I have 5 meals spread throughout the day. Please keep the input coming, it is all helpful and I am trying to adjust my plan accordingly
  • ElJefePerron
    ElJefePerron Posts: 88 Member
    A little math for you. The extra 500 calories a day to move you to the bare minimum for guys equals 1 lb a week.

    That pound means the difference between a weak heart and a healthy one, among all the other health problems you are chasing.
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    Okay, if there are no problems for you at 1000 calories and you are not willing to change that, maybe you could consume 1300-1500 calories and workout more? Because at already 1k calories, if you INCREASE your workout, you won't have "warning signs". You'll have "damage already caused". If you increase food intake, you will at least get your basic necessary nutrients and with lifting weight n all, you'll build muscle and avoid saggy skin too.
    But if you wait for phase one to end first and then make long term changes, then I'm afraid it will just be too late.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    You are seriously undereating. That's going to set you up for failure or malnutrition / hair loss / muscle loss.

    What Are the Risks of Rapid Weight Loss?

    Rapid weight loss creates physical demands on the body. Possible serious risks include:
    • Gallstones, which occur in 12% to 25% of people losing large amounts of weight over several months
    • Dehydration, which can be avoided by drinking plenty of fluids
    • Malnutrition, usually from not eating enough protein for weeks at a time
    • Electrolyte imbalances, which rarely can be life threatening

    Other side effects of rapid weight loss include:
    • Headaches
    • Irritability
    • Fatigue
    • Dizziness
    • Constipation
    • Menstrual irregularities
    • Hair loss
    • Muscle loss

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    eating more and exercising more to compensate for the extra calories is not the way to go either. you arent supposed to net below 1500 for a male.if you are so hell bent on losing weight so quickly then please see a dr and do it under his/her care where you are monitored regularly.also I would see a dietitian and get a meal plan. just because you feel good now doesnt mean you will a month down the road. you may just pass out one day from too much too soon. you wont always have symptoms either.oh and the less calories you consume eventually your metabolism will slow way down and it wont have to work as hard to burn calories and then you will have to work out even harder just to see a loss. its a never ending cycle of failure. trust me I have a sister who does this crap and she keeps gaining it back and then some. its disordered eating and over exercising in the context you are talking is also a sign of a disorder.we arent here to be hateful or rude. we want to see you do whats best for your body
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    So what happens when you can't lose weight on the little calories you eat now? Are you going to drop your calories even further? I understand that you want to drop the weight, but you didn't put it on over night and it's going to take time to lose it in a safe and sustainable manner. That's just my two cents, though. I personally would never be able to eat that little. I think I'd go on a murder spree, pending I even had the energy to do so. I'm 5'6" 161 lbs and I eat 2000 calories burning off about 400 or so per day, so net is about 1600.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Okay, if there are no problems for you at 1000 calories and you are not willing to change that, maybe you could consume 1300-1500 calories and workout more? Because at already 1k calories, if you INCREASE your workout, you won't have "warning signs". You'll have "damage already caused". If you increase food intake, you will at least get your basic necessary nutrients and with lifting weight n all, you'll build muscle and avoid saggy skin too.
    But if you wait for phase one to end first and then make long term changes, then I'm afraid it will just be too late.

    1300 is still too little for a man of his size.and working out more is not the answer either.
  • matthewlembke
    matthewlembke Posts: 14 Member
    As an additional note, I drink a minimum of 200oz of water a day
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    I'd say no, it doesn't sound better, unless that 1500 is net after exercise. I.e. exercise burning 300 calories means eat 1800 to net 1500.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    also 200 oz of water would be ok if you were 400lbs. you are supposed to drink half your body weigh in oz. so if you are 300 you would drink 150oz. most people dont drink that much but,yeah. if you are working out you have to fuel your workouts or you risk losing more muscle mass
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 296lb 6 foot and 32 years old. I have a large frame and people are always shocked to find out how much I weigh. At my worst I was 370lbs 1 month ago I was at 328 and that's where I've mostly been hovering for years. A couple weeks ago I finally had enough and in the middle of the week i decided I'm starting to change. I've started a diet that consists of 1000 +\- 100 calories per day. My diet consists of mostly chicken, veggies, light soup, and fruit. Im not drinking soda or eating sweets or eating bread or pasta. I don't have an overly physical job but I am on my feet the entire day and moving and lifting. I have been losing about 1lb per day on average. My fear is that I will end up with some nasty skin flaps. I am looking for some general tips and advice on how to avoid That.

    Good on you for making some changes and focusing on becoming a better version of yourself--takes strength. Yes, loose skin, to answer your initial question, could become a factor due to your rapid weight loss. Please--for your health, endurance, muscle mass--increase your daily caloric intake to at least 1600. Exercise and eat some of those calories back. I understand your desire--and you obviously want this--but please be smart. Be kind to your body--you only get one. It doesn't deserve to be punished in this way--hope you are hearing me. I have nothing but compassion for you, and I'm sorry for your loss--sounds like you've had a rough time. Wishing you the best of health.
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    edited June 2016
    Alright, as of next week I will try to up my calorie intake to 1500-1600 total calories adding primarily protein based calories. I will also add additional dog walks, a daily elliptical work out and some weight training. does this sound better to everyone?

    Yes ;)

    ETA: Eat back any calories burned through exercise. Fuel your body!
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    This is just my opinion and personal experience. My friend had similar stats and close to your age. He did the very rapid weight loss, about 1000 calorie a day. He lost 150 lbs. His hair fell out and he developed gallbladder issues. All Drs and nutristionist warned him to eat at least 1500, but he would not. He lost all muscle. Lose hanging skin all over. Then after he stated that way a couple months. Then gained 200 over the next two years. Then died of a heart attack at 35
  • TheHappyLoser
    TheHappyLoser Posts: 95 Member
    edited June 2016
    It's like everything you are doing, if you don't remember doing it, then it wasn't worth the effort.

    It took some time to gain it, it will take time to lose it. Quick fixes are mostly only temporarily.
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    Alright, as of next week I will try to up my calorie intake to 1500-1600 total calories adding primarily protein based calories. I will also add additional dog walks, a daily elliptical work out and some weight training. does this sound better to everyone?

    Not ideal...but it's an improvement!
  • matthewlembke
    matthewlembke Posts: 14 Member
    Well I guess it's a start. For what's it's worth, I really only plan to do this low calorie style weight loss for 5 more months.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited June 2016
    Alright, as of next week I will try to up my calorie intake to 1500-1600 total calories adding primarily protein based calories. I will also add additional dog walks, a daily elliptical work out and some weight training. does this sound better to everyone?

    This my first look at this discussion. At 6 foot and 32 years old your new plan as stated above along with your active job looks like quite a good plan.

    Matt, I got the same treatment from a similar crowd when I publicly proclaimed my too low calorie food plan. They do mean well and know well enough to be valuable help to you. And it's free. Damn, we're lucky.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Lost 100#, wasn't concerned about the long term damage I was doing...

    10 years, 2 bone grafts, 4 surgeries, 3 plates later I sure wish I knew one lost more than fat when one loses weight rapidly. Oh, and I can finally do push ups again after 3 years of physical therapy.

    Lose weight more slowly, please. #lfmf