Stomach is not flattening or toning up.

tokyoshiprincess Posts: 9
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm 5'0 and used to weigh 126 lbs, I've been eating a healthier diet and doing 60-65 mins of interval jogging 5 days a week for a little over a month now. I am now 118 lbs now but I can't seem to get rid of my belly fat and tone the stomach area? So because of this I still feel like I'm not reaching my goal since my overall goal is to flatten my stomach & no longer simply to "loose weight." I tell family and friends that I may need to be less than 110 lbs to trim the midsection, but they are telling me I shouldn't loose anymore weight. I have lost a couple inches around the waist area and I do the P-90 ab ripper workouts to tone my stomach but I still have a small pudge around my stomach area that just won't go away. Any tips or advice? Is it my diet/nutrition or do I just need to give my work outs more time?

My diet consists mainly of fruits, granola bars, water, hard-boiled eggs, turkey, roasted or grilled chicken breasts, salads, 100% whole wheat pasta whenever I have "eat-free cheat days." Whenever I allow myself any carbs I make sure its whole wheat and at least "healthy carbs." If I have any rice at all, I eat about a cup or less and try to eat brown rice instead. I've replaced a lot of my red meat consumption with either chicken breasts or lean turkey meat.


  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    The belly is usually the last thing to go you need to try some reverse crunches, and sit ups.
  • eleveson
    eleveson Posts: 2
    I saw an episode on the Doctors with a girl with you similar problem. The Dr. told her that though cardio is great if you want to lose the belly weight you have to do Strength training. Try it! The Doctors can't be wrong.
  • Dokks
    Dokks Posts: 16
    I'd just say that you cannot target a specific area for fat loss. Situps until your back breaks won't help you loose belly fat any faster than squats would.

    Try some strength training mixed in to build up muscles and see if that doesn't help the belly fat go . :)
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Fat can't be burned from specific areas, it is just general. Sadly the belly is usually one of the larger fat stores so tends to be the last place you get rid of it. You can tone muscles by working specific groups though so continuing with good cardio to burn fat and doing crunches, plank or any other tummy workout will help build the muscle up
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Toning doesn't really start to show until you drop your body fat percentage. Focus more on lifting weights instead of as much on just cardio. Do some reading up about cutting fat. If your body stores it in your stomach you need to reduce the total amount of fat. No amount of sit-ups will compensate for stored fat. I'm the same way with my thighs... I squat, lunge, run, and still it sticks. Sometimes mother nature is a ***** like that.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    i am in the same boat,but I weigh more.

    I'm 5'1" and 133 currently.

    Belly hasn't budged.... :cry:
  • I know a good plastic surgeon
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I still have a small pudge around my stomach area

    This is fat. You lose it the same way you lose the rest of the fat, with a caloric deficit. You can create that deficit with diet, exercise, or both, but that is the bottom line.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I would say keep up what your doing....maybe change up your ab dvd's
  • Julesfame
    Julesfame Posts: 32 Member
    I am with you. I have met my goal weight and then some, but still have the baby belly pooch. I am giving myself time to really work it off. One month might not be enough for you. I am doing ab exercises and running. I do see some improvement and almost see the beginning of a "six pack", but I have a lot of work to do for my lower abs. I think it just takes time.
  • pauterson
    pauterson Posts: 65
    Hi, You're not alone in feeling like this and your family's comments are coming from people who don't understand that there is a such thing as "skinny-fat"; I think this is a concept that most people don't understand - especially those who are overweight and would just like to be skinny something :-).

    When I first reached my weight "loss" goal I became very discouraged because of the same thing, I was TINY but NOT toned at all. I got discouraged and gained some back.... then I started doing TONS of research and learned what I need to do. Now, eventhough I'm still shedding pounds, I'm toning more than ever and it's incredible what high protein diet and trading hours of cardio for a combo of cardio and weight lifting will do to the body.

    Try doing some research on - if you decide you want to build a profile you can find me... my username is pauterson.

    Keep in mind, IF you're only doing cardio you probably need to do some weight training and you may need to increase your protein and lower your carbs. Don't worry, you won't "BULK UP".

    You'll find something that works for you... good luck. :-)
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Watch your sugar. That accumulates directly in the stomach...Even natural sources of sugar like fruit. I try to limit my sugar to 25 g a day and have it consumed mostly before 2 pm.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You need to strength train. If you have consistently done that much cardio and no strength training then much of your weight loss has likely been muscle loss. You need to worry about your body fat percentage, not your scale weight.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    That is my trouble area as well, especially after giving birth! It is getting smaller and firmer slowly but surely. Like others said, the tummy is the alst to go and we can't pick and choose where the fat comes off. Stick with the cardio, reverse crunches, twist situps, plank twists, get soem dvds for ab workouts maybe. I do 30 Day Shred, Zumba classes, and jog on our eliptical machine. It's all working coupled with eating healthier. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Brunches don't flatten the stomach. Plank and yoga does.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Are you doing any strength training? That will help tone up!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    If you have had kids sometimes the muscles are just stretched beyond normal exercise repair. A friend of mine had a full body lift because she couldn't get rid of the pooch no mater what she tried. She also went through a double mastectomy and she said the full body lift was MUCH MUCH more painful. She tried everything too and is now certified to teah Zumba and spin and hip hop dance class, so she is really in shape.

    She has her waist back now though and a huge scar from side to side to go with it.

    Basically they cut you in 1/2 and sew up the muscles and then lift and cut away loose skin and then sew you up outside too.

    I say no thanks...I don't look any better than her in a body has chubb and hers is a mess of scars. 6 of 1 1/2 dozen of another it's not worth that to me!

  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Cut out white carbs, my mom cut out white carbs and has a 6 pack now! along with eating well and exercising, i say cut out white carbs
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    All of these are good suggestion (except maybe the plastic surgery one), I just wanted to comment to remind you to do back exercises if you are doing ab exercises. If you don’t balance your workout you’ll be off balance, the last thing you need at 5’0 is to be slouching because you overworked your abs but not your back, and although it won’t slim down your tummy perse, it’ll help you stand taller which gives off the illusion of a slimmer figure.
    Best of luck!
  • dski0620
    dski0620 Posts: 2
    Do more strength/weight training vs only doing cardio. You can't just work out a specific area, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it! If you have thep90x program, try the core synergistic dvd. That dvd is insane!
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