Leaky gut/gallbladder sludge and weight gain?

I recently lost almost 20 pounds but soon after discovered I have bad SIBO, leaky gut and a gallbladder that is nearly not working at all because it's full of sludge.

I exercise. I eat healthy(most of the time), try desperately to track everything, the good the bad and the ugly and yet I have gained a few pounds.

And I can't seem to lose them. I've read that leaky gut and inflammation leads to gains sometimes but I don't want to lose all my hard work and not sure if there is anything I can do.

The Drs and I are working together but so far nothing is really working. Which is getting expensive and frustrating. Anyone have thoughts? Experience with something similar?


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Use a scale to weigh all solid food. How are you tracking your exercise burn and how long have you been at it? Also, may I ask if you are getting your information about leaky gut/sludge from an MD?
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    Yes I'm working with many doctors. And a nutritionist.
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I too am curious as my mom suffers from horrible IBS and has found some relief going dairy, gluten free but still has bad spells. Her Dr said that leaky gut is a "hoax" to get you to buy cleanses and vitamins. Not sure what to believe.

    I would love to hear more.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited June 2016
    Leaky gut syndrome is "not a medically recognized diagnosis".

    PS I am disturbed to read "expensive". I am concerned that you are being scammed. Eating at a deficit should work.
  • creasys_bean2011
    creasys_bean2011 Posts: 41 Member
    I have leaky gut also. I had great results with autoimmune paleo protocol diet. It's meant to help heal your body.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    Leaky gut syndrome is "not a medically recognized diagnosis".

    PS I am disturbed to read "expensive". I am concerned that you are being scammed. Eating at a deficit should work.[/

    I haven't digested most food for about 4 years. I have had ultrasounds/blood tests/ colonoscopies. I can assure you I am not being scammed. Thank you for your concern. The antibiotics that usually work for many can get very expensive and do not work for me.

    Just curious if others have suffered and how they have found relief. Thank you.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I have leaky gut also. I had great results with autoimmune paleo protocol diet. It's meant to help heal your body.

    Have you ever used bone broth? Apple cider vinegar?
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Leaky gut is real and no cleanse will heal it. I read a good book, Digestive-Health-Gastroparesis/dp/0991503112 , and there's lots of information in it on how leaky gut occurs.

    I suspected leaky gut since I've been having issues for years but I wasn't sure. First they thought it was my gallbladder and were going to remove it, then I was told by two doctors I had a ulcer (which I didn't have many ulcer symptoms so that didn't make sense), then I was told functional dyspepsia, then finally after a endoscopy and biopsy the biopsy showed celiac disease damage. I had no idea I had celiac disease but I was gluten free for a while because after elimination diets I noticed my hips had a lot more pain (which was normal before eliminating gluten). But I still had many other problems and gluten free wasn't helping. The specialist I saw who did the biopsy said there's so much cross contamination that I probably wasn't completely avoiding it. I told her I suspected leaky gut and she basically agreed but called it the actual term. She said many people do well eliminating FODMAPS to try and see what else bothers them. I noticed that even gluten free corn and oats make my hips hurt so until my gut has healed I'm staying away from them.

    I've thought about doing the paleo autoimmune protocol for a while and see how I feel. I basically eat paleo for the most part except I still eat a few nuts and seeds and hard cheese occasionally.

    I'm taking a transfer factor with a bunch of awesome extras (glutamine, curcumin, mushrooms, etc), grass fed gelatin or collagen when I don't make broths, and a good probiotic. I only just found out a couple weeks ago about being celiac so this is all new except the probiotic.

    I would love to hear from anybody that healed their gut successfully.

    Good luck OP. I hope some of this helps you.
  • creasys_bean2011
    creasys_bean2011 Posts: 41 Member
    @looney9708 I drink bone broth once a week and apple cidar vinegar some times lol
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Incorporate fermented foods into your diet. Here is a link to a pretty good article about healing leaky gut.

  • carinox25
    carinox25 Posts: 10 Member
    I just had a very in depth conversation with my doctor about everything you have mentioned a couple of weeks ago. She recommended several things.
    -The first thing she suggested is that I start taking a probiotic called VSL#3. It is very strong and she claims it will restore bacteria balance in the gut.
    -The second thing she recommended was an anti-candida diet and to eventually transition to paleo.
    -She suggested adding collagen to my diet as well as taking a vitamin K, D, C, calcium/magnesium supplement.
    -She also said to stay hydrated, and the best way to do that was by drinking water first thing in the morning.
    -She also recommended Kefir.
    -She also said avoid the temptation to take stomach meds like Tums, Gas-x, etc. Instead drink ginger tea.

    The most frustrating thing she told me was to be patient. She said it will take about 6 months to fully restore gut health. I have a lot of faith in this doctor; she has seen me through some crazy stuff and has never steered me wrong. I have made some of the changes and I am noticing a difference. I will fully implement everything she said starting July 3 (because I am going on vacation next week). I hope some of this will give you ideas.
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Are you using a food scale?
  • dwatson925
    dwatson925 Posts: 143 Member
    I just had my gall bladder removed. Also have had IBS. Really have to watch what you eat, when you eat and even an angle that you sleep.

    Anyone want to friend, please do.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    SweetP27 wrote: »
    Incorporate fermented foods into your diet. Here is a link to a pretty good article about healing leaky gut.

    SweetP27 wrote: »
    Incorporate fermented foods into your diet. Here is a link to a pretty good article about healing leaky gut.

    Is mentioned in the same sentence is mercola, wouldn't trust this guy at all.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Leaky gut syndrome is "not a medically recognized diagnosis".
    PS I am disturbed to read "expensive". I am concerned that you are being scammed. Eating at a deficit should work.
    According to Wikipedia: Leaky gut syndrome is a hypothetical, medically unrecognized condition which some alternative health practitioners claim is the cause of a wide range of serious chronic diseases, including diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

    I am more skeptical about a "sludge filled" gallbladder and could not find anything in medical literature about it.

    Agreed. Here is more info on how leaky gut is not real.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    A friend had a "diagnosis" of leaky gut and was put on what was basically a LCHF diet. No caffeine either as I recall. She has had huge success. I put "diagnosis" in quotes not because it's a joke, just because it's unproven atm. If the treatment isn't costing you a fortune, I see no harm in trying it.