Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June



  • BeautyTurnedVegan
    BeautyTurnedVegan Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Elena
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 29th: 166.2
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 158

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 164.2
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 2lbs
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Work on going to sleep early. Drink more water!!

    Struggles: Motivation, sometimes.

    Successes: I'm down 30lbs since March 4th, 2016.
  • mariluoshin
    mariluoshin Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Marilú
    Age: 20

    Starting Weight May 29th: 149.3
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 142

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 147.6
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 1.7 lbs
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Workout 6 days a week, sleep at least 6.5 hours a day, drink more water

    Struggles: I have a sweet tooth :(, sometimes motivation

    Successes: Not gaining any weight back in almost 3 months!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    We are halfway through our workweek! How are you doing so far this week? I hope you aren't struggling too much and that you having lots of wins even if its not on the scale. Don't forget to celebrate NSV's as well they are as or even MORE important as our numbers on the scale!!

    Challenge Question for today...

    Do you workout with a workout buddy or do you prefer to be on your own?
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    My workout buddy (buddies) are my kids lol. I dont exactly have the choice. When I workout at home the baby sits and watches me while he plays. Or he is with me in his stroller while I walk. Sometimes if my older kids are home from school they will join my workout while they are here or go out for walks with me as well while we play I spy or the "Animal guessing game. Every once in awhile a friend will join me but its not often.
  • Shelle33
    Shelle33 Posts: 63 Member
    My favourite workout song?

    This really changes depending on my mood. Lately I've been listening to Postmodern Jukebox, but the week before that it was The Great Comet and the week before that it was uptempo classical. Really it's more about the tempo of the music, especially if I'm on the treadmill. Something faster with a good beat (for awhile it was Queen and Uptown Funk).
  • Shelle33
    Shelle33 Posts: 63 Member
    Do you workout with a workout buddy or do you prefer to be on your own?

    I much prefer to be on my own. I get really self-concious about exercise, to the point that if someone else is in the gym, I'll just go back when it's empty again. The only exercise I like doing around people is dancing.
  • jzg0516
    jzg0516 Posts: 1 Member

    Age: 46

    Starting Weight June 6: 194
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 188

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:194
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: To begin exercising daily and start eating cleaner

    Struggles: Food around the house. Kids and husband eat what they want. I am trying to clean up everyone's act but don't want to make my kids obsessive about food either

    Successes: I am here and I started!
  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    Do I have a workout buddy?

    Sometimes I do! My boyfriend will come with me to the gym on his days off most of the time. We start off doing weight training together, and then he usually goes off to run and I take an elliptical, and we meet back up after an hour. It's really hard for me to do cardio with a buddy, I can't seem to focus!
  • saranne1015
    saranne1015 Posts: 180 Member
    Name: Saranne1015
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 29th: 153.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 149

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 152.4
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 1.4
    Total LBS lost this month: 1.1

    Weekly Goals: Eat less sodium, eat fewer carbs, make half of what I eat everyday green, drink more green smoothies

    Struggles: Keeping my intake healthy. Sometimes I'm like, "Oh, chips? I can eat like 3 of those and stay within my calorie goal!" And then I'm hungry at the end of the day because I could've used those calories for something more filling.

    Successes: Loose pants and compliments from my in-laws.
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    Name: Leslie (feel free to friend me, I'm new and need motivation!!!!)
    Age: 30

    Starting Weight May 29th: 316.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 305.8

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 309
    ****side note, I weigh in on wednesdays, so i weighed in on June first at 313.8 so I really lost 4.8 lbs this week***
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 7.8
    Total LBS lost this month: 7.8

    Weekly Goals: To keep hitting 10k steps a day and stay under my calories - and adding in some new healthy recipes into our week nights

    Struggles: I had a hard time hitting 10k steps this week, been so busy, but hey!

    Successes: Staying under calorie goals, and figuring out a way to move during any down time I have!

    Im having a really hard time hitting 10000 too. Then I see some people hitting 12 500... How do they find the time lol??

    Great job on the weight loss too!
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    My workout buddies are my kids as well lol. I'm always with my kids which is awesome, but makes it hard to get a good workout in. They are young and don't want to just watch me workout for 45 minutes lol. I also take my youngest for walks in the strollers on the days where it's nice outside. Fun for both of us!
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    Name: Leslie (feel free to friend me, I'm new and need motivation!!!!)
    Age: 30

    Starting Weight May 29th: 316.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 305.8

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 309
    ****side note, I weigh in on wednesdays, so i weighed in on June first at 313.8 so I really lost 4.8 lbs this week***
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 7.8
    Total LBS lost this month: 7.8

    Weekly Goals: To keep hitting 10k steps a day and stay under my calories - and adding in some new healthy recipes into our week nights

    Struggles: I had a hard time hitting 10k steps this week, been so busy, but hey!

    Successes: Staying under calorie goals, and figuring out a way to move during any down time I have!

    Im having a really hard time hitting 10000 too. Then I see some people hitting 12 500... How do they find the time lol??

    Great job on the weight loss too!

    Thanks! I try to get up from my desk job every hour and at least walk somewhere around the building. It also helps that the employee parking lot is a half mile away from the employee entrance to where I work, so I get steps in there too.
  • SallyDans
    SallyDans Posts: 11 Member
    Do you workout with a workout buddy or do you prefer to be on your own?

    I prefer having a workout buddy for non instructed workouts, we keep each other motivated. For classes it doesn't matter, a great instructor will keep everyone in gear.
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    I liked to be by myself although a work out buddy would prob motivate me!!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Sometimes my Mom will walk with me, and sometimes my teenaged daughter will. But, not all the time. I like it either way, alone or with a buddy.
  • jenlaw71
    jenlaw71 Posts: 56 Member
    went to the gym last night and was able to weigh......down to 204.4 and I'm down to a size 12 in pants :)

    10 facts:
    1. I am not THAT Jennifer Lawrence - but would love to meet her.
    2. I've lived in Texas, Florida, and Georgia - and will never move from Savannah, GA
    3. I have the most awesome/understanding/loving boyfriend
    4. I love to crochet
    5. I am absolutely obsessed with the tv series Outlander - and yes, I've read all the books
    6. My dream vacation is to the highlands of Scotland
    7. My favorite colors are pink and purple or combination of pink and chocolate brown
    8. I have 2 dogs and 5 cats - currently
    9. I am the AP/AR/Payroll/Billing specialist at my company
    10. I am proud of the fact I was finally able to get out of an abusive relationship and start focusing on myself
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited June 2016
    Workout buddies:

    I prefer to and typically workout alone, although I do know that if I'm with someone, I tend to workout harder.

    I typically get to paddle once or twice on my own, and then once a week, I paddle with a friend, and she always pushes me, though I don't think she realizes it.

    When I workout at home, and have any floor exercises, the cats all gather to watch and at least one will try to join in by walking between my legs or my arms if I'm on all four...makes it extra interesting. :D Sadly, there is no 'with cat' option for most exercises even though I'm sure it burns more calories. Been trying to get them to climb on my back for added weight, but we've not mastered that move yet. :/
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    Name: LeanStrongSexy
    Age: 51 on June 9th!!

    Starting Weight May 29th: 250
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 240

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 246
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 4 lb
    Total LBS lost this month: 4 lb

    Weekly Goals: 2 lbs

    Struggles: sweets and pizza this week. Excuses: 1. I was at my Aunts and she wanted pizza and ice cream and who can say no to theire Aunt who is home bound. 2. Its my birthday week and I have been indulging. Thursday will be my last day to indulge.


    I know I am really late posting this but I started new job and have been really busy. I hope to do better this week AFTER my birthday.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Happy Birthday @leanstrongsexy