post baby belly

I have a 7 month old and although I have reached my pre baby weight I am far from my pre baby body. My belly is still so soft and squishy and bulges out from the top of my jeans when I sit down. I can button up my old jeans but they dont look right as my belly bulges over the top. What do I have to do to get my belly to go away? I am getting so discurraged. I was realy hoping to have my body back for my Hawaii trip. Unfortunatly, that is in a week and a half and not going to happen.


  • hunterzmomma
    hunterzmomma Posts: 121
    my baby is a year old, and I am under my prepregnancy weight, and I still have a bit of a belly!!! starting to wonder if it will ever go away! it's the only fat on my whole body! ugh :(
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    My son is 7 and I still have a "baby belly". I don't think our bodies ever go back to the way they were pre-baby. Toning and doing Ab exercises may be helpful though.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    My baby is 12 years old and I am still working on getting rid of it!! LOL I just recently got really serious about it though and it seems to be working. I am beginning to wonder if the skin just got so stretched out it won't go back to where it once was. I am hapy with flatter at least and almost back to college weight!!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I have been working out and watching what I eat for 4 months now, and I can finally say that mine is starting to go. I had the same issue, and about 2 months ago I really increased my ab workouts, and it has made a huge difference. I do different exercises to target different ab muscles and i do them atleast 6 days a week. It takes hard work and time, but it will go away! Plus I do atleast 35-40 minutes of cardio 6 days a week.
  • shaunabecker77
    I've had three kids and never got my belly back to normal between any of the pregnancies. I've taken to wearing the "tummy tuck" jeans because regular jeans make me look weird. That said, I believe it can get close to what it was. I think it takes a lot of time (a LOT) and a lot of really hard work. Exercises focusing on core strength really do help. I did finally see a little improvement after my 2nd baby. My 3rd is now 6 mo old and I haven't had time to do a lot of exercise yet. Just the treadmill. That's awesome that you're at your prebaby weight, though! You deserve a pat on the back for that. I still have 11 pounds to go. Keep up the good work! We'll get there eventually, right?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    some of it is genetics. I'm fortunate, my baby is 21 months and I'm about 20 or 25 pounds under my prebaby weight and my belly is flat for the first time in 15 years . . . but I didn't have any abdominal tearing either. Sometimes the right and left muscle panels can seperate down the middle and the only recover I know for that is to have it stitched back up, there are quite a few reasons this can happen (including starting your workouts again too soon after baby is born, especially crunches). I hope someone has a better solution, and am all ears because I know quite a few women who suffer with this issue.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    My baby is almost 2, and I've been working on my belly for 4 months now. I've lost 5" off my waist so far, but it still does look slightly squishy/flabby. I don't think it will ever look totally flat, but at least there is hope that it will shrink even more with time. Right now I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 6-Week Six-Pack.
  • fittina
    fittina Posts: 8 Member
    My baby is 2yo and I was slightly overweight when I got pg.I gained 45lbs.during my pgcy.With my previous 3 pgcy's I never even came close to my 4th pgcy starting weight.I should've known I was in trouble.After delivery,I lost 20 lbs.,then gained back 35.Ouch!My belly is so big now that I look almost 7 have even been asked 'the question" of course. I am so unhappy with this belly and so is my dh(although he has his own belly to lose)Why does "the belly" have to look so much worse on the woman?Grrr...
    I have currently been eating"clean" for 2 weeks and have been doing the 30 day shred for 3 days.My inspiration clothing is my sz 5/7 Levi's.Levi's are so cute in that size.

    Good luck everyone!
    We can all do this!
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    I pretty much had back to back pregnancies. The oldest one is 16 months and the young one is 3 months, suffice it to say right now looking at my baby belly I don't think it will ever fully disappear.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    First, i would liek to state, I don't have kids and am a guy. To help with the situation, I would suggest keep a relatively low carb intake. Skin is fairly elastic so you should be able to bring that back to your pre-baby body. I have seen several woman develop abs post multiple kids but it comes with a strict diet and a good workout program. I do chalean extreme (and have done p90x) and several people on there have had kids and they have abs. To eliminate belly fat, you really need to reduce your overall body fat % significantly and increase your lean muscle mass. Losing weight alone will NOT get you there. If you have a workout probably that works your core and stresses a mixture of cardio and heavy weight training while reducing your carbs to 40% of your caloric intake, with 40% protein and 20% fat, your bodyfat will drop quickly. This is the approach I have taken with great success. I would suggest though increasing yoru carb intake by 5% every 45 days. Also with the carbs, ensure you get complex carbs (no refined sugars and whole grains). Hope this helps.