Stretch marks



  • justincooper405
    justincooper405 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks everyone <3
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Yea, they suck. I have finally conceded to the fact that they will be there forever. They do fade though. Keeping a good tan seems to be the "best" solution.
  • amberets96
    amberets96 Posts: 9 Member
    Try bio oil... I had some really bad stretch marks on my thighs from gaining weight and it has helped them fade considerably. It's a bit pricey but it worked for me.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    rebma164 wrote: »
    Try bio oil... I had some really bad stretch marks on my thighs from gaining weight and it has helped them fade considerably. It's a bit pricey but it worked for me.

    This actually worked for my stretch marks too! I bought it on Amazon and used it as directed. It helped my arms so much! I wish I had taken before and after pictures! It didn't work as well on my love handles.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    I tried tiger balm (the red one) which is cheap and available from most supermarkets/chemists/even the pound store in the UK. It seemed to be help the deep red fade quite quickly. I stopped when my partner 'borrowed' a few packs of a silicone based gel from work usually prescribed to new mothers and post surgery patients. After a few weeks it didn't seem to be doing anything but I've never gotten back to the Tiger Balm.

    Stretch marks do fade over time to white/silver, you can make them fade quicker if they are currently red but if they have already changed colour then thats the end of the story.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I sometimes think my stretchmarks are horrendous, but I couldn't give two hoots about my boyfriends.
    And he doesn't notice mine, but thinks his are awful.
    No one apart from you will ever notice or care about your stretchmarks, honestly.