Am I looking at this realistically???

Hey MFP peeps. I have been here twice before. Lost 30lbs both times but gained it all back. I am 25 years old 4'11 and weigh 195lbs. Ive lost 5lbs in my first week. Most likely water weight I know. This week. I have been replacing 2 meals with protein bars or smoothies. Then I eat whatever my boys want for dinner. I am a binge eater. If we'd order food id eat it all till it was gone. I had my first break through this week when my Fiancee ordered Papa Johns pizza and I ate only one slice. Where before I would eat 4-5 slices with a bunch of ranch and a 2 liter of pop. I couldnt believe I didnt binge this week. But people tell me to realistically make my goals. Am I going to be able to never binge eat again? Probably not. So my question to you is is it okay to binge eat once a week and still lose the weight you want to lose? Is it even possible for me to lose weight if U binge eat once in a while. I want to get to 130lbs. Im scared ill never get there.


  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Eat more satisfying, fiber filled and whole foods throughout the day and hopefully you won't be in a binge mindset. If your binges are emotionally triggered, then you'll really need to work on your mental well being.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    It is purely about your calories and being in a deficit if you keep track of how much over you binge eat and make up for that in the week to maintain a deficit you'd still lose.

    You're weight would fluctuate a fair amount but the overall trend would be downward. Also I can't speak for how good it'd be for you in overall health but in terms of weight if there is a deficit for the weekly total you'll lose.

    How do I count my weekly total?
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    It is possible to reduce binge eating to the point that it rarely happens. Binge eating once per week will most likely destroy your deficit for the week and result in frustration. There are a variety of ways to get better control over binge eating and you'll have to find the one that works best for you. Here are a few that I know of:

    1. Setting your goal to lose less weight per week (give you more to eat and feels less like restriction).
    2. Eating at maintenance once per week.
    3. Planning a small treat for the end of the day.
    4. Eliminating treats completely.
    5. Planning a treat once per week, but setting a calorie limit for it.

    You may find something else that works much better than any of those. Ideally you want to find something that you can keep up forever. The biggest piece of advice that I can give is to not try to make up for a binge by starving yourself the next day.

    Thanks for the advice
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Eat more satisfying, fiber filled and whole foods throughout the day and hopefully you won't be in a binge mindset. If your binges are emotionally triggered, then you'll really need to work on your mental well being.

    They are emotionally triggered.
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    edited June 2016
    It is purely about your calories and being in a deficit if you keep track of how much over you binge eat and make up for that in the week to maintain a deficit you'd still lose.

    You're weight would fluctuate a fair amount but the overall trend would be downward. Also I can't speak for how good it'd be for you in overall health but in terms of weight if there is a deficit for the weekly total you'll lose.

    How do I count my weekly total?

    Idk that you could do it on mfp you might have to just track another way, how much you eat each day. For instance if maintenence is 2000 calories a day to maintain weight, for a week you would eat 14000 calories. Keep track of daily calories and at the end of the week make sure you are under 14000 and you'll lose weight depending on how under you are.

    This being said I would really look more at USMCMP advice and try to cut out/reduce the binge eating as much as possible.
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    Remember you need a 3500 calorie deficit in one week in order to lose a pound a week. If you binge eat just make up for it with exercise and a deficit.
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    I binge eat, at night after dinner most of time, not sure if its emotional though most of the time its out of boredom for me. What I did when I was really motivated to lose weight was set my mind up that dinner was over the kitchen was clean and closed for the evening. Not sure what time of the day you may binge though. Its tough why not have a cheat meal each week and plan for it like do an extra 30 minute cardio session that day.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    It is possible to reduce binge eating to the point that it rarely happens. Binge eating once per week will most likely destroy your deficit for the week and result in frustration. There are a variety of ways to get better control over binge eating and you'll have to find the one that works best for you. Here are a few that I know of:

    1. Setting your goal to lose less weight per week (give you more to eat and feels less like restriction).
    2. Eating at maintenance once per week.
    3. Planning a small treat for the end of the day.
    4. Eliminating treats completely.
    5. Planning a treat once per week, but setting a calorie limit for it.

    You may find something else that works much better than any of those. Ideally you want to find something that you can keep up forever. The biggest piece of advice that I can give is to not try to make up for a binge by starving yourself the next day.

    This lady right here ^ knows what she's talking about. I'd heed her advice and make it happen.

    Also, depending on how much you eat when you 'binge', you could very VERY easily destroy an entire weeks deficit (or more) with one day/night of 'binging'. My personal advice is to eat the foods you like, but make them fit into your allotted daily calories. Take it ONE day at a time. Don't look at it as "OMG I have to eat like this for a year or more? WTF" - look at it as one day at a time. Just for today.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    I was a huge binge eater prior to MFP which I started in January 2016. Mostly that is gone and when I do have more to eat than I normally do at those times when I need a little extra it is usually on better food. ie instead of potato chips and cream cheese I will eat an extra skinless chicken breast and fruit still keeping well within my calorie intake.

    I haven't taken all of the foods off the menu as a possibility. If I want to have my favorite pizza, I will let myself have it (hasn't happened yet in 6 months but its a possibility), I just figure that moderation will now come in to play so instead of eating an extra large pizza all by myself over the course of a weekend a small should suffice for even longer than that.

    I hope that helps and I have lost 77 lbs so far but I still have about 186 still to go so hitting my ultimate goal is still a long time in the future. I was 378 and now I am on the brink of breaking the 300 mark. I am proud of myself but I still have a long way to go
  • jirocpa
    jirocpa Posts: 36 Member
    Plenty of people on here will stay strict for 6 days, then have just one eat-what-I-want day or meal. You can still lose weight that way. One meal won't wreck your week, you'll still show some weight loss, and you won't feel like you're depriving yourself of things you like. You may find that after a great week, you're not willing to go all out and eat your face off.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    If binge eating is a destructive (to your overall weight and health) behaviour then yes, you need to stop it. I know that I cannot go out and eat a Chilli Cheese A Plenty and maintain my weight so I had to give them up. This is more about lifestyle change than diet and the change has to be on the good side. I used to eat the pizza until it was gone to and it was a large. Now I eat at most 2 to 3 slices of a 10" Gluten free pizza.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I hoping after a while this wanting to binge thing goes away. Or ill never make it.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    It is purely about your calories and being in a deficit if you keep track of how much over you binge eat and make up for that in the week to maintain a deficit you'd still lose.

    You're weight would fluctuate a fair amount but the overall trend would be downward. Also I can't speak for how good it'd be for you in overall health but in terms of weight if there is a deficit for the weekly total you'll lose.

    How do I count my weekly total?

    MFP will give you a report that you can break down for a week but it won't break it down from specific dates, just one week back from the date of the report.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    What (or should I ask, how much) are you considering a binge? And what is your Calorie goal?
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    edited June 2016
    My calorie goal is 1200. Im 4'11 and 195lbs. A typical binge would be around 1900-2500 calories.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Well, it seems like you should be able to lose weight, if you were to eat at 1200 for 6 days and have one 3500 day.


    It seems you have MFP set up for a 2 lb per week loss? If so, maybe try changing it to a 1 lb per week loss - which is #1 on usmcmp's list. You might find that you don't feel the need/desire to have a "big" day.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    This calorie counter says I need 2,339 calories a day to maintain my weight. So in order to lose weight I need to take 3500 from that number right? So 2339-3500=12873 is how many calories im supposed to eat in one week. Am I doing this right?