Macros Help

I am starting a low carb eating plan, and I want to do 20% Carb, 40% fat and 40% Protein is that a good place to start for weight loss? But what I don't understand is I put that in and just entered one meal and it says my fat is 52% goal 40 but then when I look at the nutritional info it says I have 41g left, and protein 45% of 40 but I have 96g left, I know I'm a total numpty but don't understand


  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    The percentages just show the makeup of what you've already eaten (so they change as you log through the day - it will always add up to 100%) and the goals are based on the total number of grams that you're wanting to eat in a day and don't change.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    edited May 2016
    Each meal may vary in macro content. The object is to finish up the day at your goal. So with that one meal, you had a bit more fat and protein, and very low, if any carb content. So with the grams "left," you can plan the remainder of your intake. Hope this helps!

    Edited to add: the weight loss part depends on your calorie deficit. People often find that low-carb eating helps them stick to a deficit as protein and fat tend to curb hunger, but there is nothing particularly magical about low-carbing for weight loss.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    To me, 40% might be A LOT of protein, depends on your overall intake. If you're eating 1200 calories per day, 40% of that from protein is 120 grams. But if you're eating a total of 1800 calories per day, 40% of that is 180 grams. This may be more than you can reasonably use and you'd just be overtaxing your kidneys and wallet for no reason.

    Then again, you might find you're not hungry if you eat that much protein.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    edited May 2016
    Yeah, that's quite a difficult percentage ratio to hit regularly. I can see trying to cut carbs a little, especially if you are eating fairly low cal - but 20% is really super low, and 40% protein is going to be tough. Is there a reason you've chosen this other than weight loss?

    Have you tried just using the generic macros here on the site and logging everything for a while? Or even 30P/30/F/40C would be good, and much easier.

    I use the generic numbers here - they are the recommended macros for most people - and I make sure to hit my Protein and Fat goals every day. The carbs can fall where they will. I'm almost always over on Fat.

    I've lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for nine years.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    To me, 40% might be A LOT of protein, depends on your overall intake. If you're eating 1200 calories per day, 40% of that from protein is 120 grams. But if you're eating a total of 1800 calories per day, 40% of that is 180 grams. This may be more than you can reasonably use and you'd just be overtaxing your kidneys and wallet for no reason.

    Then again, you might find you're not hungry if you eat that much protein.

    A good guideline is .8-1.2 g protein per pound of current weight if you are eating at a deficit and want to minimize muscle loss. I am 5'6" weigh 149# at the moment and eat between 135-150 g of protein a day. It does help with hunger and also supports my activity level. That being said - drinking sufficient water and maintaining electrolytes are both important. All of this assumes good general health.
  • akd1961
    akd1961 Posts: 10 Member
    I went on to OKL and have now set goals at 26g Carbs 79g fat & 106 protein is this better? The 26g carbs I guess will be net carbs less the fibre. I'm 5ft 8 weigh 157lbs and got calories set at 1240 is that too low, wanted a quick start, my job is sedentary
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    akd1961 wrote: »
    I am starting a low carb eating plan, and I want to do 20% Carb, 40% fat and 40% Protein is that a good place to start for weight loss? But what I don't understand is I put that in and just entered one meal and it says my fat is 52% goal 40 but then when I look at the nutritional info it says I have 41g left, and protein 45% of 40 but I have 96g left, I know I'm a total numpty but don't understand

    macros matter not for weight loss they are about health and nutrition...

    As for the goals here you need all day logged to see where you land in your goals not just partial days.