how often do you workout?



  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    5-6 day a week.. usually i try to get 45-90 mins a day, but recently i have been only doing 20-40 min a day :(( i need to pick it up again
  • micki59
    micki59 Posts: 25
    WOW!!! :noway: I must say I am a SLACKER!!! I only work out 3X/week, sometimes a good walk one other day. I guess I'm lucky I lost any weight at all! I don't enjoy it in the least, dread going, but do feel better after. That is just me ~ :ohwell:
  • kwhinson
    kwhinson Posts: 4
    I set out for 4 days a week but since joining MFP, I've worked out everyday because I like to see it add up (and get a few more calories to eat each day!). :)
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Every day for 30-45 minutes. On the weekends I try to workout twice a day.
  • kd10680
    kd10680 Posts: 31
    I normally workout 6 days a week and I like to do it first thing when I get up in the morning to know that I have it done! :-)
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    3 days on 1 day it equals to one 5-6 times a week....
  • johnnythebaptist
    6 days a week and usually take sunday off. However If I get tired or exausted I will take a day during the week and workout after church.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I aim for 5 days and it is normally once a day unless I do something at the job.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Six days a week.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I just started going to the gym this week; my plan is to go for at least 30 minutes Monday through Friday; and then try to be active around the house on weekends (not too hard, chasing an 18 month old around). I would like to up my time to an hour a day at the gym as I get in better shape but got to get in the habit of going and working out for 30 minutes before I up my time and burn myself out!
  • emeraldpearl
    emeraldpearl Posts: 60 Member
    i du everyday if im not sick.....but that just me, i'm addicted to my treadmil:smile:
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    OMG HOW do people fit in exercise EVERY day???? I work mon-fri and have 2 small kids and I exercise 4/5 nights a week. I'm frazzled most of the time as I get up at 5.30am every day (lie on at the weekend with the kids is 7am at a push) and get to bed at about 11pm most nights.

    I'd love to exercise more, esp during the day. One day!!!:laugh:
  • Sarcastic1
    Sarcastic1 Posts: 14 Member
    Twice a day, for about 45 mins each time, doing something cardio usually. I try to plan for a day off once a week but feel guilty and miserable if I don't do something to get my heart rate up for at least 45 mins, so I usually end up working out on my off day too. Not that this appears to be working as I haven't lost any weight in over a month (or more), but now I'm scared to stop because if this much excercise keeps me at my current weight, what will less do to me???? Although, I have not gained a single pound during my TOM this month (usually gain 4), soooo, maybe it's been successful in some way.
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    I shoot for cycling 150-200 miles per week. 25-30 miles Wednesday-Friday, and 50+ Saturday and Sunday. Throw in a 100 mile ride once a month.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    6 days a week for 1-3 hours ea time..
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Im a slacker too!! I workout 6x a week for between 30-60 mins. My life revolves around my 3 little kids. So I get work out when I can and it's not usually ever the same time everyday.
  • ABNemeth
    ABNemeth Posts: 6
    6x a week 2-3 hours. Every 2nd day different! I have heavy and light
    weight training day and cardios. Weekends for fun, like I do rafting in
    the summer lol I burn 1500-2200 cals daily.