June 1st challenge



  • witchyzeeluh
    witchyzeeluh Posts: 16 Member
    A little late but I'd like to join and give it a try. I could use the good motivation. :smile:
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »

    Finally saw 165 again lads. 165.3 this morning!

    Well, I was hovering and bouncing above that for a while, but 164.3 as of this morning. Weird, as I went HARD at the gym yesterday and fully expected to be retaining a ton of water weight and be up a couple lb but *shrug*

    That's probably gonna happen tomorrow, now I've said that. I've gone and cursed it now.
  • sc487
    sc487 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 278.4
    CW: 273.2
    GW: 268.4

    5.2 lbs lost for June. Over half way there.
  • sc487
    sc487 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 278.4
    CW: 272.0
    GW: 268.4

    6.4 Lbs lost
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,023 Member
    Goal by July 1: 202 or below

    5/30/16 - 205.6
    6/6/16 - 203.2 (-2.4 lbs)
    6/10/16 - 202

    Weighed in early as I won't be able to on Monday. Down another 1.2 for a total of 3.6 and hit my goal early so now to revise it. Let's try for 200 or below by July 1.
  • babyxfangs
    babyxfangs Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 265 June 1
    CW: 258.3
    GW: 255 on July 1

    Lost 4.1lbs this week with a total of 6.7lbs lost so far. So close to my June Challenge goal!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    163.5 today

    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 12/6: 163.5 (-2.3lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (5.5lb to go)
  • crazypeachs
    crazypeachs Posts: 55 Member
    weeeeellllllll..... i knew it was too good to be true. ok, it's my own fault. we ate out a couple times, and apparently i can't keep myself within calories when i do that. good thing the money-budget doesn't allow for it very often, either. :( anyway, point is, i'm up a couple pounds. i don't remember the actual number, and thought i was going to weigh myself again before the weekend was over, so i didn't make note of it when i did weigh myself. :( i know, excuses, excuses.

    suffice to say, i'm probably back to 303-ish. i'll do better this week. and i'll spend the next week and a half planning how i'm going to do better next payday (our tradition is to eat lunch together on payday. it's the only chance we get to thruout the week)

    in brighter news, i walked 5 times last week, only did strength once tho. i'm working on it.

    hope everyone else had a better week. best wishes for this week.
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    I'm a little down today
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    Work so hard last week, ate healthy and stay below my calorie goal and still no change on the scale
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    @normalicia11 Frustrating. Hang in there! Weight loss is not linear.
  • Martha6010
    Martha6010 Posts: 82 Member
    182.4. June 3rd
    181.6 June 14th
    We can do it
  • prettyblondylady
    prettyblondylady Posts: 13 Member
    So....I ran a 5k on june 5. Ran the whole way, no stopping. Yay! Felt great except I noticed afterwards that my foot was a little swollen and bruised but just thought it would go away. Fast forward to yesterday-went to the doctor because I was still in pain. Turns out I have a fracture and need to wear a boot for 3 weeks. Super frustrated. :-(
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    @prettyblondylady Way to go! You can still walk with the boot on, right? You can belly dance! Maybe ride a bike?
  • prettyblondylady
    prettyblondylady Posts: 13 Member
    @prettyblondylady Way to go! You can still walk with the boot on, right? You can belly dance! Maybe ride a bike?

    No belly dancing for sure!!! Haha!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »
    163.5 today

    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 12/6: 163.5 (-2.3lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (5.5lb to go)

    I'm still at 163.5. It's actually been completely stable 3 days running which is unusual for me. Expecting a drop aaaaaany day now.
  • mallygirl420
    mallygirl420 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm really proud of my progress this month :smile: My goal for the end of June is 138 (and I'm on track to hit it)! And my ultimate goal is either 115 lbs, 18% body fat or a size 2 (whatever comes first).

    Here's my progress:
    June1: 151.5
    June 8: 146
    June 15: 143

    Down 8.5!!!

    I've been working out daily (which is what I've been doing for about four years), but this month I have been really strict about what I eat. I've allowed myself to cheat sparingly - you can see, my dairy is open.

    I'm so excited by how I feel and to see the progress on the scale (I haven't really noticed a difference in how I look, although my boyfriend says he can tell). I'm just kind of impatient about how long it will take to get to my goal!

    I'm looking for friends and I hope you add me :)
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »

    I'm still at 163.5. It's actually been completely stable 3 days running which is unusual for me. Expecting a drop aaaaaany day now.

    Called it! 162.75

    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 12/6: 162.75 (-3lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (4.75lb to go)
  • Martha6010
    Martha6010 Posts: 82 Member
    182.4. June 3rd
    181.6 June 14th
    180.8 June 16th
    We can do it
  • sc487
    sc487 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 278.4
    CW: 270.4
    GW: 268.4

    8 lbs lost
  • babyxfangs
    babyxfangs Posts: 14 Member
    Down 1.6lbs this week, with an 8.3lb loss so far this month!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    edited June 2016
    lexbubbles wrote: »

    Called it! 162.75

    162.75 for 2 days running (16th/17th) then another drop this morning to 161.5!

    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 18/6: 161.5 (-4.25lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (3.5lb to go)
  • Brushami
    Brushami Posts: 17 Member
    On June 1, I weighed 197 pounds. June 18 I weighed 191.6. 5.4 pounds lost, another 4.6 to go. Father's day will set me back a bit along with my trip to IL for family reunion, but I will try my darnedest to be at 187 before July 1 hits.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Another quarter pound down today

    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 18/6: 161.25 (-4.5lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (3.25lb to go)
  • crazypeachs
    crazypeachs Posts: 55 Member
    sorry i'm posting so late this week.

    sw:305 / cw: 303.6 :disappointed: only one week left and i'm not making the progress i was hoping for. kind of helps to see i'm not the only one, but i'm sad for all of us at the same time. glad for everyone making their progress. good for you!

    we'll see how i do this week. maybe i should just be glad to lose 5 for the month? ah, well, progress (even tho slow) is still progress, right?
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    SW 184 (June 1st)
    Cw 179
    GW for challenge: 174

    We have 10 more days on this challenge, let's give it all!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Hang in there with me, I don't weigh in until July 7th & I want to have somebody to celebrate with! My clothes feel looser & people are commenting...
  • Brushami
    Brushami Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2016
    SW 6/1: 197
    CW 6/18: 191.6 (Lost 5.4, 4.6 more to lose)
    CW 6/22: 189 (8 pounds lost, 2 more to lose)
    GW 7/1: 187

    Amazing that appropriate eating and exercise can fix in 4 days what a holiday messed up in 2 :wink:
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,023 Member
    Goal by July 1: 202 or below

    5/30/16 - 205.6
    6/6/16 - 203.2 (-2.4 lbs)
    6/10/16 - 202
    6/20/16 - 206.6 (+4.6) vacation

    Not going to worry about that. We came home Sunday and I got right back on track on Monday. Since then I have lost 2 pounds but will not put that on the list until I see if I can lose more over the weekend.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    SW 01/6: 165.75
    CW 27/6: 158.5 (-7.25lb)
    GW 01/7: 158 (0.5lb to go)