?'s Bout working out

Ok heres my quetion..I got the 30 day shred n only did 15 mins of the 1st level..I couldnt finish it all..:angry: But I felt ok after it until the next day..I hurt so bad in my legs that I could barely walk or even have my legs touched n when I did walk my legs kinda buckled under me or like they was having spasms* while I was walking...My legs hurt so bad I cried and I am just now getting to where I can walk normal again..If anyone has any ideas on what I did wrong or what I can do please let me know..I went n seen my dr b4 I started this dvd n she said I was fine to excersice...Thanks for the help..:flowerforyou:


  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Ok heres my quetion..I got the 30 day shred n only did 15 mins of the 1st level..I couldnt finish it all..:angry: But I felt ok after it until the next day..I hurt so bad in my legs that I could barely walk or even have my legs touched n when I did walk my legs kinda buckled under me or like they was having spasms* while I was walking...My legs hurt so bad I cried and I am just now getting to where I can walk normal again..If anyone has any ideas on what I did wrong or what I can do please let me know..I went n seen my dr b4 I started this dvd n she said I was fine to excersice...Thanks for the help..:flowerforyou:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    I have this trouble when I do the Biggest Loser Cardio Max, not quit as bad as that but still the same my legs are killing me the next few days. I just figured I was using muscles in a different way than I was with my other workouts. I just don't do that dvd as often letting my body get use to it slowly first.

    Sorry your are feeling so much pain, maybe try a nice warm/hot bath to soak in:flowerforyou:
  • Julie1984
    It's normal for your muscles to be sore the day after you work out- especially if you haven't really worked those muscles in a while, and if it was an intense workout like that one. Next time, make sure that you stretch more afterwards... Jillian doesn't really make you hold those stretches for very long. Also, make sure to pay attention to your form while doing the lunges and squats- you can hurt your legs if you do them wrong.
  • Katgod318
    Katgod318 Posts: 70 Member
    I have definitely been there. I especially had that problem when I first started working out again. The best things to do are STRETCH really well, take it SLOW, drink PLENTY of water, and if it gets too bad....hop in a warm bath.

    Take care and try to ease yourself into everything. Alot of videos and workouts don't do the true amount of stretching needed before and after to soothe your muscles, so do some on your own. It is well worth it.
  • jelee18
    jelee18 Posts: 46
    Stretching after and drinking plenty of water definitely helps. When taking on a new excerise challenge, don't push too hard in the beginning. Get used to the moves and make sure you are using proper form. You want to make sure the "stress" is being placed on the right muscles.
  • callme911
    callme911 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, good job for doing as much as you did! I am sure it was a challenge, but if you keep it up, soon you will find out that you can do a few extra minute each time, and before you know it, you will be doing the whole workout and feeling GREAT afterward!

    As for the muscle aches and pains, here are a few suggestions.

    Try getting a HIGH protein shake to drink right afterward. The protein will go straight to the injured/damaged muscles and help to repair them. I drink Gnc Pro Performance - Wheybolic Extreme 60 - Chocolate flavor. It has 60 grams of protein, and has made such a difference in the amount of discomfort I am feeling the next day from my workouts.

    Also, for the spasms and muscle cramps, try eating a banana. I have been told that bananas are great from preventing, charlie horses, muscle spasms and cramps.

    Good luck!
  • MisoSoup79
    All good advice from previous posters. I would add, that doing a little bit of lower intensity cardio (light jogging, stationary bike, elliptical, etc) after your workout and on the days you don't have resistance training will help loosen up those muscles! It may be really, really difficult to find the motivation to try it, but after a few minutes you will feel better.
  • fordr12
    I don't know what exercises you were doing but did you stretch before and after, you should also make sure you are properly warmed up before exercising. Some of the work out DVD doesn’t have a good warm up, if you think you need more warm up time than your DVD is giving you, you should pause it and some jumping jack or something like that and do a few more stretches before hitting play. Feeling sore the next couple of day is a good sign that you challenged your body but you should not work out so much that you can't walk.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks everyone..I'm doin the 30 Day shred from Jullian Micheals..I'm gonna start it again today maybe I will be able to walk the next day..:flowerforyou:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    my first couple days after i got my stationary bike were the same way. my knees were killing me and my legs were so tight they didnt want to move or support my weight. but i took a rest day and got back on. now i feel great after i work out.