Weight Watchers

bryben2014 Posts: 14 Member
Hi I thought it would be interesting to use MFP to track calories alongside Weight Watchers which tracks points. Is anyone else doing this?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm sure there are some.

    FYI - I don't know if WW still allows "free" fruits & veggies....but for MFP, you will want to log those too.

    Good luck!
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    I am doing the same thing. Lost 60 pounds with WW and found it all back. Recently joined WW again. Thanks to menopause my metabolism has come to a halt so WW is slow going. A friend recommended MFP so here I am. I simply must get my weight under control, so I am tracking on both, plus journaling. Once I do both for a bit, I will decide is the most effective for me. Any pointers are appreciated.
  • kac20162017
    kac20162017 Posts: 10 Member
    I do! I log into both apps every day because I am interested to see calories and nutrition facts too!
    TLCSME Posts: 4 Member
    I just signed back up for WW this week and got back on MFP too. It had been over a year since last check in. Would love to "friend" anyone interested in supporting each other. All of my other friends on here went dormant or closed profiles. :( Would love the extra support and am happy to offer the same.
  • Kimba1949
    Kimba1949 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am doing smart points and have decided I also want to log on here so have just returned. Anyone doing the same please friend me and we can support one another. Kim
  • marywal1963
    marywal1963 Posts: 23 Member
    Lifetime member who fell off the wagon. Was thinking about returning but my friend, in the meantime, told me about this website and the fact this is free is a big plus! Really don't want to pay the weekly fee if I don't have to. Giving My fitness pal the college try!
  • Limon421
    Limon421 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm doing both, I track everything I eat on mfp and then convert to smart points. Been on ww for 3 years lost 70. Trying to lose another 25. I loose really slow. I like the nutritional information on mfp. I count everything so nothing free.
  • lhm8900
    lhm8900 Posts: 2 Member
    I also do ww and am at goal it will be 4 years next month but still tracking and I have added mfp this week to supplement my activity tracker. mfp also is great for learning more about the quality of the food I am choosing
  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    I've been trying because I like the WW meetings, but I just cannot get on board with the points. I'm very good at estimating calories, but none of the "points" make sense to me! (Probably a sign I have no idea how much fat etc. is in what I'm eating). Anyway, I'm doing what works for me right now, which is MFP. If I quit losing I might have to switch to points, but I'm attending the meetings at least up until this summer (at which point hopefully I'll be liftime?)
  • angel157A
    angel157A Posts: 17 Member
    So happy to find some WW peeps on here! I'm an at-goal (for 10 + yrs) who also happens to work for WW. I know it works ... if you follow the program! Problem is I turned 50 last year, and lost some two important 'M's .... Motivation & Motabolism, lol. Looking to this new way of tracking to find them! Friend me for mutual support if you like!
  • joan8855
    joan8855 Posts: 10 Member
    I've lost 2 and a half stone with weight watchers, but am using MFP more to record foods and count calories rather than points. I'm allowed 30 sp with weight watchers but 1200 calories usually works out at around 26 sp.
  • laurasturn
    laurasturn Posts: 11 Member
    I have started Weight Watchers seriously this week with MFP. I am hoping that between the two I will be able to be more accountable and lose this weight. I have increased my steps from 7000 a day to 19000 and am doing a 30 minute workout daily with a friend at work. Would love more friends that are on WW.
  • mellowyellow218
    mellowyellow218 Posts: 8 Member
    I have tried both WW and MFP. I struggle between which one works better or which one I should stick with. I'm notorious for switching plans mid week or mid month to "change it up a bit". WW restricts calories and so does MFP. I think if you stay under your points or your calories, you will see a change in your weight. Good luck to everyone!
  • ChefTamiCinNC
    ChefTamiCinNC Posts: 39 Member
    I start WW on June 22nd through my workplace. I've lost 11 pounds since April 22, 2016 just by using MFP for accountability. I'm so lazy! I know I could get up and move but I don't! There is a full gym (free for me) at my office. I really don't know what is wrong with me! If nothing else I could ride the stationary bike or walk on the treadmill during lunch. Just can't get it together and get in there. I'm 51. Was thin all of my life until I went back to work after being a stay at home Mom for 5 years. Bad decisions and lack of moving and the weight piled on. I need WW and MFP for accountability. Good luck to everyone on your journey!
  • JennylovesKarl
    JennylovesKarl Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 2016
    I actually did this on the most recent iteration of WW. Guess what? I had 800-900 calories for my 30 points!!! If I used 1/7th of my weekly points I could sometimes get up to 1000. The most recent formula that started in December '15 was drastic. I think it probably was around 1200 cals before... but this most recent version made me obsess about food... it was startling!! I now follow IIFYM, Eating More, and lifting weights. I have seen a lot of success stories through that with strong, healthy bodies. If WW works for you - more power to you and I hope much success for you :)
  • Zammo2014
    Zammo2014 Posts: 1 Member
    @jennyloveskarl I am doing the exact same and also found 30 points its roughly 8/900 cals. I don't use my fit points. I would go over my points as I gym 5/6 days a week and get hungry so use MFP and clock up to about 1300. Equates to more than 30. I find calorie watching rather point watching works better for me.
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I am logging both! :smiley:
    If anyone wants to add me as a friend please feel free. <3
  • pgfitmom
    pgfitmom Posts: 37 Member
    I've just cancelled my WW membership and starting here. I can no longer afford the cost, as my daughter needs to get braces.
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    I get some meals from WW, but I don't go by their points system. I log their food in MFP.

    there are no such thing as "free calories".... I don't understand how they just give some stuff out w/o points.