Past user but starting over today! (100+ to lose)

Hi everyone,

I had used this site about 8 years ago while I was seeing a dietitian. I would print out my food diary for the week to share with her. I lost about 20 pounds during the year I saw her, but unfortunately my insurance didn't cover it & I had to give it up based on financial constraints. I continued for a few months using the site to log my food....but had a vacation & then just fell out of it. Such a common story I'm sure....I tend to do well for a while with diet and/or exercise, but then slowly lose focus/willpower, etc.

About me...I'm turning 42 next week, am currently single (never been married), with no kids (but have a cat), and am pretty happy and confident in myself, regardless of being plus-sized. It's taken years to get over feelings of low self-esteem (depression & anxiety significantly contributed to my weight problem which started as a teenager). Now I'm at the point where I'm good emotionally, and want to focus on getting HEALTHIER...and any improvement in appearance that comes with weight loss will be a wonderful side benefit. :smile:

I think this time I need to try to take baby steps and then build up slowly so as not to become too overwhelmed...which has often made me stop diets in the past. Actually, I don't want to think of this as a diet, since those tend to be temporary. Life-style change...that's what this is about!

I would appreciate any tips on how to make the most of this website/app during my journey.

Thanks for reading & best wishes to all,


  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome - feel free to friend me. I agree that not thinking of this as a diet but a lifestyle change is helpful (it is for me). I also don't restrict the types of foods that I eat because I know I'll fail if I tell myself I can NEVER have chocolate or greasy french fries or french toast.
  • joyhhanson
    joyhhanson Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! Yes...occasional indulgences shouldn't be completely off-limits. I think when there are too many limits, too many rules, too many steps, etc., the more complicated programs and diets just stress me out & even make me why stick with something that upsets me so much? lol

    We do have to live in the real world after all. :) I need to find something that is easy to stick to and practical for the "real" world.
  • TheBrock84
    TheBrock84 Posts: 68 Member
  • crazymama2both
    crazymama2both Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome; feel free to add me. I need the motivation :)
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi! I totally agree that the "healthy lifestyle" approach is way better than thinking of this as a diet with restrictions & limitations. Also, the small, gradual changes approach definitely helps. I really like the calorie/ exercise tracking on this site because, as long as you try to be as accurate & honest as possible, it gives you a really good guideline to follow. Trying to stay within my "macros" is helpful for me, because I've found if I stay within the guidelines to balance the amount of protein, fat, fiber, & sugar I feel a lot better physically, and it helps at lot with not feeling too hungry. For me, I think the most helpful mental approach is to see MFP as a tool and a guideline over the long term, and not stress too much if I'm over my calorie goal or have unbalanced macros on a given day, or even a whole week. If I give myself permission to be flexible & imperfect, but also stay honest with my logging, I can easily see where to make adjustments if I'm not making progress. And any time I go off track I just try to use it as a learning experience, give myself a break, and get back on board.

    Maybe some of this will be helpful for you as well? Anyway, have fun & enjoy the community!
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    edited June 2016
    I stumbled onto a thread called "Unexpected results of weight loss" yesterday and found it to be really encouraging & inspiring. If you haven't read it yet I really recommend it!
  • jedwards92286
    jedwards92286 Posts: 12 Member
    I too have tried various "all or none" approaches and it just doesn't work! I'm working on small daily changes. Little things like making better choices at the grocery store, etc. Also I'm doing a lot of reading about vitamins and minerals and what our bodies and what different vitamins do. It's been a big help! Anyone is free to add me! :)
  • tboz08202016
    tboz08202016 Posts: 134 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good luck. I know what it's like to be looking down the barrel of 100 pounds too many. I've been doing My Fitness Pal since March 20 and I've lost 36 pounds. I know that sounds crazy and too fast but I'll take it! My problem has always been keeping it off once I lose it. This time I also introduced Run Double Couch to 5k. It's a beginners program to introduce ex couch potatoes (like me) to running. I'm already 47 so taking up running seemed even more crazy than the rapid weight loss but I'm doing it and I feel fantastic. At my heaviest (not pregnant weight) I was 268. My goal at that time was to weigh 170. Over time my weight has gone up and down more times than the hottest new roller coaster. Now, I can proudly say, I'm not too far way from my goal and every day I feel happier and healthier. Add me, I could use a few cheer leaders and motivators to help me keep it off this time.
  • joyhhanson
    joyhhanson Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support & your stories! I've added a bunch of you as friends.
  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a past user too. I just rejoined and am trying to capture the same success I had when I did this years ago. I lost 60+ lbs and was loving it. I had a whole support community that I felt accountable to and would check on the app everyday. Then I had a lot go on in life, something had to give, and I dropped interacting with MFP (no logging food, no check-ins, no nothing). That was the kiss of death.

    Work has slowed down, and I am going to take this opportunity to focus on me. I am logging and working toward making healthier decisions. My struggle - finding exercise that fits in to my schedule, I like, and I will stick with. I still love me some Doritos and beer, but I buy the little bags of chips, lite beer, and budget my calories for them. It motivates me to get moving too.

    Tips that work for me: 1) not denying the foods that I love. I budget calories for them and eating them in moderation and 2) finding a support network of people who I feel accountable to, celebrate with me, talk me off the ledge (or out of the chip bag), and tell me the "one bad day is ok" is the key.

  • Rhythmtracker
    Rhythmtracker Posts: 14 Member
    Hey welcome back! I totally agree with your approach. Slow and steady changes lead to new lifestyles and a better quality of living for a long time. Good luck! You can do this! If you are looking for friends feel free to add me too and we can work on some goals together :)
  • curvylicious369
    curvylicious369 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi. I'm kind of starting over too. I used mfp before and lost about 50lbs but then let it fall by the wayside, mostly from depression and just thinking I would never make it. I'm 38, never married and no kids. My high weight was 320 at one point