Low carb high fat?



  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Update: it's been three days since I started my low carb meal plan and I've lost 3 pounds. Weighed in today at 114! So happy to see how my body reacts when I cut out sugar! Lovin it s1fx7p9zbdci.jpeg

    Well done! It's always nice when you get that bonus at the start, as it puts you in a positive frame of mind. There is no point me telling you how hot you look ;-)
    I am at 152 right now (from 198) and I had a goal of 140. It has been so 'easy' for me on the low carb that I am now readjusting that to 120 and hope I can look anywhere near as fantastic as you. It would be a dream come true.

    Do bear in mind what others have said though hun, that it's not always about losing weight. You can get a better shape with good workouts, and sometimes even gain a little but look better, as you are adding muscle weight but toning everything up tight ;-)

    When you get to where you are now, it might be time to pack away the scale and just judge yourself by how your clothes fit, or how you feel about how you look, rather than stressing over a few lbs.

    I hope I can take my own advice in the future o:)>:)
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    I hate to say it but @hornsby is right. You cut carbs and therefore you lost water weight. This is completely normal. And you may feel a bit better as far as not being as fluffy with the water weight, and you may be loving the scale amount today but don't be fooled that it is actually fat loss.

    And in your post it says that you will be eating a lot more protein. that does not makes sense to me on a low carb high fat diet. Large amounts of protein on this type of diet is counter productive, as protein can be broken down and used like carbs in your body thus keeping you essentially out of "low carb".

    Personally after looking at the photo you posted, you don't need to loose a pound. I am 112 pounds and I am clean bulking as I just do not need to loose another pound, I need to gain some lean muscle. Have you considered this prospect?

    And low carb high fat diets to me is just a sucky way to eat when it is completely unnecessary. This is my honest opinion and yes I tried it, and it was totally not necessary. If I were to have a medical condition that warranted eating way, I would do it, but only if it were life and death. I really hated the low carb flu.. It was devastating and two weeks I was a miserable person. One month later, I dropped it. I needed my carbs back and I need to be on high protein and moderate carb to meet my fitness goals.
  • kvab
    kvab Posts: 6 Member
    Im a keto-gal and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. No cravings. No pmt. No hunger. I look better. Feel better. Energy levels way higher. Sleep better. Wake refreshed with no need for an alarm clock anymore. Skin and hair better. Blood results doing great across the board.
    It was a 3 month long super steep learning curve to get my head around it and adapt my cooking ( my weekly shop costs no more than prior to keto now my store cupboard is switched over and I have some essentials). I went super geeky over it and read / watched everything I could get my hands on. Wish id discovered it years ago. For the first time in my life im no longer controlled by food. Can't ever see myself not being keto.
  • cherishpatterson
    cherishpatterson Posts: 11 Member
    No Hunger! That's my favorite part about ridding the processed foods, sugars, "white" foods from my diet. My journey of health has been down many paths of diets, plans, etc... but this by far is the most healthful I have felt. My body feels great, I have zero hunger, love the fresh foods I've been incorporating. And for anyone questioning this, it's not that I've gone no carb... just low carbs. And yes, weight drops like mad crazy and zero bloating! That's awesome.
  • cherishpatterson
    cherishpatterson Posts: 11 Member
    Also, for those who said a calorie is not a calorie...from the new portion of MFP site...The food industry vigorously promotes the myth “a calorie is a calorie”, however, based on these four simple facts, we know this is not true:

    1. Fiber. You eat 160 calories in almonds, but only absorb 130—because some fiber calories pass through without metabolizing. Vegetables, greens, beans and whole grains are all high in fiber.

    2. Protein. It takes twice as much energy to metabolize protein as carbs, so protein spends more calories in processing. And, protein makes you feel full longer.

    3. Fat. All fats are 9 calories per gram. But omega-3 fats are heart-healthy and will save your life. Trans-fats will clog your arteries and kill you. Eat more fish, nuts, avocados, olive oil and eggs and avoid most processed foods when possible.

    4. Added Sugar. Calories from added sugar are different from other calories, and are jeopardizing health worldwide. And yes that includes honey, syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Excess added sugar leads to diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease, unrelated to its calories. One simple way to cut back? Avoid processed foods and sodas.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Also, for those who said a calorie is not a calorie...from the new portion of MFP site...The food industry vigorously promotes the myth “a calorie is a calorie”, however, based on these four simple facts, we know this is not true:

    1. Fiber. You eat 160 calories in almonds, but only absorb 130—because some fiber calories pass through without metabolizing. Vegetables, greens, beans and whole grains are all high in fiber.

    2. Protein. It takes twice as much energy to metabolize protein as carbs, so protein spends more calories in processing. And, protein makes you feel full longer.

    3. Fat. All fats are 9 calories per gram. But omega-3 fats are heart-healthy and will save your life. Trans-fats will clog your arteries and kill you. Eat more fish, nuts, avocados, olive oil and eggs and avoid most processed foods when possible.

    4. Added Sugar. Calories from added sugar are different from other calories, and are jeopardizing health worldwide. And yes that includes honey, syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Excess added sugar leads to diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease, unrelated to its calories. One simple way to cut back? Avoid processed foods and sodas.

    It seems that the new portion of MFP is wrong.