Only have 15 weeks to pull this off!!!! HELP!

myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I've lost over 60lbs since May 2010. (Baby weight's finally gone!)
I started MFP March this year & have lost 23lbs of the 60 since...
I've hardly worked out at all, I've just eaten better & tried to stay under my calorie goal every day. It's time to work out!!!

Exactly 15 weeks from now I'll be getting on a plain to Jamaica. I NEED to be able to pull off this bikini. Who doesn't want to wear a bikini in Jamaica?

I don't want to build myself up too much & think I'll be this hot trophy wife 15 weeks from now, because I know that I wont be. But I need some major support from people that will help to push me to work out every day & keep me thinking I can pull this bikini off in 15 weeks.

I KNOW that I look horrible in this bikini right now. I haven't worn one in maybe 10 yrs. I have back rolls, a big butt, and a big tummy. I already know this, so please don't make rude comments.



  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    You can do it. Dont get discouraged if you start lifting weights and gain at first, that does tend to happen. I would recommend some cardio along with weight lifting. I am not a gym person so I bought Zumba for my WII and watched what I ate, within about 5 week I had lost 27lbs just doing that. But you could replace Zumba with some other high impact exercise, maybe even walking fast paced and just steadily increase your mileage.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    you already have a very slim, beautiful face. thats half of the battle.
    or atleast a 1/4 of it.
  • artificialdream
    artificialdream Posts: 24 Member
    You can do it! You can make lots of progress in 15 weeks! BUT, don't just do it for Jamaica - do it for yourself! Jamaica is just a nice little motivation! ;)
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    You can definitely lose a good bit of weight in 15 weeks! If you're at 2 pounds a week, that's 30 pounds! Plus, if you do strength training to tone up and build muscle on top of cardio, you'll start getting firmer!

    What kind of exercise to you like to do? Make sure you mix up exercises and go as hard as you can in each workout so you can confuse your muscles.

    Feel free to add me as a friend; I'll do my best to support you in this journey! :)
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    Sounds like you've got the calorie counting down so kick up that cardio! If possible you could try taking a spin class OR download a C25k program, it starts out relativly easy (not so easy if you're super out of shape though, i was there once) and it progresses weekly until you're able to run miles without stopping. Running isn't for everyone but it does build muscle and burn calories pretty quick.
    Personally, I just started the Jillian Michaels DVD program ripped in 30 and its KILLING ME!

    I'd really focus on cardio and keep the calories down, thats all there is to it and look at each day as a new opportunity to kick your own butt :) its only 15 weeks! you can do it!!
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    You can do it...Just keep working hard. One little trick I use is a spray tan. I am not talking the kind from the store, go somewhere and get a professional spray tan with a person doing it. It is amazing what a tan can hide.
  • MasterXelcas
    MasterXelcas Posts: 130 Member
    Im overweight and wanna lose as much as i can before i start college, which i only have 2 months till. 15 weeks is a good amount of time to lose. I just started the insanity workout program and its only been 4 days and i feel so much better, i know i will see some change in a month or so, so you should try that or the less intense P90x. Itll work if you try your best :)
  • Simmie25
    Simmie25 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it! Try Tae-bo/Kickboxing and I here alot of folks discussing 30 day shred. Jamaica here you come in your ....bikin"
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bump for later.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I agree with the other posts. A combination of cardio, which will burn a lot of calories, and strength, which will help define your muscles, will help you lose both weight and inches.

    And smile girl! You're beautiful!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    You can definitely lose a good bit of weight in 15 weeks! If you're at 2 pounds a week, that's 30 pounds! Plus, if you do strength training to tone up and build muscle on top of cardio, you'll start getting firmer!

    What kind of exercise to you like to do? Make sure you mix up exercises and go as hard as you can in each workout so you can confuse your muscles.

    Feel free to add me as a friend; I'll do my best to support you in this journey! :)

    I love to walk! And Walmart is 1mile away (2 mile walk there and back)... Thanks to RedBox being there, I decided to start walking to rent my movies instead of driving. I was thinking of throwing in crunches everyday to help get rid of that belly of mine!
  • fultzjaf
    fultzjaf Posts: 141 Member
    You can do this! You have already lost 60 lbs you said, and that is awesome! Don't get down and worry about what you look like. You are a beautiful person alreasdy, you can get it done. Just keep up the good work with the food and just add some exercise for some extra tone and definition. Good luck and you can do it.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Awesome!! That's a really great step for you to take! Have you looked into the c25k program? It's a way start running by a combination of running and walking, gradually building up to the ability to run a 5k.

    also check out reverse crunches/reverse sit-ups, bicycle crunches, and any other good core workouts that'll also help the obliques. unfortunately, you can't target weight loss, so add good cardio in!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    You can do it...Just keep working hard. One little trick I use is a spray tan. I am not talking the kind from the store, go somewhere and get a professional spray tan with a person doing it. It is amazing what a tan can hide.

    If i do that, will I still be able to get a real tan in Jamaica?
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    You can do it...Just keep working hard. One little trick I use is a spray tan. I am not talking the kind from the store, go somewhere and get a professional spray tan with a person doing it. It is amazing what a tan can hide.

    If i do that, will I still be able to get a real tan in Jamaica?

    Yes!!! and for some reason it kept me from burning...I was out in Florida for 5 days with only SPF 6 and did not burn. I usually burn like crazy in the begining of summer. One of my other friends had it done as well and she didn't burn either. The spray tan only lasts a few days out on the beach because of the sand and salt, but by that time your real tan is coming through nicely.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    You can do it girl. Jillian(trainer from the biggest loser) dvds are really good. The likes of 30 dayshred only takes 27 minutes a day including warm up and cool down and has a mix of everything and can be done at home what ever time you want.

    I would second the c25k app it is really good and will have you hooked on running in no time.

    Stay with in your cals as you have been doing and you will get there.

    Good Luck.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    im on a 10 week biggest lose compeition; just started on tuesday; i work out 3 times a day now; morning, afternoon/early evening, and before bed.. i do everything in my bedroom, no gym, and use 3lb weights and resistance bands with rap/dance music.. i dance with 3 lb weights and punch the air in all directions, and work my arms and shoulders, and the bands i pull to the beat of the music as well.. i incorporate jogging in place for cardio, and also do sit up's, tow touches, twisting my body, etc, and log it as circuit training.

    Ive lost my current 42 pounds by dieting and eating better in 16 weeks (with having a total of 7 of those weeks in complete plataeu with no losing anything). Ive eaten back my excercise calories and stuck to my calories pretty firmly.

    My goal for the end of the competition is to loose 22lbs; but that should be pretty standard for me and now that im excercising, i will probably loose at a faster pace.

    drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day--this will not only help with weight loss, but with skin elasticity (helping you lose excess skin).

    stick to clean/unprocessed foods as much as possible which will help your weight loss as well as sodium/vitamin levels.
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    You shouldn't worry about the rude comments. The people who make them aren't worth your time and energy. You have already set you goal and you are determined to get there. That is more than half the battle. There are enough positive,supportive people on this site to help you reach your "bikini goal". You will get there,I have no doubt about it....Anytime you feel like it's getting too tough and you want to give up? You can drop by my page and I will be happy to assist in your pursuit of bikini happiness!! Continued success!!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    You can do it...Just keep working hard. One little trick I use is a spray tan. I am not talking the kind from the store, go somewhere and get a professional spray tan with a person doing it. It is amazing what a tan can hide.

    If i do that, will I still be able to get a real tan in Jamaica?

    Yes!!! and for some reason it kept me from burning...I was out in Florida for 5 days with only SPF 6 and did not burn. I usually burn like crazy in the begining of summer. One of my other friends had it done as well and she didn't burn either. The spray tan only lasts a few days out on the beach because of the sand and salt, but by that time your real tan is coming through nicely.

    They suggest you actually get a tanning membership before any trips to tropical places or will be out in alot of powerful sun so your body is use to it and doesnt get burnt; if you were to go being pure white youd burn on the first day... i hadnt heard of the spray tan method; but can try either one i suppose.
  • ElmersGlue
    ElmersGlue Posts: 13
    Wow, you've done an amazing job losing all that weight so far! You should definitely be proud and don't even think of those haters out there. Like others have been saying, having 15 weeks means you can work on toning and strength training more plus tanning is great when it comes to making the body seem slimmer. Tanning is such a helpful trick I use once summer hits and I'm wearing more clothes that show off my legs and arms.

    You can do it! You've got my cheers and support ;D
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