New to this!

TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, Everyone!

My name is Greg (but, we'll get to that in a second). I finally decided to up my game and get on this exercise business and clean living! MyFitnessPal and the other UA applications have been working great for me! I've been exercising and living clean for three weeks now almost four (been using the pps for two almost three).

I'd just like to say a few things because, well, it honestly helps me cope with stuff in my life. I use to be fit and healthy weighting in at around 170lbs. When things started getting offtrack I ended up weighting in at almost 400lbs. What happen? Depression and severe anxiety.

Since I was about 12 I have been coping with depression, anxiety, and the shame of how I felt inside because I was raised it was weird, wrong, and perverse. I always knew I was different , but, around the age of 12 is when I started feeling and showing signs of what was wrong with me. I would often want to play house and make-over with my female cousin instead of wanting to play outside with the boys. I knew what and how I felt wasn't normal and everything I was told growing up that it was wrong. But I wanted so badly to be a girl. I loved everything that girls got like makeup, nails, dresses, and especially the shoes. I was so envious of it and thought it was so wrong. So, I buried this secret deep inside for almost two decades. Doing this caused me to go through severe depression and anxiety when I was about 20. I started eating thinking that I was gained weight and grew ugly and unattractive that it would make me forget my feelings. I kept doing this until I was 28 years old and literally double my weight.

Enough was enough. I got finally went to a therapist. She diagnosed me with Gender Dysphoria (basically means the gender I was born did not match the gender I felt I was inside). I decided I needed to come to terms with this. So, I started watching what I ate and even did some light exercising. I dropped my weight down from almost 400lbs to 275lbs in about a year. I figured it was time to let people know the real me. I had been in a relationship for the past 7 years at this point. I came out as transgender to my fiance. Naturally (and as expected, trust me I had no disillusions about how this would go), she told me she couldn't believe it and that she could not love me if I chose to follow with being the real me and not continue living the facade I had been living. I didn't want to lose her. She was/is my everything. So, I agreed I wouldn't.

I relapsed. I started going back into severe depression and my anxiety came back. I started over eating all the time. I gained weight back up to 315lbs. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I decided I had to do me in order for me to be happy. So, now, I've been crushing it with clean living (dieting and all around being healthy) and massive exercise. As of last Sunday, May 29th, 2016, I had dropped from 315lbs down to 294.4lbs. Losing over 21lbs! I don't plan on stopping the losses anytime soon until I get down to under 150lbs and have great toned legs, glutes, and a nice flat tummy!

I appreciate all support in my life goals and would love to be friends with any and all positive people! Negative nancies just keep away. It's my body and my life and I'll do what I want.

So, in closing, Hi! My name is Teagan!


  • BewitchedBelinda99
    BewitchedBelinda99 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi Teagan, you've been very brave telling us your inspirational story. Good luck and you're very welcome to add me as a friend.
  • TeaTimeAgain
    TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks, Bewitchedbelinda99! I added you!
  • rcat5
    rcat5 Posts: 6 Member
    It's difficult coming to terms with the real you sometimes, but I think it's really brave of you to do this. Honestly? I don't think your fiance deserves to have you if she can't accept you as you are, Teagan.
  • TeaTimeAgain
    TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
    Many people keep telling me the same, rcat5. I guess I just want to give her one more chance. Keep on pushing through with the weight loss and clean living and once I'm to goal maybe talk it out with her and see if she still feels the same.
  • TeaTimeAgain
    TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
    <3 Thanks for all the adds everyone!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hi Teagan!
    Thanks for sharing your story <3
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