I am new to this

rcat5 Posts: 6 Member
Hello, all. My name is Amy. I am 20 years old, and over the past few years I've gained about 65 pounds. My goal is to not become obsessed with burning a certain amount of calories or dropping X number of pounds. I want to start feeling great about myself and my body and the only way to do this is to accept my current situation, realize that I can love myself as is but there is always room for improvement. Trust me if you start having a mindset like this your body and mind will thank you later.
I also think it's very important to have friends and motivators with people who are going through similar situations as yourself, and that's why I am here. If anyone is in need of a friend feel free to add me! -Amy

Also I'm pretty new to this app so I have no idea how to add people haha..if anyone could help me out that would be great


  • TeaTimeAgain
    TeaTimeAgain Posts: 174 Member
    You do you! Love the skin you're in but also know improvement is always a valid option :wink:
  • Janiginger16
    Janiginger16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amy,
    I'm completely new here too lol! Not much of a techy. I read yr reasons for wanting to lose weight and I am right there with you. 40 lbs crept up depressing the heck outta me. But I'm pulling my tush off the couch and moving, tracking calories now, haha. And I really have no support so a friend going through this with me would be great! Hopefully we are both successful :)
  • rcat5
    rcat5 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah! That's awesome maybe we can figure this thing out together :) it's nice knowing you aren't alone. Losing weight isn't easy and having people by your side as motivators can definitely help
  • Elcubiche
    Elcubiche Posts: 27 Member
    I am new too