older gal. struggles

Hi there older gal wanting ideas and support for her weight loss. 56 with around 100 lbs to lose . live in western canada


  • JonnyJonny5555
    JonnyJonny5555 Posts: 21 Member
    I would say, first be completely honest with everything you eat. Log and weigh everything you are used to eating in one typical 24 hour period. If you are like me, you will be shocked at the number of calories. 86 in just one chocolate biscuit (cookie for those not here in the UK).

    It helps if you are not a compulsive snacker and can last for a few hours between meals without eating anything.

    Personally I have found protein for breakfast is preferable to carbs because it is digested more slowly and delays the hungry feeling for longer. Mind you, that can often increase the amounts of fat, so doesn't work for everyone.

    I have only joined recently but have lost 8lbs already, and this has encouraged my personal willpower.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    This place works. Stick to it. And log everything.
    Get a food scale at walmart, target or bbbeyond.
    I opened my diary and people told me to get more protein and fiber.
  • LewisLal
    LewisLal Posts: 20 Member
    Im an older Gal too - but older than you LOL!
    If you want some support, please friend me. I always acknowledge effort and try to provide good tips.
    Maybe we can support each other, even tho Im in the UK.
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    agree with all of the above...older guy 55 with 125 lbs to lose... down 70 lbs as of this morning... trust MFP .. get a food scale and weigh every single bite... stay within your calories.. don't eat back calories from exercise... and start moving.... i purchased a fitbit, best thing i could have done for myself besides joining here... its a great tool to track your movement and set goals for yourself. ..above all, its takes patience and perseverance... you didn't put the weight on in one day and it will not come off in one day.... but if you stick with it.. it will
  • nodanmelendez
    nodanmelendez Posts: 10 Member
    I am pretty new here too, just a few weeks. I have a great support system in my daughter but always looking for support. My home is SE Alberta but I live in Santiago, Chile now. Add me if you like and we can be support for each other. I agree with getting a food scale. That is on my list to buy. And reading labels. OMG. I'm trying LCHF and it amazes me how many carbs are in things! A real eye opener!!
  • paulinaperezdearce
    Hi! I also live in Santiago de Chile! Lets support each other! I've lost 4 k
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I am 48. I have about that much to lose. As long as you watch your calories, log your food Faithfully, be accurate with your weighing and measuring of your food... And stay within your calorie goals you will succeed.

    You will feel better if you try to meet your macro requirements everyday. Make sure you get enough protein, fiber, Carbs, and other nutrients. Especially fat. Do not skimp on the fat. Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories does. That does help your body function properly. It is as necessary as any of the other nutrients.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Older gal 56!! No that's not old,I'm 70 and still trying age is no barrier! Good luck
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    There is a huge psychological component to hunger. If you expect to be hungry, you will be, so work hard to change that expectation! And avoid boredom. If you start being peckish, distract yourself with something interactive and absorbing; or just go for a walk :)