Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-June 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Andrea it is perfectly natural to have to switch things up a little when you are pregnant. Our bodies aren't the same as they were before (obviously). That is why I had to stop cardio kickbox in the beginning because it literally felt like my boobs were going to get ripped off my body the jumping hurt them so bad (and I'm no wimp!). I still commend you for keeping up activity and you look absolutely fantastic! On the circumcision front...I'm right there with you. I'm so glad I am having a girl so I didn't have to make that decision. The only thing I had ever seen in my nursing/student nursing career that made me almost faint was watching them circumsize a baby! But we would run into the problem of looking like if we have a boy next baby that is going to be a really tough one.

    Stephanie, as long as you aren't consuming a pot of coffee a day, a small amount of caffeine is okay according to the recommendations. I drink half a cup of hot green tea each morning to wake me up. I don't drink a lot of caffeine so when I drank half a Dr. Pepper the other day I felt miserable and I could feel Charlee pinging off the walls!

    About the ab workouts during pregnancy. Each doctor is going to be a little bit more or less conservative in their practice. I'm lucky to have had my regular doctor who will deliver me, and a high risk pregnancy doctor whom I saw when I had 2 miscarriages both tell me not to change up anything in my workout routine unless it was painful, I was bleeding, I couldn't breath, or I started to cramp...with this being said I know that there are a few changes that need to be made with our changing bodies. Here is a link to a site that gives some decent ab workouts while pregnant. Having a strong core not only helps during delivery, but it also helps after the baby is born to get back into shape quicker. I don't advise going against doctor's orders, but just remember that many doctors are still in the old school thinking about exercise in the first place (no abs, heart rate staying under 140, etc.). So you might want to get a second opinion if you get info you don't necessarily agree with. You and your doctor should be on the same page with everything, including your fitness routine. After all, this person is going to help bring your baby into this world!

    Nichole I'm so happy you are doing well! I've missed ya! I'm excited for your ultrasound on the 25th! Your trip sounds awesome too! Have lots of fun with the family!

    I'm liking being back into my routine for the most part this week. I'm finding it harder to get in my usual 2 hour workouts and have been trying to reach a calorie goal instead. I used to hike for an hour and burn about 800 cals and then do an hour of toning after that...I'm just either not as motivated, or just getting burnt out. If we can plan it, I will do it with my workout buddy. But with having a 4wk old baby, that is not always in the cards for us. I'm going over to her house today to do our strength training workout. I guess just being active and getting in a workout each day should suffice, but we are all hardest on ourselves!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Also, as I was getting dressed this morning I couldn't help but wonder when I'm going to actually look pregnant. Right now I just look chunky and like I've let myself go. I don't have a bump and anyone that didn't know me wouldn't know I was almost 5 1/2 months pregnant. I guess my abs are really strong keeping her in, or this is just how I'm going to carry....either kinda sucks.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Hey all!!

    I am happy to announce that I will be joining you. I know a few of you from the TTC board. Dh and I just found out last week that we will be expecting a little one around 3/02/12. That is yet to be determined for sure. I have my first appt 7/5. They are going to do an U/S and bloodwork. We are really excited and can't wait to tell everyone but we are hoping to wait until about 12 weeks. I don't know if I can keep my mouth shut that long :) If you have any questions, just ask!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Congrats Katie!!! I was just stalking the FFFF board when I saw the great news! I'm so happy you are here! Jump right in! If you have any questions just ask away! What have you been doing lately as far as workouts/activity?
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks Heather!

    We moved from FL to GA about 2 months ago so things have been crazy. I was using the gym at our apartment but it was really bad and I was getting really bored so yesterday I finally went and joined the Gold's gym on Monday. They have a lot better equipment. They are also starting yoga classes at the pool at my apartment but I have had something to do the past two Mondays and next Monday is the 4th. They also do a 7am class on Tuesdays but I can seem to get myself up that early.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    At what point did you all add the extra calories?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Katie for the first trimester you just need to set your calories to maintenance and eat back at least some of your exercise calories. Once the second trimester comes around I know several of us added 1/2lb per week gain on the goals and then the third trimester added 1lb per week gain. By the third trimester you should be adding 300 calories to your maintenance and exercise calories.

    Well it was another sweltering hot day today. Reached well over 100 degrees! I've been getting some serious headaches and I'm pretty sure they are hormonal headaches. I tried to just "tough it out" last night and didn't take anything for it and kept waking up in the middle of the night to pee and my head was throbbing. My head still hurt this morning when I woke up. I guess ibuprofen is my new best friend....ugh... I've been having some serious painful gas (TMI I know...but lets face it, it is life of a pregnant woman!). My sciatic is also bothering me and I'm trying to do lots of stretches. I made an appointment at the chiro but I can't get in until next Friday... I truly need a prenatal massage too! lol Wow I'm a whiner today! Today has just been a bad pregnancy day....hoping tomorrow is better.

    So as I was working out today I couldn't help but think about a comment that a member of the TTC (trying to conceive for those who aren't hip with the lingo lol) made before I got pregnant. I was talking about how I planned on continuing being healthy and working out all throughout my pregnancy. This girl blatantly told me that she has never known of anyone that has kept up with working out throughout pregnancy.... Well I truly hope she is stalking this board and knows that I am 5 1/2 months pregnant and I sure did burn 1000 calories today working out! HA! Just because you don't or you can't you shouldn't belittle someone for their hard work and dedication! I admire women who run up until the day they give birth, or do triathalons, or excel in their fitness routines! As long as they are listening to their bodies and the baby is healthy and they are getting the nutrients they need, then I am all for women continuing their active lifestyles throughout pregnancy! So I don't normally gloat...but I'm so proud to call all of you fit and fabulous women my "friends"! You all rock and I admire you all. Keep up the awesome work and no matter what anyone says, don't let them get you down and you keep up the good work!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Well it was another sweltering hot day today. Reached well over 100 degrees! I've been getting some serious headaches and I'm pretty sure they are hormonal headaches. I tried to just "tough it out" last night and didn't take anything for it and kept waking up in the middle of the night to pee and my head was throbbing. My head still hurt this morning when I woke up. I guess ibuprofen is my new best friend....ugh... I've been having some serious painful gas (TMI I know...but lets face it, it is life of a pregnant woman!). My sciatic is also bothering me and I'm trying to do lots of stretches. I made an appointment at the chiro but I can't get in until next Friday... I truly need a prenatal massage too! lol Wow I'm a whiner today! Today has just been a bad pregnancy day....hoping tomorrow is better.

    I certainly don't want to scare you, but I have always heard that it wasn't safe to take ibuprofen during pregnancy, we are supposed to use Tylenol, here is an article I found:

    So sorry about your headaches, I know how lousy that can be! Hope you feel better, and BTW, I know tons of fit pregos, and looking on here, there are tons more!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello my name is Brenda and if baby is ok, I am 5 weeks pregnant. I would love to join this group as support.

    I did not lose much as I would of liked to before conceiving but it's ok, now the real challenge is to not gain more than the recommended.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Autumn I'm really not a total moron...I meant tylenol. You'd think as a RN I wouldn't be making that mistake even on MFP. lol

    Welcome lunarokra! Jump right in!

    Join us on the July board ladies!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Autumn I'm really not a total moron...I meant tylenol. You'd think as a RN I wouldn't be making that mistake even on MFP. lol

    Welcome lunarokra! Jump right in!

    Join us on the July board ladies!

    Thanks, I am looking forward to the new pregnancy experience since my son is 13 and yes it's a huge gap.

  • princesspurple
    went to the doctor today-almost 30 weeks....
    weight gain 24 pounds
    bp 117/70
    babys hb 160
    everything is good

    Curious as to what others have gained around this time?!?!?!?
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    princesspurple - You're doing great! I go for my 30 week appointment on Wednesday and I think I'll be around the 25 pound mark, too... Which I'm totally OK with! My maternity jeans from last time are still on looser side (in butt and hips) whereas they were a lot tighter at 30 weeks in my last pregnancy in early 2010. Glad about that. Truth be told, I can chalk it up to 'no room in the inn' for late night snacking thanks to the big bump. I'll fill you in more come Wednesday.

    Hope all of my other Fit and Fabulous Mamas are doing great also!

    Off to enjoy the sunshine on my first day off of four. Ya!!!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Well, it has been a couple of weeks since we have all talked, but I am happy to announce that I am officially 1/3 of the way done! 13 weeks today, and out of my first trimester. I went for my second appointment on Friday, and my doctor was impatient to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler. So we popped into an ultrasound room and got another ultrasound. It was super cool to see the baby kicking and opening and closing it's mouth. It really made an impression to my husband, he just couldn't get over it. Neither of us had seen any of our other baby's at this stage, and we got very excited, seems like this is now more real to him!

    We went camping this weekend and did a little kayaking, it was a fun day, but I am hoping to get a lot more kayaking in before my life jacket stops fitting!

    How about you ladies, any new and exciting updates?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Autumn glad to see all is well with you and baby! We've miss you! Come join us on the July board (we do a new forum each month and this is June's)!