ISO of accountabilabuddies! need to lose 80lbs and looking for others in the same boat.

I didn't have a baby or anything like that. I'm just fat. Just bad genes and a desk job in office where I sit on my *kitten* most of the day surrounded by old ladies who love to feed me baked goods and pastries constantly. The only time I was ever successful at losing weight was when I had someone by my side doing it with me every step of the way. Looking for active supportive people in the same boat. Add me.


  • indigrrl
    indigrrl Posts: 92 Member
    I have a similar story, except for the baking coworkers. My long-term goal is to lose 88.4 lbs. I'll send you an add request.
  • missnolder890
    missnolder890 Posts: 72 Member
    that's actually new to me to. I'm user to working in an ER running my butt off all night long but i stated this desk job last year and I gained 15lbs the first 3 months and didn't even realize it was happening. I lost 10 of it, then put it back on. I got myself in the habit at munching at my desk all day long and I'm having trouble trying to break it.
  • Cathsvila
    Cathsvila Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in Australia, and have a decent amount of weight to lose...I've had too many babies
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    No babies but I could stand to get rid of 80lbs total...
  • RosaSaysRawrr
    RosaSaysRawrr Posts: 15 Member
    Hi im trying to lose about 80-90 lbs. Feel free to send a request. Just started this Monday.
  • virginislander2
    virginislander2 Posts: 28 Member
    80 is my number, desk job, and coworkers who live to eat out as team building activities. Add me.
  • anoldie
    anoldie Posts: 4 Member
    Same here, desk job no exercise etc. need to loose 33kg/73lb. My goal is to fit into my wedding gown by 9th April 2017. So trying to keep myself motivated a few friends would help!
  • bevoyates
    bevoyates Posts: 10 Member
    I'm starting over again...I started MFP in March 2015 and had success losing 40 lb...then I became lazy and went back to my old habits and gained it back plus 5 more...starting over this week and I have lost 3lb....never going back again...everyday is a new day to start fresh and make better choices! Add me if you'd like I need more accountability budddies!
  • megan31114
    megan31114 Posts: 5 Member
    Me! I feel like I need someone to check in with me daily to keep me in line lol
  • ausrunninggal
    ausrunninggal Posts: 28 Member
    Add me add me!!!!
    Same situation, about to start working very, very hard!!!
  • amyrek
    amyrek Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! Everywhere I go there is someone who wants to feed me and I have NO will power. I definitely need to get up and move more.
  • Courtney9233
    Courtney9233 Posts: 15 Member
    I understand. I need to lose weight too.
  • JustMary82
    JustMary82 Posts: 19 Member
    I need to lose 75 pounds! I'm in!
  • rph2t
    rph2t Posts: 34 Member
    When I started I was about where you are. Still have fifty or so pounds to go. I stopped paying attention to my diet for a few months and plateaued. Now I'm getting serious again. Added!
  • Sandycoffman1979
    Sandycoffman1979 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies I just wanted to tell you what I did so you can try it too... I did have a baby but I think either way it's hard too lose. I was 118 when I got pregnant and the day o delivered I was 205. Right after I did lose 40 pounds quick from the pregnancy but I was stuck at around 160 to 170. I changed my diet and I worked out and I was barely shedding any weight. From Nov to Feb I only lost 10 pounds so I was at 159. It sucked. But what changed it all was the sugar. I started walking everyday 1-2 miles at night... and instead of worrying so much over calories and carbs... I started watching my sugar. I have a fitbit and this app. Whatever grams the sugar intake was allowed I stayed below it. And I made sure anything I ate had a lot of protein. Now with me doing this.... I've lost about 18 pounds from Feb to April. Right now I'm so busy and tired that I've slacked off... but right now in June I'm 144. So my suggestion is Start keeping track of your sugar. No more then like 30 grams a day Max. Good luck
  • acbennion
    acbennion Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    Sandy I think I need to focus on sugar more. That is a great idea! I have lost weight before by limiting sugar and carbs. I have had a hard time doing it this go around. I have 100 lbs to lose and I would love support! I want to be better about my eating. I exercise daily and use a fit bit to get 10,000 steps, but I struggle with food. I do great in the morning but as my day goes on I get stressed and my choices are not as good.
  • Sandycoffman1979
    Sandycoffman1979 Posts: 11 Member
    Acbennion... sorry it took so long to respond. I love having motivation friends..... we can chat anytime. Trust me I know what you mean. I have 5 kids, from 7 months to 15yrs and I used to have so much energy, I worked full time and still came home with plenty.. but back in 2008 I was diagnosed bipolar 1. And I had severe ups and Downs. Id go days without eating. And the medicine I had to take played a big role in my appetite. I'm 5'9 and I've never weighed more then 120. But this last pregnancy I gained 100 pounds so I was 207. I had to have an emergency c section and I've only delivered natural. Well that was Nov. And I started walking, doing crunches, squats, weights and changed my diet. I lost maybe a few pounds but I was so shattered. I kept trying to squeeze myself into pre baby clothes and they wouldn't even go above my thighs. I felt like I tried everything and I was so ready to give up. I was burnt out trying to do all this and still take care of my kids and house.... so my husband bought me a fitbit for my birthday which is in Feb. And it helped a ton. I no longer had to waist time writing it down and crunching numbers. Then I had something bad happen to my husband and he went to jail. I lost all motivation, I couldn't wake up to do my excersizes, I could barely take care of my kids cause I was so depressed. So as of Feb 28 I weighed 159. By March 21 I was 156. I couldn't believe with all that stress I didn't just drop the weight... I was furious and at that point I said that's it I've had enough with this crap. So I cut out all the excersize except I walk everyday 7000 to 10000 steps and I do 50 to 100 crunches on a yoga ball. I only eat 1200 calories a day. I hate water, but I'm now drinking 33oz water a day and I allow myself 1 coke. I cut out coffee and can drinks. But my main thing is sugar. Like I said before I eat lots of protein and low sugar. Fiber one has a lot of sweet tasting snacks with low sugar. And so from March 21 to now I weigh 144. Just weighed myself. Now it's not a ton but I'm losing more in inches. My waist was 43" in March and now it's a 33"..... I would post a pic if I new how... I would try it...... it really helped me
  • Sandycoffman1979
    Sandycoffman1979 Posts: 11 Member
    Acbennion I posted a pic on my page top is Mar and bottom is may
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi everyone,
    As you can see from my profile pic I was over 400 and got down to 199 then put back on about 80 and am now motivated to lose it again.
    Feel free to add me.
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    All, feel free to add me. I am only a few weeks into my journey, working really hard at a lifestyle change. I can help support, and I could always use more as well!