Stay-At-Home Moms 1/19-1/25



  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    New to site. Not so new to weight loss. I have struggled as long as I can remember with my weight. I have PCOS, which makes controlling my weight hard but if I get it under control it controls the PCOS. So it is a big cycle. Anyway I have been a SAHM for the last 5 years since my husband joined the military. Before I got pregnant with my lo I lost 60lbs. I however still have 20 of baby weight that I have never lost and at least another 20 beyond that. I have mostly been doing work out video's and walking since I can do that with my children. That is the problem because in the past in order for me to really lose weight I have to get a really good cardio workout in. I am eating the right foods and calories so I just need to find a god workout routine. Sorry for rambleing, just wanted to introduce myself a little.

    Welcome to the thread:flowerforyou: These laddies are wonderful on here and they are lots of help, they are they when you need a push or when you need a sholder to lean on. If you don't mind me asking what is PCOS?

  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi All,
    Just joined about a week ago, someone suggested I check out this thread! All the mom - of - boys stories are scaring me. I have a 14 month old who already thinks he is superman. Fell off our bed this morning, which is pretty high, with me standing right next to him. Was sitting playing with the dog one second, on the floor the next. Of couse DH had to run in and ask what happened, which was followed up by 'Yea.. thats why I don't let him on the bed':angry: DS is fine, DH may need a trip to the ER.
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Hi All,
    Just joined about a week ago, someone suggested I check out this thread! All the mom - of - boys stories are scaring me. I have a 14 month old who already thinks he is superman. Fell off our bed this morning, which is pretty high, with me standing right next to him. Was sitting playing with the dog one second, on the floor the next. Of couse DH had to run in and ask what happened, which was followed up by 'Yea.. thats why I don't let him on the bed':angry: DS is fine, DH may need a trip to the ER.

    :laugh: :laugh: about DH going to ER

    Welcome to the thread. This is a great group of ladies:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks ladies! It's great to see all of the progress a lot of you have made at the bottom of your pages! I just signed up for a 7 day trial at 24 hour fitness. There's one less than a mile from my house. I feel so self conscious in places like that. So I'm just gonna try it and see how I do. It's hard for me to see the weight come off so slowly. I want nothing more than to indulge myself in a crash diet but hey - they're called CRASH diets for a reason! Hopefully I can stick it out here. Maybe find some accountability. Thanks again for the welcome =)
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Thanks ladies! It's great to see all of the progress a lot of you have made at the bottom of your pages! I just signed up for a 7 day trial at 24 hour fitness. There's one less than a mile from my house. I feel so self conscious in places like that. So I'm just gonna try it and see how I do. It's hard for me to see the weight come off so slowly. I want nothing more than to indulge myself in a crash diet but hey - they're called CRASH diets for a reason! Hopefully I can stick it out here. Maybe find some accountability. Thanks again for the welcome =)

    I am the same way, I want to see the results NOW but in reality if it is going to stay off it takes time and effort. I started this last January and by the begining of April I had lost 25 lbs, but then I let farming and summer and then I had a surgery in Oct, all get in the way and my emotional eating took over. So now that is my goal this year is to work through all of that that makes me distracting from my healthy life. I am making time for me now. If you are feeling self conscious about going see if they have a time that it is not real busy and that works with your schedule that way there wouldn't be the people around for you to worry about. Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    New to site. Not so new to weight loss. I have struggled as long as I can remember with my weight. I have PCOS, which makes controlling my weight hard but if I get it under control it controls the PCOS. So it is a big cycle. Anyway I have been a SAHM for the last 5 years since my husband joined the military. Before I got pregnant with my lo I lost 60lbs. I however still have 20 of baby weight that I have never lost and at least another 20 beyond that. I have mostly been doing work out video's and walking since I can do that with my children. That is the problem because in the past in order for me to really lose weight I have to get a really good cardio workout in. I am eating the right foods and calories so I just need to find a god workout routine. Sorry for rambleing, just wanted to introduce myself a little.


    This is a great and wonderful site. Everyone here is really encouraging and helpful!!! Good luck!!!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    New to site. Not so new to weight loss. I have struggled as long as I can remember with my weight. I have PCOS, which makes controlling my weight hard but if I get it under control it controls the PCOS. So it is a big cycle. Anyway I have been a SAHM for the last 5 years since my husband joined the military. Before I got pregnant with my lo I lost 60lbs. I however still have 20 of baby weight that I have never lost and at least another 20 beyond that. I have mostly been doing work out video's and walking since I can do that with my children. That is the problem because in the past in order for me to really lose weight I have to get a really good cardio workout in. I am eating the right foods and calories so I just need to find a god workout routine. Sorry for rambleing, just wanted to introduce myself a little.

    Welcome to the thread:flowerforyou: These laddies are wonderful on here and they are lots of help, they are they when you need a push or when you need a sholder to lean on. If you don't mind me asking what is PCOS?


    PCOS stands for Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a hormonal imbalance. My body does not think it is producing insulin so it in turn over produces insulin. I also produce to much of the male hormone Adrogen. So i basically have irregular peroids, facial hair and weight gain. So it is easy for me to gain the weight but very hard to lose it. Even with strict diet and excercise it is very hard. ALso because of PCOS I carry almost all of my fat in my stomach area. So I look very funny. PCOS gets better if I lose weight. It is never gone but more in control, however it is like impossible to lose the weight.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi All,
    Just joined about a week ago, someone suggested I check out this thread! All the mom - of - boys stories are scaring me. I have a 14 month old who already thinks he is superman. Fell off our bed this morning, which is pretty high, with me standing right next to him. Was sitting playing with the dog one second, on the floor the next. Of couse DH had to run in and ask what happened, which was followed up by 'Yea.. thats why I don't let him on the bed':angry: DS is fine, DH may need a trip to the ER.

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA...somedays this is how I feel about my hubby when he says things like that to me.

    Welcome Newbies!!!!

    Sara-so sad, when Dre was 3 he was jumping on his bed and I asked him "what happen to the monkey that jumps on the bed?" He just giggled and kept jumping so I lunged forward to grab him and he jump away from me...right into the edge of a windows sill. Split his forehead open right above his right eye. Ran him to an urgent care, when the doc asked him what happened he said "I was being a bad monkey jumpin on the bed" :laugh: cracked me up. Hope your little man heals quickly.

    Well I had wonderful weekend with my parents. We ate and we ate and we ate...and today I feel it. UGH! I didn't workout this morning cuz I didn't have time, so I may do it this evening before bed. Hubby is sick AGAIN!!!!!!! Winters are so hard on him, I swear he is sick every other week. So son is home cuz of holiday and hubby is home. Parents left after lunch and since I've eaten so crappy already today...I'm ready for a nap :yawn: Oh well I'll get back to my normal routine tomorrow and will try not to act too surprised when the scale doesn't go the way I want it too on Friday.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful son is DYING to get on the computer so I better go.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good Morning Mommies!!!!

    I hope everyones week gets better than last week:flowerforyou:

    3BB- When I was in 6th Grade I fell from a swivel chair, the ones my parents told me to never stand on, n sliced a 5 stitch gash(plus it was so deep they had to use dissolvable stitches inside) about a half a centimeter from the corner of my right eye, the actual getting of the gash was no where nearas painful as getting the stitches, weird, but they have to put numbing shots around the eye n I even got one on my eyelid n those hurt SO bad, I know ur little guys pain, n to be that young, gosh poor guy. I hope he starts feeling better n if you dont want the scare to be seen put Vitamin E oil on it every night, it can be expensive by itself so my mom just bought Vitamin E gel capsules n we popped them with a needle n used the oil from there lol

    iftcheiaf- I know what you mean about the GYN n weight issues sorta. When I was preggo all my OB/GYN talked about was my weight gain, always telling me to eat healthier n stuff, which I did but I kept gaining weight n I was so swelled up I have stretchmarks on my calves but she wouldnt put me on bedrest, ugh n then she was so rude on delivery day, needless to say I didnt go see her for my 6week postpartum check up. Sorry I rambled... I hope everything at the checkup goes well for you n keep going in your weightloss journey!!

    mrsbuzz-Way to go for getting those workouts in!! With my 2month old I try to find time but usually I just end up napping while he is too lol I need a good kick in the butt everyonce in a while

    gotttaluvboyz- Cheers:drinker: Im hoping this week goes much better!

    MM- Only getting a couple hours of sleep n still planning on working out, you are my hero lol Good Job! And I hope you can get the rat thing figured out soon!

    abetterme- Thats so funny, wrapping your boys in bubble wrap :laugh: Glad you got the VCR hooked up, have fun working out!!

    Ok so my week last week had its ups n downs, but yesterday was a great start to this week. Went to church, then went to my old job to get my job back will be starting that soon (Bed Bath n Beyond so lots of walking n climbing ladders!! Yay exercise on the job!!) Then went out to have lunch with a friend, then we came back home n Ayden was in his swing making funny faces n when I picked him up there was poo on the swing, n the blanket n his clothes... another But I honestly take that as a blessing because he didnt struggle with his poop or gas n he was happy n content all day, such a relief, I think hes starting to grow out of his gassy stage, he seems to be able to eat a lot better with little to know air getting swallowed n he burps better.... I dont want to jinx anything but I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel... Plus last night he fell asleep right after the football game so I put him in his bassinet n he woke up 2 more times, after I was done pumping n then after Id brshed my teeth washed my face n gotten ready for bed, downed about another 3oz in those two feedings combined then he was asleep by 11 n slept til 3 A FOUR HOUR STRETCH havent had one of those in a while!! then he was up again around 530, n was off n on 2 or 3 times til around 730 n he just crashed again around 930 n is sleeping on me now.. Im hoping things are getting a bit easier!!

    wow that was a long ramble lol sorry:blushing: today should be fun if Ayden poops n doesnt have a big struggle. My best friend since 3rd grade is coming over n we're having a House marathon leading up to the new episode tonight!!! We both LOVE that show n I'm making turkey sloppy joes, yum! I just have to say I thank God everyday for all of my friends who when they know I'm down cuz hubby left n am stressed with the baby. they all try to come see m n hang out n cheer me up a bit, I love my girls!

    Ok so this was long, but I hope everyone has a wonderful week n a Fantastic Monday!!

    Hey there! My wife (Musicmom) mentioned that you were going back to you job at BBB. Welcome back from one Bed bath and beyonder to another :bigsmile:
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Good evening all mommies!!!

    Oh I am so glad to be back, but it looks like I have ALOT to catch up on!!!

    So to update everyone - I fell of the wagon in Oct because I got in a workout rut :grumble: when I stepped on the scale then I was at 164!!!!! :smile: and when I stepped on a couple days ago I was at 171 :noway: I actually gained wieght when I didn't workout!!! - yeah I know that's what here I am today starting over again......hopefully I'll keep with it this time....SOOOOO looking forward to spring so I can take my girls (K-2 1/2 & D 7 1/2 mo) for a run in their stroller! I hate all this cold weather crap - I can't take them outside cuz they don't tell me when they are cold :grumble:

    So tonight I was going to work out for an hour & it turned in to 30 mins I was so dead.....that's what I get for taking a break....TJ Live 15 mins & JM Backside 15 mins ....and I was done :yawn: and now I know I have to keep at it or I'm never gonna be able to keep up with JM or TJ again!!!

    I am going to go back now and read everything in this thread that I've missed ( I don't think I'd be able to read everything from Oct to now) WTG LADIES keep it up!!!! I'm so glad there are so many mommies on the board!!!! Keep up the good work & thanks 3beans for keeping all the mommies going!!!!
  • Good Morning Mommies!!!!

    I hope everyones week gets better than last week:flowerforyou:

    3BB- When I was in 6th Grade I fell from a swivel chair, the ones my parents told me to never stand on, n sliced a 5 stitch gash(plus it was so deep they had to use dissolvable stitches inside) about a half a centimeter from the corner of my right eye, the actual getting of the gash was no where nearas painful as getting the stitches, weird, but they have to put numbing shots around the eye n I even got one on my eyelid n those hurt SO bad, I know ur little guys pain, n to be that young, gosh poor guy. I hope he starts feeling better n if you dont want the scare to be seen put Vitamin E oil on it every night, it can be expensive by itself so my mom just bought Vitamin E gel capsules n we popped them with a needle n used the oil from there lol

    iftcheiaf- I know what you mean about the GYN n weight issues sorta. When I was preggo all my OB/GYN talked about was my weight gain, always telling me to eat healthier n stuff, which I did but I kept gaining weight n I was so swelled up I have stretchmarks on my calves but she wouldnt put me on bedrest, ugh n then she was so rude on delivery day, needless to say I didnt go see her for my 6week postpartum check up. Sorry I rambled... I hope everything at the checkup goes well for you n keep going in your weightloss journey!!

    mrsbuzz-Way to go for getting those workouts in!! With my 2month old I try to find time but usually I just end up napping while he is too lol I need a good kick in the butt everyonce in a while

    gotttaluvboyz- Cheers:drinker: Im hoping this week goes much better!

    MM- Only getting a couple hours of sleep n still planning on working out, you are my hero lol Good Job! And I hope you can get the rat thing figured out soon!

    abetterme- Thats so funny, wrapping your boys in bubble wrap :laugh: Glad you got the VCR hooked up, have fun working out!!

    Ok so my week last week had its ups n downs, but yesterday was a great start to this week. Went to church, then went to my old job to get my job back will be starting that soon (Bed Bath n Beyond so lots of walking n climbing ladders!! Yay exercise on the job!!) Then went out to have lunch with a friend, then we came back home n Ayden was in his swing making funny faces n when I picked him up there was poo on the swing, n the blanket n his clothes... another But I honestly take that as a blessing because he didnt struggle with his poop or gas n he was happy n content all day, such a relief, I think hes starting to grow out of his gassy stage, he seems to be able to eat a lot better with little to know air getting swallowed n he burps better.... I dont want to jinx anything but I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel... Plus last night he fell asleep right after the football game so I put him in his bassinet n he woke up 2 more times, after I was done pumping n then after Id brshed my teeth washed my face n gotten ready for bed, downed about another 3oz in those two feedings combined then he was asleep by 11 n slept til 3 A FOUR HOUR STRETCH havent had one of those in a while!! then he was up again around 530, n was off n on 2 or 3 times til around 730 n he just crashed again around 930 n is sleeping on me now.. Im hoping things are getting a bit easier!!

    wow that was a long ramble lol sorry:blushing: today should be fun if Ayden poops n doesnt have a big struggle. My best friend since 3rd grade is coming over n we're having a House marathon leading up to the new episode tonight!!! We both LOVE that show n I'm making turkey sloppy joes, yum! I just have to say I thank God everyday for all of my friends who when they know I'm down cuz hubby left n am stressed with the baby. they all try to come see m n hang out n cheer me up a bit, I love my girls!

    Ok so this was long, but I hope everyone has a wonderful week n a Fantastic Monday!!

    Hey there! My wife (Musicmom) mentioned that you were going back to you job at BBB. Welcome back from one Bed bath and beyonder to another :bigsmile:

    lol Yea its not so bad of a job I'm glad I'm not on hardside like I used to be, skinny girl trying to lift a cookware set up a ladder, not good lol, but I was stronger back then I dunno how I'd do it now.... fortunately I'm in the Harmon department now, does your store have one... its like a knock of walgreens that has a contract with BBB and is set up in the store... Health n Beauty stuff so I like it lol
  • OK ladies, so as I mentioned my best friend since 3rd grade come over today for a marathon of House leading to the new episode, that was all fun n dandy hanging with her but Ayden was just so fussy.. ugh definitely not as a successful as hanging with my other two girls at Rice Village... but I guess I'll have to get used to it.... sometimes I'm envious of hubby... hes in training right now and is buddies with a couple of the guys who are with him, so hes getting to hang with them without a baby at night and works with them during the day n I'm just jealous that he doesnt have to cart Ayden around with him everywhere... He called me the other day from the mall up there because it was their day off.... what I wouldnt give to just have a day off to walk around the mall without having to be embarassed that my child was getting fussy from gas or having to stop n feed him.... I probably sound like a horrible person, I'm just not used to this and after two months I'm still not used to it and its making losing the weight harder.. I wish we had the money that when I got kinda down like this I could go get a mani & pedi or a massage or even just a movie ticket to cheer myself up but at the moment things are really tight, living paycheck to paycheck and so the easiest thing to cheer me up is the food around me... If I were living on my own itd be different, I just wouldnt buy the junk food to have in the house in the first place but I live with my parents for the time being and they're big junk foodies... ugh I've been on the verge of crying since my friend left because Im so sad n guilty that I ate so much tonight n Ive only gotten to talk to hubby once a day pretty much since he left n its only for like 10-15 minutes.... and hes got really bad reception so its all gargly and texts barely every get through....

    I just wish I could fast forward my life to when Ayden is older n I didnt have to do everything for him, hubby would be back from Iraq, we'd be in our own place, better income... ugh....
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    all I can say is WOW ladies you make me glad I have girls....I don't know if I could haddle on the ER trips.....although I was the 5 year old the jumped off the top bunk bed and landed on a wooden rocking chair and broke of part in my head....yeah ouch and it took 2 drs & 7 nurses & my mom to hold me down to ge t 2 little stitches...I remeber threating a boy that pulled my hair that I would stab him with my stiches...:laugh: was an orney little brat

    My daughters both had gassy problems.....I used a lot of gas drops in the first 5 months of their oldest also had acid reflux and my youngest has a very sensitive tummy....she used to throw up when she tried to poop because she pushed so hard.....I found that rubbing her tummy in a circular motion (with her intestines) helps to move the poo and made it easier on her pushing...I wish you luck
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Time to play catch-up

    Jessica, thompsons, Glbride01, audry, and anyone else new I might have missed - WELCOME!

    Supermom - I remember those days of wanting rest and things to change so that life became easier. I hate to tell you, life just changes. Not necessarily easier or harder as they get older. Just different. Enjoy the time now when he is clinging to you because when they get about eight, suddenly you're not as smart, or as needed as you once were. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Lenece - Love the new pics. Adorable.

    drevans_mom - Sorry to hear about sick hubby. Mine was doped up on Nyquil and Tylenol PM last night he was feeling so bad. This time of year ain't so great for him either. And what is worse (and I love the guy), that just means I end up with one more child. Hopefully both our guys will feel better today.

    For anyone I missed - Sorry. You guys are just way too fast on here. :)
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    My day consists of trying to concentrate on actually getting work done today - been a little spacey lately. Going to my yearly check up and stepping on that dreaded scale, in addition to all the other fun-ness of going to the GYN. Can't get to the gym today, so have to figure out some other form of exercise. Kids, homework, laundry, dinner, bible meeting tonight, etc, etc, etc.

    Hope everyone has a great and successful day.

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome back, Audry! Lyn & I have a TJ thread, too if you're intested in posting there.

    Supermom - it doesn't matter if you're 18 or 45 with a newborn...EVERY mom wants a day to herself. ALL of us. That doesn't make you a bad mommy. *hugs* I won't say it gets better, but it'll get different. Every stage & every age comes with a new set of learning experiences for you & the baby. New challenges, new milestones. My oldest had the gas problems, too. Giving him extra tummy time seemed to help when he was struggling with getting it out.

    Ift - have a good day & good luck with the dr. Ech.

    Welcome to the new mommies!

    MM - Yuck about the mice in the walls. I was in a hotel one time where I could hear them. *shudders* You should bug your landlord to get an exterminator in there! Hope you had a good day yesterday & that today is even better!

    ABetterMe - You were cracking me up with your boy stories. My dad lived 4 months at a time on his grandparents' farm with his 3 brothers & occassionally some of his sisters. He has more scars from those summers b/c back then, you didn't take them to the hospital, kwim? Hay lofts, cows, tractors. LOTS of injuries. I hope that you don't have a trip to the ER any time soon!

    Lyn - That's funny that Dre said that. The nurse asked Z what happened & he said, "Daddy hurt me in the big red beast!" We call the Suburban the Big Red Beast b/c it is usually bigger than anything in the parking lots we go to. I was expecting the 5th degree from the nurse after that, but she LAUGHED about it and said, "we have the funniest kids in here today.":indifferent: I think if Doug would have been with me, I could understand the giggles, but since Daddy was a no-show, more questions probably should have been asked...well...if it was me anyways. :bigsmile: Have a TJ filled day!

    Dana - lovely family picture! I'm glad you're taking the kids to a counselor. There's a lot of information on the internet about foods & ADHD & what you can eliminate from their diets to lessen the "symptoms" of it to avoid medication. Good luck coping with it!

    Musicmom - May I say how much I enjoy being on the same team with your husband? He's delightful. Your story about dragging the kids to school cracked me up. When I was still working, I took Z to daycare & was SO angry that their doors weren't open yet. Turns out all the newletters they were giving me had "information" on them & they were closed on Columbus Day for an inservice. Was I supposed to read those things? LOL At least you got your grocery shopping in...I guess. :ohwell:

    I'm sure I missed somebody and I'm sorry. As I was typing, Zeke started flushing rubberbands down the toilet. Once again...he's in the corner. :angry: His head is looking better today. It was nasty yesterday; swollen, purple, yucky. Today, the swelling is down, but the purple just keeps spreading. Speech therapy & grocery shopping today so I won't be around much. Wish me luck!

    Have happy Tuesdays! :flowerforyou:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Good Morning Mommies!!!!

    I hope everyones week gets better than last week:flowerforyou:

    3BB- When I was in 6th Grade I fell from a swivel chair, the ones my parents told me to never stand on, n sliced a 5 stitch gash(plus it was so deep they had to use dissolvable stitches inside) about a half a centimeter from the corner of my right eye, the actual getting of the gash was no where nearas painful as getting the stitches, weird, but they have to put numbing shots around the eye n I even got one on my eyelid n those hurt SO bad, I know ur little guys pain, n to be that young, gosh poor guy. I hope he starts feeling better n if you dont want the scare to be seen put Vitamin E oil on it every night, it can be expensive by itself so my mom just bought Vitamin E gel capsules n we popped them with a needle n used the oil from there lol

    iftcheiaf- I know what you mean about the GYN n weight issues sorta. When I was preggo all my OB/GYN talked about was my weight gain, always telling me to eat healthier n stuff, which I did but I kept gaining weight n I was so swelled up I have stretchmarks on my calves but she wouldnt put me on bedrest, ugh n then she was so rude on delivery day, needless to say I didnt go see her for my 6week postpartum check up. Sorry I rambled... I hope everything at the checkup goes well for you n keep going in your weightloss journey!!

    mrsbuzz-Way to go for getting those workouts in!! With my 2month old I try to find time but usually I just end up napping while he is too lol I need a good kick in the butt everyonce in a while

    gotttaluvboyz- Cheers:drinker: Im hoping this week goes much better!

    MM- Only getting a couple hours of sleep n still planning on working out, you are my hero lol Good Job! And I hope you can get the rat thing figured out soon!

    abetterme- Thats so funny, wrapping your boys in bubble wrap :laugh: Glad you got the VCR hooked up, have fun working out!!

    Ok so my week last week had its ups n downs, but yesterday was a great start to this week. Went to church, then went to my old job to get my job back will be starting that soon (Bed Bath n Beyond so lots of walking n climbing ladders!! Yay exercise on the job!!) Then went out to have lunch with a friend, then we came back home n Ayden was in his swing making funny faces n when I picked him up there was poo on the swing, n the blanket n his clothes... another But I honestly take that as a blessing because he didnt struggle with his poop or gas n he was happy n content all day, such a relief, I think hes starting to grow out of his gassy stage, he seems to be able to eat a lot better with little to know air getting swallowed n he burps better.... I dont want to jinx anything but I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel... Plus last night he fell asleep right after the football game so I put him in his bassinet n he woke up 2 more times, after I was done pumping n then after Id brshed my teeth washed my face n gotten ready for bed, downed about another 3oz in those two feedings combined then he was asleep by 11 n slept til 3 A FOUR HOUR STRETCH havent had one of those in a while!! then he was up again around 530, n was off n on 2 or 3 times til around 730 n he just crashed again around 930 n is sleeping on me now.. Im hoping things are getting a bit easier!!

    wow that was a long ramble lol sorry:blushing: today should be fun if Ayden poops n doesnt have a big struggle. My best friend since 3rd grade is coming over n we're having a House marathon leading up to the new episode tonight!!! We both LOVE that show n I'm making turkey sloppy joes, yum! I just have to say I thank God everyday for all of my friends who when they know I'm down cuz hubby left n am stressed with the baby. they all try to come see m n hang out n cheer me up a bit, I love my girls!

    Ok so this was long, but I hope everyone has a wonderful week n a Fantastic Monday!!

    Hey there! My wife (Musicmom) mentioned that you were going back to you job at BBB. Welcome back from one Bed bath and beyonder to another :bigsmile:

    lol Yea its not so bad of a job I'm glad I'm not on hardside like I used to be, skinny girl trying to lift a cookware set up a ladder, not good lol, but I was stronger back then I dunno how I'd do it now.... fortunately I'm in the Harmon department now, does your store have one... its like a knock of walgreens that has a contract with BBB and is set up in the store... Health n Beauty stuff so I like it lol

    he's actually a district operations manager for all of maine and part of new hampshire.(7 stores, soon to be 8) one of his stores does have a harmon. i love it!! especially the whole section of travel sized stuff. i could just buy one of everything. and it's even better cause it's in new hampshire, so no sales tax. :happy:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I'm working on a sleeping deficit, but I did sleep better last night. Ladies, listen to me! If you or one of your family members are coughing, put Vick's rub on the feet and put socks over them. It helps a whole lot! I just forgot to do it the night before last, so I was coughing all night.
    Today is tumbling. Hopefully he will do better. The therapist said I can tell the instructor that Alex is "reserved" (which he is) but not tell her that he is autistic, unless I see a reason to tell her. So I need to tell her that today. He should do better today and over the next couple of weeks.
    If I am up to it today then I am going to do taebo this afternoon. I ran for thirty minutes on the wii yesterday which made me sweat but I don't know that it's enough to really do anything.
    I hope you all are well this morning and if you are not that you get better quickly!
    Have a good day!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!!:flowerforyou:

    Well not sure if it's good!! Struggling again to find energy to get up an exercise!! I am just been so tired lately!:yawn: I can't seem to snap out of it!! I really need to workout, but ugh can't seem to find it modtivation.

    My oldest finally had school today!! Yippy!! The two boys together all day, can you say headache!

    Anyways, hope everyone has a great day!!:flowerforyou:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Thanks 3babybeans!! i do agree about my husband...he is pretty awesome. :happy: i guess i have to keep a closer eye on the calendar from now on...i just hope no one saw me. i told my son not to tell his teacher we were there yesterday, but little kids love to blab stuff like that. *crossing my fingers*
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