How often do you cheat?

How often do you cheat on your diet and is it beneficial?

Thanks everyone


  • pluthera
    pluthera Posts: 15 Member
    How so?
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    I don't "cheat" and I don't recommend it. But on days I both swim and lift (once a week), I plan for more calories, including a modest treat. It's still a day that's different from the other six, but the mindset is different from "cheating".
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I don't cheat. Period.
    But "cheating" depends on what the "game" is. MY game is logging with ruthless honesty-- even when what I log is not particularly healthy or below my calorie goal. So as long as I log it honestly, it's not cheating to me.

    Having said that, I've been maintaining now for 4 months. I go over my calorie limit about twice a week (usually weekends), and I am under my calorie goal by about the same amount about two days a week to balance things out.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Whatever you call it, cheat or not, just semantics.

    It's all about managing your eating behaviors, calories. However you eat, planned, unplanned, big, small, if everything is generally accounted for, you are good.
  • mamabearkrone
    mamabearkrone Posts: 8 Member
    I don't really cheat but on weekends I eat things that aren't on my normal diet plan I still stay in my calorie goal and maybe go over by 100-200 calories but that's rare.
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    I don't cheat. If I have an occasion coming up, or just really want that night out at the Tex-Mex joint, I plan for it accordingly. I bank calories for the week, eat lightly on other meals that day, and make sure to get some exercise.
  • Dannigreen31
    Dannigreen31 Posts: 557 Member
    One evening a week I'll have a night off. Have some Chinese or pizza but I'm always at the gym so it's always burnt off!
  • rickb0309
    rickb0309 Posts: 6 Member
    Not so far. Worked too hard to get here. Not worth it.
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member
    There is no cheating. There are only choices.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Please explain something to me - I truly do not get this. If an averaged sized person had knee or hip surgery, would the doctors tell them to eat more? Because their body will need more fuel to heal? Or is it just doctors who tell people who are overweight to "dont mind calories" if they know you are watching what you eat? My dad had both knees replaced and his doctor didnt say anything about his diet. I am facing knee surgery too, and if my doctor says dont worry about calories, I think I would question her sanity - of COURSE I am going to mind calories! Seriously, I dont understand this and would love some scientific validation.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't cheat. It's my diet... it's what's sustainable to me. It includes treats and whatever I want to eat, I just make it fit.

    I go over my calories a couple times a week but eat less the rest of the time to make up for it though.