Crossfit is dangerous.



  • chonji4ever
    chonji4ever Posts: 120 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Jumping out of planes or climbing up the sides of cliffs is pretty risky. Maybe people should stop doing that that, too?

    I don't think jumping out of a plane is a sport? Wonder how much weight I could lose doing that? :wink:

    Lol, well all your weight would be going down!
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    You can't be serious?

    ps. crossfit technically isn't a sport. You commenting about sticking to safer sports like low impact swimming has be strongly suspecting you are a troll. These two 'sports' have drastically different calorie burns and muscles used.

    Actually, crossfit and swimming have similar calorie burns, around 700/hr if you go at it hard, and both offer a full body workout. You are a lot less likely to be injured swimming, although, if you're not good at it, you might drown.

    Why not do both? You can make adjustments for your fitness level, and any injuries you have, when you're doing crossfit. Swimming could be an excellent full body workout of the day. There are also beginner friendly WODs, like these:

    Okay, if you are a stronger swimmer who completes lengths of the pool consistently for an hour your calorie burn is likely to match that of an hour crossfit. The average swimmer will not have that consistency over that duration and is likely to burn far fewer calories, I'm not saying it can't be matched but your average Joe will not get a comparative burn.

    I'm not saying do one or the other. I get involved with multiple sports, swimming being one, I just don't think swimming and crossfit are fair comparison.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    You can't be serious?

    ps. crossfit technically isn't a sport. You commenting about sticking to safer sports like low impact swimming has be strongly suspecting you are a troll. These two 'sports' have drastically different calorie burns and muscles used.

    Actually, crossfit and swimming have similar calorie burns, around 700/hr if you go at it hard, and both offer a full body workout. You are a lot less likely to be injured swimming, although, if you're not good at it, you might drown.

    Why not do both? You can make adjustments for your fitness level, and any injuries you have, when you're doing crossfit. Swimming could be an excellent full body workout of the day. There are also beginner friendly WODs, like these:

    Okay, if you are a stronger swimmer who completes lengths of the pool consistently for an hour your calorie burn is likely to match that of an hour crossfit. The average swimmer will not have that consistency over that duration and is likely to burn far fewer calories, I'm not saying it can't be matched but your average Joe will not get a comparative burn.

    I'm not saying do one or the other. I get involved with multiple sports, swimming being one, I just don't think swimming and crossfit are fair comparison.

    Can Average Joe Beginner jump in and complete a full hour of high intensity crossfit, though? Probably not. Swimming is back to a comparable activity.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I think with a good instructor it's probably a fun workout.

    I have seen a total moron teaching a class that was dangerous. It was a crossfit gym with many windows that I walked past often with my dog.

    This idiot had people jumping with heavy weights throwing them around and running swinging them - I'm positive he lost clients to injuries. 100%. Once I saw him on some weight machine stacked with a lot of weight and he'd jump in the air and land while yanking down the bar to the floor. I had to stop and watch that and wonder if I'd need to dial 911 it was so ridiculous. Form was atrocious and of course the shock of so many movements that our bodies are not designed to do...

    That gym closed after only a couple months.

    Again, I don't think it's dangerous if you get a competent instructor. And if you are physically capable of doing it.
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
    Yes... It is dangerous. You are dealing with heavy weight and equipment.

    Pay attention, get a good instructor and listen, focus on form... You will be fine. No excuses
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    You can't be serious?

    ps. crossfit technically isn't a sport. You commenting about sticking to safer sports like low impact swimming has be strongly suspecting you are a troll. These two 'sports' have drastically different calorie burns and muscles used.

    Actually, crossfit and swimming have similar calorie burns, around 700/hr if you go at it hard, and both offer a full body workout. You are a lot less likely to be injured swimming, although, if you're not good at it, you might drown.

    Why not do both? You can make adjustments for your fitness level, and any injuries you have, when you're doing crossfit. Swimming could be an excellent full body workout of the day. There are also beginner friendly WODs, like these:

    Okay, if you are a stronger swimmer who completes lengths of the pool consistently for an hour your calorie burn is likely to match that of an hour crossfit. The average swimmer will not have that consistency over that duration and is likely to burn far fewer calories, I'm not saying it can't be matched but your average Joe will not get a comparative burn.

    I'm not saying do one or the other. I get involved with multiple sports, swimming being one, I just don't think swimming and crossfit are fair comparison.

    People don't do crossfit at that calorie burn for an hour either, unless they're already extremely strong. I see a lot of WODs that take 15-20 minutes. I like to mix it up too.
  • cmarangi
    cmarangi Posts: 131 Member

    Can Average Joe Beginner jump in and complete a full hour of high intensity crossfit, though? Probably not. Swimming is back to a comparable activity.

    I was a beginner 8 months ago, and while I couldn't do the weights that lots of the people were doing, and I wasn't getting as many pull ups etc done, I still completed workouts. That's what a good coach that scales things will do for you. And now I'm stronger and more fit at 44 than I've ever been in my life.

    For OP who I suspect is now gone, Like anything else, cross fit requires you to not be an idiot, use common sense, you should know your body and what is too heavy or too much. Find a good coach who is also not an idiot. Pretty simple really.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Find an exercise that is good for you and your body. Because of the weird shape of my joints (congenital), my hopes of becoming a dancer were dashed early in life after an injury. I can't even run safely. So I kill at the gym in a way that is safe for my body and does the job well. Everyone is different.

    I know a handful of folks who do Crossfit. They're a bit annoying in their devotion, like my friends who do SoulCycle. And let's face it, yoga people can be like that too. But they haven't been injured or harmed in any way so far. What makes them fit, what makes them feel good, what makes them want to keep improving their health and fitness is a wonderful thing for them.

    Sounds like YOU shouldn't do Crossfit. Spend time finding what works for you.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    I don't see how Crossfit would be more dangerous than any other form of exercise.

    I didn't know this until recently, but the trainer I see at work basically uses Crossfit workouts. My understanding is that everyone basically does the same workout, but scales them according to fitness level. He and I would do the same workout, for example - but I might use less weight, fewer reps, or so on. He keeps an eye on me and makes sure I'm executing them correctly with respect to form. I've never gotten injured.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Are you thinking of CrossFit and the risk of rhabdomyolysis? I know it seems to have gottena alot of press lately but I'd be interested in seeing what the stats really are and how they compare, for example, to injuries sustained cycling etc.

    CrossFit has never appealed to me personally bit I know a few people who love it (I'm not a fan of the exercise until you puke mentality) perhaps something like Stronglifts 5 x 5 may appeal to you more. I've just started it myself (I've been running & cycling etc for quite a few years but wanted to work on strength) and I like the approach (it's very simple, 3 x weekly and the philosophy is to leave you wanting more)
  • squatsanddeadlift
    squatsanddeadlift Posts: 117 Member
    I think Crossfit is great. You don't know until you have a go.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I love love love CrossFit. Any athlete participating in a physical sport has some risk of injury. That's about all there is to it.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I would never, ever do Crossfit, because I have back and shoulder issues. But those are my personal limitations. You can't make a blanket statement that it's dangerous for everybody.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi -
    New to all this and was thinking joining crossfit. Must admit I am concerned with what I have read so far. Is it just too dangerous?

    Perhaps people should just stick to safer sports like low impact swimming as opposed to this?

    CrossFit is not any more dangerous than any other intense physical activity. I've had more injuries playing basketball 3 months out of the year (plenty including jammed fingers, rolled ankles, a concussion) than I've had in 7 months of CrossFit (none).

    That's not to say that injuries don't happen in CrossFit because they do, but they also happen in running, basketball, baseball, zumba, etc. If you want to be safe, don't get out of bed.

    By the way, just because you read something on the internet, doesn't mean it's true.

  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Hi -
    New to all this and was thinking joining crossfit. Must admit I am concerned with what I have read so far. Is it just too dangerous?

    Perhaps people should just stick to safer sports like low impact swimming as opposed to this?

    CrossFit is not any more dangerous than any other intense physical activity. I've had more injuries playing basketball 3 months out of the year (plenty including jammed fingers, rolled ankles, a concussion) out of the year than I've had in 7 months of CrossFit (none).

    That's not to say that injuries don't happen in CrossFit because they do, but they also happen in running, basketball, baseball, zumba, etc. If you want to be safe, don't get out of bed.

    By the way, just because you read something on the internet, doesn't mean it's true.

    Oh wait, let me take that back. I did get one CrossFit injury. I tripped doing box jumps and have a bruise on my left shin. I'll take that over a jammed finger or rolled ankle any day.
  • jessgur
    jessgur Posts: 2 Member
    I have 3 herniated discs from a car accident I got into 4 years ago. Tried physical therapy, went to a chiro 3 days a week for over a year, and not until starting Crossfit did my lower back pain go away. I've moved in the last year so I've been a member at 3 different Crossfit gyms. All of my coaches made us focus on form before anything else! They didn't care if I was just lifting a 15 lb bar because they understand that no one knows your body better than you do. That's why every workout can be modified and you do what you CAN do. There's a reason people of all sizes and ages can do it. Crossfit is only dangerous if you're careless about form and don't listen to your coaches. Like any exercise or sport, you push yourself but you try to better yourself without competing against others which in my mind makes Crossfit less dangerous than say, soccer. People see kipping pull-ups on tv and think noway can that be good for your body, which I can see why, but most people aren't doing those - only those that are in phenomenal shape and like super athletes are. You're not forced to do anything though! I say try it and see if you like it yourself! Hope that helps. :)
  • Emijanine
    Emijanine Posts: 158 Member
    I did it for a month and it didn't agree with my body at all. It was fun but I felt sick after the WODs. But if you have a good coach and love it, you will be fine! Many people do it safely and get great results with it