Heartburn triggers?

For a few years now, I have been getting heartburn (not all the time, it comes and goes from month to month) even when I smoke a cigarette, I start breathing fire.... I don't want to rely on a pill or even bother remembering before a meal. I want to know what kinds of foods might act as triggers or what foods might suppress it?


  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    Hey----I don't know about you but I have so much trouble with anything tomato based (pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce...etc.). I hate it so much because I love those things so much! It just triggers acid reflux for me. I don't know really much else to tell you...just sharing my side of this story. You should go to the doctor and ask them when you get the chance.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    for me it's like greasy food, or if i smoke a Marlboro smooth (which is what my fiance smokes) it gives me super bad heart burn, milk usually does the trick but if that doesn't than there's good ol' baking soda water... it's super nasty and you'll burp a couple gross ones after it but it works like a dream.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I only got heartburn at the end of my pregnancies but anything tomato based, chocolate, or acidy like OJ made it flare bad!!!!
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    yeeeaaahhhh... that's one of my problems - I got cut off health insurance because Arizona likes to overspend then punish their citizens LOL
  • maryj1289
    maryj1289 Posts: 2 Member
    Tomatoes, coffee, garlic, onions, alcohol, acidic food items, and fatty foods. Please, please try to stop smoking! Smoking can make almost any health issue even worse! Also, eating a huge meal in one sitting can trigger heartburn as well. So you can try eating less of those foods, or if portion size is a problem, try eating foods in smaller portions and spread them throughout the day.
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I only got heartburn at the end of my pregnancies but anything tomato based, chocolate, or acidy like OJ made it flare bad!!!!

    I did have OJ today.... and I'm going to quit smoking soon, I'm down from half pack a day to 2 or 3 smokes a day :D
  • maryj1289
    maryj1289 Posts: 2 Member
    Oh by the way, if you do drink water with baking soda, don't do it on a daily basis. Baking soda is basically sodium bicarbonate and it has the potential to cause metabolic disturbances (metabolic alkalosis). If you want to take something to alleviate heartburn, take some Maalox (the liquid kind is the best). Maalox won't cause problems! :)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Triggers are different for different people.. you have to pay attention to what triggers you and stop it. I have reflux really bad, and take 300 mg of zantac twice a day, but i can eat all the spicy food I want. My trigger is sheer volume. If I eat more than about 300 cals at a sitting, I hurt. Coffee, tomatoes, nothing else in particular bother me. And if I eat nothing at all, I get attacked too. I have to keep a small steady stream of food in me to ward off the heartburn.
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    Triggers are different for different people.. you have to pay attention to what triggers you and stop it. I have reflux really bad, and take 300 mg of zantac twice a day, but i can eat all the spicy food I want. My trigger is sheer volume. If I eat more than about 300 cals at a sitting, I hurt. Coffee, tomatoes, nothing else in particular bother me. And if I eat nothing at all, I get attacked too. I have to keep a small steady stream of food in me to ward off the heartburn.

    very interesting! thanks, I will see what happens for me :D
  • braybrayleigh
    girl it sounds bad but being overweight can be a big big cause of heartburn. i didn't start getting it until i put my weight on. you can look it up, read about it or whatever but yes being overweight is a big cause of it.. so that is another bonus to being on your weightloss journey. while i'm still overweight i do still get heartburn so the way i deal with it til i've lost my weight is, of course, tums. i also drink milk and the best help which sounds nasty and is a bit nasty is drinking 2 tbls of vinegar. plus your nose and drain it! it will taste horrible but will kill the heartburn. vinegar shots also assist with weightloss.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I used to have worse heartburn when I smoked. Though I did find that my worst trigger was foods/drinks with a lot of yeast. So I switched from beer to vodka and avoid the bagels and donuts that people bring into the office. It's helped a lot. The other time I had a lot of heartburn was when I was pregnant and that was because my son was sitting so high up that anything I ate washed back up into my esophagus.
  • glampixxie
    glampixxie Posts: 85 Member
    I've had the same problem for years. I noticed that it doesn't matter what I eat or don't eat anymore. I can get heartburn randomly. Sometimes acidic foods or drinks will kill me, sometimes they don't effect me at all. Sometimes creamy things, which usually help my heartburn end up not helping. It seems like, for me anyway, it's all totally random. : /
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Breads, especially bagels, give me heartburn.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Bread and pasta are triggers for me. I have pretty much given up eating pasta, and cut down on bread. That works for me. Whole grain cereals like Kashi GoLean or steel cut oatmeal don't bother me.
  • santosateos
    hey there!
    ive always struggled with hearburn my doctor suggested staying away from tomato sauces like someone mentioned above
    stay away from spicy food, greasy food and basically anything that is acidic, like lemons, pineapple, etc
    for my pineapple is a big trigger for horrible unbearable heartburn

    also, he said dairy products are harder to break down so your stomach has to produce more acid to help the breakdown of the food, and the excess acid after digestion may rise and cause heart burn, so id stay away from those too :)

    hit me up if you have any questions, ive dealt with heartburns for about 12 years now