
A few weeks ago i lost 3.5 kilos (6.6lbs)
Now I've gained back the 3.5 kilos and more :(
Im so over failing all the time. I keep on blaming the kids, being on maternity leave, stress about things that are happening
I go eat my blocks of chocolate. Tonight i finished my block of chocolate in 2 mins and then had another 1 hour later.
I cant keep doing this to myself.
I'm suffering from post natal depression and getting more down with myself as the kilos keep going up. My energy levels are so low that i love the couch

How do you keep motivated? How do you stay focus? What do you do when you want to go for the chocolate/cake/deep fry foods?


  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Just eat a whole bar of chocolate for breakfast
    Trust me it works like a charm
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    Okay I'm a man, so maybe what I'm going to say is nonsense to a woman that has post natal depression. Frankly that is hard for me to understand.

    Anyway I bought myself a really nasty scale that even tells me how much fat I have on the inside. Worst it makes an estimate of my biological age and when I started it added 13 years to my age.
    That is the scale I'm using and it very unforgiving. (Omron Body Composition Monitor with Scale - 7 Fitness Indicators & 180-Day Memory)

    Again I apologize if my pragmatic approach is insensitive.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited June 2016
    karlag83 wrote: »
    A few weeks ago i lost 3.5 kilos (6.6lbs)
    Now I've gained back the 3.5 kilos and more :(
    Im so over failing all the time. I keep on blaming the kids, being on maternity leave, stress about things that are happening
    I go eat my blocks of chocolate. Tonight i finished my block of chocolate in 2 mins and then had another 1 hour later.
    I cant keep doing this to myself.
    I'm suffering from post natal depression and getting more down with myself as the kilos keep going up. My energy levels are so low that i love the couch

    How do you keep motivated? How do you stay focus? What do you do when you want to go for the chocolate/cake/deep fry foods?

    Have you sought any treatment for your depression? Postpartum depression is a serious thing and I would suggest working on getting treatment for it before anything else. Your weight can be worked on later. If you feel a need to do something about it now, just work on learning how to count your calories accurately and stay within a budget for maintenance calories. Work on eating a well-rounded diet that provides you plenty of energy and yet leaves a bit of room for treats like chocolate.
  • ericsburton
    ericsburton Posts: 3 Member

    First post-natal depression is such a real thing and I'm sorry to hear you're feeling that way. I watched as my wife went through that with our 2ND child and it just zapped all her energy. If I gave any advice I'd say start working g the baby into some of your workouts, ( squats, baby rolling crunches, baby pushups, etc...they feel like it's a game.. you get an extra 15 lbs of resistance).
    Late night cravings of sweets are a hard thing for...I'm guessing for eveyone that's human. If I could sit with a cocktail or ice cream at 10pm every night I just might do it. I've found peanut butter (or similar) helped. 1 spoonful eatten slowly seems to give me the sweet I wanted and a little protein. Seemed to stick with me and grt me over that 1-2 hr cravings.

    As for motivation. to people! Let others be the motivation when you don't have it. Husbad, wife, significant other, friend, co-worked, hated enemy who is in great shape, justin biber, 2 chainz, a person from here....whoever, but get someone. A buddy of mine and I go running at times I don't want to go but if he's going I feel responsible to go too.

    Hope this helps a little. Hang in there and remember that it takes time and you're allowed to have doesn't mean that you've failed...just set back a bit

    Let us know if we can help!

  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    First and foremost I suffered from postpartum depression.You need to seek medical help because depression is real and serious.It happens and your not alone,trust me.After seeking help from a professional...everything will get better. I journal,go for long walks, drink tons of water and find healthier choices for foods I love. I'm here if you want to add me and will get better I'm thinking of you
  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    First- how far out are you from delivering? Are you nursing? Are you drinking enough water? Little steps, small good choices will help you feel better. Are you on medication for the depression? Is your doctor aware? These are all things that have to be taken into consideration. If you are less than 8 weeks post partum, then adding any exercise beyond walking will be counter productive- you increase risk of injury, and your body is still healing. If you are nursing, you need to make sure you are getting enough calories to sustain your supply- adding problems unnecessarily will not help your depression, and very well might make it worse. If you're bottle feeding..... That means that dad can easily get up in the night for one feeding to give you an opportunity for some solid sleep. I recommend either the first feed of the night, or the last- this way you're getting the most out of it.

    Just sitting, or going for a short walk in the sunshine each day will help. Start small and build on your successes. Every good choice is a step in the right direction. It might take you longer than you'd like to reach your goal, but slow and steady wins the race!

    This week focus on just drinking more water. Next week trade one sweet treat a day for a healthy one. Build on your successes- no matter how small- and they'll snow ball. It'll become easier and easier to make the better choices.

    And- most importantly, if you have not already, please discuss your depression with your doctor. Hormones and PP depression are a *kitten*, and you shouldn't feel bad about your self for going thru that. I cried, hysterically, over toast after I had my daughter. It came all limp and wiggly from the steam and I lost it. Over toast. Lol. I called my mommy and sobbed begging her to bring me food. I think I cried at the drop of a hat for several days. I'm not a crier normally. Luckily for me that passed pretty quickly, but I wouldn't wish feeling like that on anyone!

    Hugs! You can do this!!
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    Just eat chocolate it's ok