
Good Morning All,

I started the year perfectly, when I say perfectly I mean I had a trainer with me, I had a great program, great "diet", I knew where I was going and I had a plan. For my 30th birthday, in December I would be my ideal weight, not a number, but me comfortable with myself. Lately, lots of crap happened, I had to start a second job, now working for 60 hours a week (I'm exausted), stopped everything, gained back the 30 pounds I lost so proudly and my plan is fading away. This morning, woke up like SH**, I'm climbing the stairs I can't catch my breath, I sleep for 12 hours and it's not enough. I'm tired all the time. My clothes... they don't fit anymore, I used to lose them 3 months ago. My skin is awful. Chocolate is my new best friend.

What happened to me? Why did I stop? I had a great start, how do I go back again to that girl? How can I beat this darkness that is getting to me. How can I make it with my 2 jobs?

Any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you.


  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    Hey, Life IS Always Gonna Throw You A Curveball, Its How You Respond To The Adversity... A Lot Of Us HAve Been There, Will Be There, Or Are Already In Your Shoes.. Don't GEt Youself Down, Start Thinking About What You Need To Do To MAke The Changes And Get Started..... Now. Good Consistent Nutrition In The Absence Of Exercise Will Go Further Than Youd Think. And Add Exercise, And It Will Only Help... Find Something You Enjoy That You Can Do For 20-30 Minutes A Day And GEt It Done. Find Supportive People That Share Your Goals And Surround Yourself With Them. I Found A Group Of People Here On MFP A Few Years Back That Im Still A Part Of That Definitely Helped GEt Me Through My Low Times. They Helped Me Stay On Track And Ive Lost A Total Of 31 Lbs.
    Ill Send You A Buddy Request And Keep Up With You... Let Me Know If I Can Help You Get Started Or Answer Any WQuestion You May HAve!! Good Luck!
  • AngelOfDeath19
    AngelOfDeath19 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you,

    My trainer left me, everything I've always started in my life, I've failed, gave up... I feel like my trainer wasn't even listening to me, understanding my needs, not sure my program is even right for me. I"m not organized at all, don't even know how to fit 20-30 minutes in my day with me being tired all the time. As for the food, she was supposed to help me also since I'm difficult.
  • meganmurray217
    meganmurray217 Posts: 19 Member
    I was working 60 hours a week & had a 2 year old while my husband was deployed. I lost 20 pounds. You can do it. Pre make all your meals for the week. Have one cheat meal. Sleep as much as you can. 30 minutes of cardio or body weight exercises a day will help. Don't give up!
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    I own my own business and routinely work 10-12 hour days. I get it - it can drain you - make you feel like you did your taxes for 12 hours. I do, however, get weekends off...because I will work 14 hour days to not have to work on Saturday or Sunday.

    To give me exercise time...I gave up TV.


    If I wanted to watch the tube it was Netflix or Redbox movies and I was on the dreadmill at an 8 degree incline.

    BTW - Giving up TV was liberating. I do watch a three shows again (Alone, Walking Dead, and Better Call Saul), but I record them so I can eliminate the commercials - which cuts the TV watching time way back. 60 minute show - sans commercials - is usually 35 minutes.

  • AngelOfDeath19
    AngelOfDeath19 Posts: 7 Member

    Quick maybe stupid question, what about your cellphone during the evening? actually, what do you do on evening? you read? I find your idea brilliant and I'm a bit curious to try myself.!

  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    Try saying to your inner self "Don't send me this crazy hunger. Tell me what you want me to know." Then quieten your mind, wait in the stillness and listen to your inner self.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Thank you,

    My trainer left me, everything I've always started in my life, I've failed, gave up... I feel like my trainer wasn't even listening to me, understanding my needs, not sure my program is even right for me. I"m not organized at all, don't even know how to fit 20-30 minutes in my day with me being tired all the time. As for the food, she was supposed to help me also since I'm difficult.

    Ok, per the bold above, either the trainer wasn't a good fit for you (which happens; there are plenty of them though so maybe you can try another one) OR you weren't open to her suggestions. Not trying to be mean! Just trying to help. I sense your frustration but don't give up. The defeatist attitude gets you no where.

    You lost weight before, you can do it again. BUT, it may not be exactly the way you did it the first time. Start doing the things that worked the first time but don't expect perfection, either. Sounds like you have the all-or-nothing mindset. Life does not agree with that. We have to be adaptable and create new habits.

    Lengthy, structured workouts aren't necessary for weight loss. Focus on your calorie intake and do body weight exercises at home for 10 - 15 minutes. You can watch TV while you do those.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    Life is always going to get in the way. Lots of people work long hours, more than 1 job, etc. Me, personally, work anywhere from 8-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. On top of that I volunteer with 4 different groups requiring various amounts of commitment (giving back is important to me, so I make the time). On top of regular family commitments.

    Getting healthy was also important to me, so I made the time. Pre-logging food. Making my own lunches, instead of eating at work, finding time to exercise. When I started out, I had big plans. Lose about 1.5 lbs a week and be 75 lbs slimmer by the new year. Well, last year I lost a little less than 60. Didn't reach my goal, but realized along the way that sometimes your timelines might change. It's now halfway through June and halfway through another year. I'm finally at the that 75 lbs lost (76 actually :) ). It's taking longer than I originally had planned (hoped), but I'm still chugging away. Less than 18 lbs until goal. If it takes me the next 6 months or longer to lose those 18 lbs, I'm still better off than if I had I quit.

    For me, being consistent is the key. Yes there are going to be days (weeks) you get off track. Just remember to start again. Don't look it as failure, but as a lesson. What got me off track, how can I fix it so next time it happens I'm better equipped.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 2016

    Quick maybe stupid question, what about your cellphone during the evening? actually, what do you do on evening? you read? I find your idea brilliant and I'm a bit curious to try myself.!


    When not working, I have a farm to take care of, I cycle (alone and with my wife), golf, hunt and fish with my sons. I am also a Clash of Clans player (TH11, lvl 148) especially on foul weather days. I do read and I volunteer often.

    I find these activities to be so much more fulfilling than binge-watching The Simpsons...although I will binge-watch the next season of Game-of-Thrones B)
  • AngelOfDeath19
    AngelOfDeath19 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much for the responses. I woke up this morning, feeling like a new me again, I haven't slept much last night, was thinking too much, butwas for a great cause: ME. I'll do my very best to realize my plan and get where I want to be. I will not give up.