Peoples stories of having bad days and why

boss13th Posts: 6 Member
Lets here from people who have had bad days or weeks after they have been doing well on there diet.
What caused it and how you back on it and continue


  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Had a bad day yesterday. Don't know if it was a cold or allergy but whatever it was I felt like crap. Had the munchies all day long probably ate 600-700 calories over my maintenance limit.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Today I'm back to where I was before. Sometimes your body needs a refresh day. this is a long-term Journey not a Sprint you're human you're going to have good days you're going to have bad days learn from the good and bad days.

    As far as how or why I'm back on it. The answer is real simple I want to be back on it. It's my belief that once you find that Eternal lie everything falls into place and this becomes a piece of cake.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Last time I was losing weight, I was constantly hungry, then I went on an all inclusive holiday, and I took it as a challenge rather than anything else! Came back after time off and couldn't seem to get back on the wagon.

    I haven't had a great day today, went to lunch with a friend and had a burger and some fries and beers. I didn't intend to get that, but my friend decided on the venue for lunch and they do excellent burgers and I was hungry. Haha. Something has changed this time round for me, and I realise it's a long term commitment and a lifestyle change rather than short term, so I'm ok if I have the occasional meal that's not "healthy".
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    Yep, it's about balance. I.always had that do or die attitude about health but this time it's about the long-term.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I did really good the past month once I started to think of the journey in a more positive way- being excited about getting healthy and losing weight, instead of thinking of it as a necessary evil. I slipped up a few times this week because of stress and frustration- my job drives me absolutely insane and then I got a wrist injury that just pushed me over the edge. I ended up taking a day "off"- no gym, no logging, just a day to calm down and re-focus. I felt much better the next day and was able to get back on track, starting with going grocery shopping and picking a couple new recipes to try this week.
  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    I ate 400 over my goal today. I'm testing out a theory about breaking a plateau. Even though this is controlled, I still feel like crap doing it.

    Oh....and I went 400 over today ...That's including the 500 I burnt through exercise that's 900 total I ate over.

    I'll see if it'll kick me out of my plateau wasn't a fun day
  • Gillian00louise
    Gillian00louise Posts: 21 Member
    Today I could go and eat everything and anything. I've no idea why, nothing's changed. I'm hungry and just want to eat and can't think of anything else. It's going to be a tough day.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Memorial Day weekend was horrible for me. After 2 years I finally earned a free pizza from my favorite restaurant.
    When all was said and done I was over by 1500 calories that day and 600 the next.
    By the grace of the almighty I was still down a pound.
  • NAbramovich
    NAbramovich Posts: 131 Member
    A combination of things have made me less than stellar with my eating habits (about 300-400 calories over each day for the past 3 days): 1) I hurt my ankle so I can't get my usual exercise in; 2) I met with a nutritionist who so restricted my diet (no dairy/no gluten/no red meat/nothing processes or packaged, including bread or crackers) that I find it miserable and unsustainable; 3) IC flare up, so many healthy foods cause pain.

    Now that the pain from the IC flare has subsided, I'll go back eating at my goal. Hopefully in a day or two I can begin exercising. Oh, and I plan to tell the nutritionist that she needs to work with me because I can't be so restricted where I don't like anything I eat. If she won't work with me, then I'll go back to what I was doing before I met with her where I tried to be healthy but still included treats if they fell within my caloric goal for the week.
  • traceyc83
    traceyc83 Posts: 72 Member
    Wednesday is my day off and usually I work out really hard on that day. This week I've been suffering from a sinus infection and because of that I haven't gotten much sleep and I've been completely exhausted so I didn't work out at all on Wednesday and I've had to force myself the rest of the week. I also bought myself a dark chocolate bar, but I only ate a serving size ☺
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    My "bad day" was last weekend. I woke up Saturday morning feeling the cravings for ALL the food - pizza, donuts, mac & cheese; if it's carby, I wanted it! I'm really not limiting anything, but I hadn't eaten so many calorie-dense foods together at once since early February. I woke up on Monday feeling physically bad, and none of the foods I craved had tasted as good as I wanted it to. That got me back on track. The damage was minor (only up .4 lbs), but it took almost a week to get back to my previous weight and for my stomach to recover.

    I'm exactly like that. I've been on MFP since February and rarely indulge and only once or twice binged kind of.

    Each time I found out that:

    1. It totally does not taste as good as I have imagined it all these times I craved it.
    2. I feel physically very bad on the next day - bloated, stomach issues, indigestion etc.
    3. It is very easy to get on track after these days due to the not so good experience (in fact I can't wait to get back)
    4. After some time passes (couple of weeks) I start craving these same not so tasty foods again...

    => Stupid brain.

  • jayrow473
    jayrow473 Posts: 31 Member
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    About every 6 months or so, I have to take a break. I haven't been to the gym for 2 weeks. Partly because the first week I just didn't feel like it, and this last week I had errands and other things I had to do in the mornings before I went to work. Tomorrow I plan on getting back to the gym. I also have gotten burnt out on tracking my food. I bought a scale the other day thinking it would help get me back to tracking again, but the first night I used it, I ended up frustrated and haven't used it since. I'll try again tomorrow. Tonight I ate at my mom and dads, so wasn't really able to track anyway. I put in what I ate but not really sure of amounts so put in what I thought was pretty close.
  • mrschwarten
    mrschwarten Posts: 194 Member
    I had a super rough day on Friday. My husband and I are moving overseas soon and I was just having a really hard time focusing on the tasks I needed to accomplish that day. I just felt foggy; I'd start a project, then A.D.D. to another, then A.D.D. to another, and before I knew it I had twelve half finished projects lying around! And that was making me extremely frustrated. I was also getting hung up on the stupidest things, like which crochet hooks do I want on the plane! I was just so out of sorts. I've been doing really well over the past years to stop using food as comfort in situations like that; and I've been having great successes. But Friday was a BIG FAT FAILURE!!!! I just couldn't stop myself, nothing was safe. I didn't track but I know it was at least 4,000 calories throughout the day!!! But then on Saturday I had a party to go to, and all the typical party foods were served. I was still wallowing in my self-doubt so I thought :go ahead"...all the foods I ate were gross tasting to me! Except for the clean meats! I feel like my body had its' day and now can get back to normal. I know I did some damage on Friday but my heart and gut knows what to do for repair!
  • gerfbrady
    gerfbrady Posts: 14 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »

    I'm exactly like that. I've been on MFP since February and rarely indulge and only once or twice binged kind of.

    Each time I found out that:

    1. It totally does not taste as good as I have imagined it all these times I craved it.
    2. I feel physically very bad on the next day - bloated, stomach issues, indigestion etc.
    3. It is very easy to get on track after these days due to the not so good experience (in fact I can't wait to get back)
    4. After some time passes (couple of weeks) I start craving these same not so tasty foods again...

    => Stupid brain.

    Exactly what happens to me.
  • momofamadhouse
    momofamadhouse Posts: 197 Member
    I'm coming back from a few bad weeks. They weren't truly horrible. I didn't binge on fast food and butterfingers (but I thought about it). I still tried to be mindful of what and how much I was eating. But I lost my tennis shoe and couldn't work out. Things got a little chaotic at home trying to adjust to my kids being home from school and my husband was on vacation. I really did slack and haven't lost anything significant in 3 weeks. But I saw myself becoming complacent and it scared me. That's how I ended up in this position in the first place.
  • aimesuk
    aimesuk Posts: 51 Member
    I'm a horrific binger. I eat when I'm bored, I'm lazy and I overeat on regular meals too. I'd fall off the wagon for one meal and that was it, I was gone and would always regain. This is why I have yoyo'd from 10 stone to 15 stone in the past 14 years or so.

    I'm doing slimming world now and also running, and I feel like at age 33, even though I'm still fat and not happy like it, I've finally made peace with my body. It's the only body I'm going to have, so I will have to be strict for a short time for long term gain.

    When I fall off the wagon, it's intentional - for example, i went out for a meal for our anniversary and had exactly what I wanted. I have eaten cake at the four birthday parties I attended in May. But, I've forgiven myself and drawn a line under it each time.

    I'm a human being and I love food, I will always find it difficult I think - but I just can't wait till I'm at goal and I can use exercise to regulate my weight, like I did when I was 18.
  • chupajen
    chupajen Posts: 33 Member
    My bad day was last week. So, while out w/ my daughter we stopped at Arbys for lunch( not the best choice, but convenient) she got her kids meal, and i opted for the chicken salad sandwich, ya know, instead of that greasy beef brisket i wanted. When i got home and put my calories in, i was shocked. I should have gone for the brisket. 710 CALORIES!! I mean, dont get me wrong, it was a good sandwich, but i was not prepared for the amount of calories in it. Plus it was an off day and i wasnt going to have time for a work out.
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