30 Day Shred - Day 1

OMG Jillian is MEAN!
I can't do jumping jacks with E cup boobs, it bloody well hurts! (definitely need to get a sports bra but I seriously doubt they make them my size!)
I can't do any of the strength training, even the modified stuff! I can't get down on the floor (well I can, it's the getting up I have problems with!)
I can't do push ups!
I can't do ANY of it!
But................................I didn't give up! I tried even if I didn't do it right. I kept my body moving the whole time :smile:
And the sweat!!!!!!!!! I'm heading for the shower right now! lol
Bring on day 2 :laugh:


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LOL! I couldn't move at all after day 1. It literally hurt to sit! I am on day 9 today and it has gotten progressively easier!

    Good luck :D
  • lisarota
    lisarota Posts: 12
    I'm doing this also! Started yesterday. I have to admit it is hard, but like you, I also didn't quit (Although I did stop a few times to catch my breath). I imagined her yelling at me not to "phone it in". I'm definitely interested to see how it works out for you (and me as well!). If you want we can keep each posted, and accountable!
  • Shutterpillar
    I am on my last day of Level 2. I remember Level 1 though... it was ROUGH. But about day 5 or 6 you start to really feel your strength building and it gets easier.

    ... then you start Level 2 and do it all over again. LOL. Good thing is, Level 2 only has jumping jacks in the warm up. :wink:
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    you are doing a program that is not suited for you...too many people come up with these things that a lot cannot do
    you want ideas from some one who can help you and get you exercises you can manage and be challenged and see 2 dress sizes off in 8 weeks i can give you advice lordsfitness@aol.com
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Hi All, hope you don't mind me popping in...

    I happened to come by your post and this exercise plan you are all doing sounds intriguing. Can someone tell me where to find it? I'm really getting bored with the "walking" and "treadmill" plan I'm doing now.

    Oh, and PurplePollyPops.... yes they do make 'em that big. :-) While pregnant I went from a dd to an F+ and and while regular bras were awful (and very expensive) I found sports bras that worked wonderfully. Check with the bigger chain stores (JCPenney and Sears) and I believe Lane Bryant has some too (or did, not sure).

  • WhaliausKiki
    How would you track the 30 day shred in your exercise tracking? i do that same video!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I remember Day 1....I thought I was going to die....but after a while, you will have so much endurance and it will seem like a breeze. I absolutely love the program, although I don't do it every day in the summer because I like to move my workouts outside.
    Continue on with the program because it will get easier and the results are so WORTH IT! Good luck!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    OMG Jillian is MEAN!
    I can't do jumping jacks with E cup boobs, it bloody well hurts! (definitely need to get a sports bra but I seriously doubt they make them my size!)
    I can't do any of the strength training, even the modified stuff! I can't get down on the floor (well I can, it's the getting up I have problems with!)
    I can't do push ups!
    I can't do ANY of it!
    But................................I didn't give up! I tried even if I didn't do it right. I kept my body moving the whole time :smile:
    And the sweat!!!!!!!!! I'm heading for the shower right now! lol
    Bring on day 2 :laugh:

    Way to go! Not giving up is half the battle right there!!

    I am doing this as well, and while I can do these, I know someone who is also doing it that cannot do many of these moves due to her current size. She does some even more modified moves than what Anita does that might work for you, so I thought I would share the ones I can remember.

    1) Jumping jacks - she changes that to simple side to side steps with the jumping jack arm motion. Reduces the "bounce" until you find that sports bra (and they make them, but they are kinda spendy).

    2) Push ups: she does a plank (from the modified knee position) for as long as as possbile, even if it's 10-15 seconds.

    3) Ab moves: she has adjusted this to something else entirely. Instead of abs, how about using hand weights and doing a simple dead lift ... holding a weight in each hand, bend at the waist with a flat back and knees slightly bent getting as close to the floor as you can and then back up. It's not an ab move, but it is a strentgh move she can do until she's ready to move forward.

    4) Chest fly - she does this in a chair sitting up right. Fly machines at the gym are upright and while they can be done on the floor (as in the video) or a bench, they don't have to be.

    5) Instead of lunges with bicept curl, she does squats with arm curl. Still effective but easier on her knees.

    You are rockin' it ... stay with it :)
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Jillian Michae;s 30 Day Shred. It's a workout DVD that you can probably get just about anywhere...I got mine at Walmart for 9 dollars. It has 3 workouts that are about 25 minutes long. They are set up with a 3-2-1 system. 3 mins of strength, 2 mins of cardio, 1 min of abs....then it repeats for 3 circuits for each workout.
    At first it sucks....but after a while your endurance builds up and the results are worth it.
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    Can someone tell me where to find it? I'm really getting bored with the "walking" and "treadmill" plan I'm doing now.

    I found a copy at Target for $9.00 and it is a good workout. Just finished day 2 of level one yesterday and although it was hard it was an improvement from my first day.

    Good luck to everyone. Even if you can't do it all, just keep going. The results will be worth it from what everyone else has posted in other forums.:smile:
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Hi All, hope you don't mind me popping in...

    I happened to come by your post and this exercise plan you are all doing sounds intriguing. Can someone tell me where to find it? I'm really getting bored with the "walking" and "treadmill" plan I'm doing now.

    Oh, and PurplePollyPops.... yes they do make 'em that big. :-) While pregnant I went from a dd to an F+ and and while regular bras were awful (and very expensive) I found sports bras that worked wonderfully. Check with the bigger chain stores (JCPenney and Sears) and I believe Lane Bryant has some too (or did, not sure).


    You can buy it online or at most stores I know Target has it for $12. You can look up vid clips on youtube or search the posts for more detailed description of the video. I have commented alot on these kinds of threads so I hate to repeat myself. Its a great dvd and most ppl who do it love it. Its 30 minutes of high intensity and you can log it as circuit training if you dont have a HRM. Keep with it it is hard in the beginning but your endurance increases and it becomes easier. I have done it and Ripped in 30 and now doing 6 week 6 pack. Im in love with Jillian's workouts :D
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    Hi All, hope you don't mind me popping in...

    I happened to come by your post and this exercise plan you are all doing sounds intriguing. Can someone tell me where to find it? I'm really getting bored with the "walking" and "treadmill" plan I'm doing now.

    Oh, and PurplePollyPops.... yes they do make 'em that big. :-) While pregnant I went from a dd to an F+ and and while regular bras were awful (and very expensive) I found sports bras that worked wonderfully. Check with the bigger chain stores (JCPenney and Sears) and I believe Lane Bryant has some too (or did, not sure).


    Aw, thanks but I'm in the UK and we don't have those shops here. I'll be having a look this weekend but I seriously doubt I'll find one! lol Not only am I an E cup I have a wide back too and it seems a lot of retailers only go up to a 40 or 42 and I'm a 46 so maybe I'll get myself a couple of bandages until I've done enough work to find one that fits! lol :laugh:
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    OMG Jillian is MEAN!
    I can't do jumping jacks with E cup boobs, it bloody well hurts! (definitely need to get a sports bra but I seriously doubt they make them my size!)
    I can't do any of the strength training, even the modified stuff! I can't get down on the floor (well I can, it's the getting up I have problems with!)
    I can't do push ups!
    I can't do ANY of it!
    But................................I didn't give up! I tried even if I didn't do it right. I kept my body moving the whole time :smile:
    And the sweat!!!!!!!!! I'm heading for the shower right now! lol
    Bring on day 2 :laugh:

    Way to go! Not giving up is half the battle right there!!

    I am doing this as well, and while I can do these, I know someone who is also doing it that cannot do many of these moves due to her current size. She does some even more modified moves than what Anita does that might work for you, so I thought I would share the ones I can remember.

    1) Jumping jacks - she changes that to simple side to side steps with the jumping jack arm motion. Reduces the "bounce" until you find that sports bra (and they make them, but they are kinda spendy).

    2) Push ups: she does a plank (from the modified knee position) for as long as as possbile, even if it's 10-15 seconds.

    3) Ab moves: she has adjusted this to something else entirely. Instead of abs, how about using hand weights and doing a simple dead lift ... holding a weight in each hand, bend at the waist with a flat back and knees slightly bent getting as close to the floor as you can and then back up. It's not an ab move, but it is a strentgh move she can do until she's ready to move forward.

    4) Chest fly - she does this in a chair sitting up right. Fly machines at the gym are upright and while they can be done on the floor (as in the video) or a bench, they don't have to be.

    5) Instead of lunges with bicept curl, she does squats with arm curl. Still effective but easier on her knees.

    You are rockin' it ... stay with it :)

    Thanks! I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon and I'll look at this thread and laugh at myself!
  • nicole623az
    nicole623az Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the positive words. I just started today and I can't explain how hard it was for me to get through it. But, knowing it gets easier the more you do it helps. IT's hard to imagine it getting easier, but I trust you. ; )
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I was going to start mine today as a July challenge to myself but now I'm bloody terrified! :noway:
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I started today too and those side lunges with the weights killed me! I thought I was going to die ! I really hope I do find it easier as I keep going :)
    If anyone is looking for the dvd there are heaps on ebay!
    But even easier it's uploaded on youtube! :)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I started today too and those side lunges with the weights killed me! I thought I was going to die !

    This is THE hardest move for me (well, ok, that and the push ups). I did level 1 day 8 last night and while I could not make it through the 2nd set of those side lunges w/weights the first few days I did this, I can now, so keep plugging along! I will get easier :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Awesome guys! I am starting tongiht after work. Super excited!

    How do you guys plan on working your rest days? I thought about doing level 1 for 10 days and then rest a day. Level 2 for 10 days and rest a day, etc. What are you all doing?
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    I just ordered this yesterday from Amazon and it was about £6 so really cheap, but yeah I can imagine it's even cheaper on eBay. This woman sounds hard core...I'd never heard of her as Biggest Loser UK is obviously done with different coaches, but she's really famous!!