Does eating same foods every day help?

I like to look at the diaries of people who have maintained their weight, and I notice many of them tend to eat the same thing every day - particularly weekday breakfasts and lunches.
I wonder - does the time-consuming aspect of logging food in MyFitnesspal encourage people to eat the same things, or do people tend to do it because it is just easier?


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I haven't logged in quite some time, but I eat nearly the same breakfast everyday - 3 egg sandwich. That's just because I like it and it's easy.
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    I don't find the logging a time constraint, it's now just part of my meal prep. I tend to grab similar things for weekday breakfast because I take the easy way out. Granted, I make my own egg mcmuffins and put them in the freezer so I can grab them, have overnight oats with various things, and yogurt as my main options.

    I'm on a salad kick this week, apparently, so this is the second day in a row for that. It sounded good more than anything.

    Some people find eating the same things everyday an easier way to meet their goals. I love to cook and east all sorts of things, so I tend to be all over the place food-wise.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    I often repeat many meals based on food prep, convenience, or yumminess. Lol. I don't eat the same meals as my kids, so I may have four days worth of tikki masala or grilled asparagus. Tuna with sugar free relish and 1 T mayo is super easy and macro friendly, so that's a real go to for me. Same thing with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt and protein powder. I'm admittedly addicted to coffee, so that's a yummy factor. :) Logging the same thing over and over again gives me a good idea of *what* to eat though, as well. For example, if I'm way under on fats (which is pretty normal for me), I know I can have a couple pieces of bacon and a whole egg or two. If I'm under on carbs, I may eat some fruit. It helps with being able to hit my numbers without too much thought.
  • Lisa_Ookoo
    Lisa_Ookoo Posts: 134 Member
    My diet is more varied on weekends, but on workdays I like to have the same things (smoothie or overnight oats for breakfast, chicken or salmon for lunch). They're easy to prepare, I know the calories and macros, they taste good and keep me satisfied all day.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    I tend to eat the same breakfast because I like it a lot, it's cheap, it's filling- peanut butter toast. Lunch wise I tend to get an entire week's worth of lunches ready to go on Sunday so I can just grab it and head out so each week's lunch is pretty much the same.
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    I feel like one has affected the other for me. I do a Greek yogurt with toppings for breakfast because I like it, but after I started logging on MFP, I realized it would be really difficult to get a bigger bang for my buck in terms of protein, calories, convenience, and cost. So now I just do it every morning because it's easy, and it's simple to swap out toppings as my preferences change.

    I don't think I would be able to do the same breakfast and lunch in perpetuity if I didn't get variety at dinner, which I do. So that helps break up the monotony for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited June 2016
    I tend to eat the same breakfast on weekdays...usually a one egg and four egg white omelet with some kind of veg and salsa along with either oats or pinto beans depending on my mood. I do it primarily because it's a solid, high protein breakfast that is easy...I do everything in the microwave. I have never been a big cereal guy and everything else I like to make for breakfast is too tedious for weekdays. I try to get 30 grams of protein at each meal and at least one snack...that puts me at a minimum of about 120 grams per day.

    Lunches tend to be similar, but not necessarily the same...again, this is mostly because it's easy and I'm brown bagging it to work 99% of the time. Usually my wife and I will make double whatever protein we're having at dinner so that we have leftovers for lunch...and on Sundays we prep either a bunch of sweet potatoes, potatoes, quinoa, or brown rice to take as a side and then some kind of veg...for me it's usually broccoli because it's easy to steam at work. About once per week I have a sandwich for lunch and I go to Santa Fe for work a couple of times per month usually and will go enjoy a nice lunch out when I do that.

    Dinner is the meal that I basically have time to be creative and do something different with.

    I've been in maintenance for over three years and I don't there is the added convenience of knowing basically what these thing are going to be calorie and macro wise.

  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    @cwolfman13 - If you haven't been already, head to Casa Sena for a nice lunch on the patio. It's (roughly) northeast of the Plaza. Love that place.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    I tend to eat the same meals often because it is easy to prepare, I know I am going to get a healthy meal, I know what kind of calories and nutrition I will get and it will satisfy me.
    That isn't to say I don't experiment, I do like to try new things and will do them and repeat them as well.
    Another reason is simple economics, I buy eggs, pork, chicken breast, cheese, tomatoes, and soups when it is on sale. I keep a good stock of rice and beans and certain spices as well.
    I am not afraid of logging recipes, I don't think it takes that much time. My scale is on my kitchen counter, I have a tablet I can look up things on right in the kitchen if I need to or the computer is a few steps away.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I like to look at the diaries of people who have maintained their weight, and I notice many of them tend to eat the same thing every day - particularly weekday breakfasts and lunches.
    I wonder - does the time-consuming aspect of logging food in MyFitnesspal encourage people to eat the same things, or do people tend to do it because it is just easier?

    I like it for convenience/structure. I have two breakfasts I tend to use and then 3-4 lunch templates I follow. It makes it easy to get things ready in the morning when I can do them without thinking about it too much. It also makes grocery shopping easier.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I eat a lot of the same things at breakfast because I'm not trying to get creative first thing in the morning and I need something fast that I can eat at my desk. Lunches are the same few things if I bring them, and that's more down to my food preparation skills and what I can practically carry to work. I eat lunch out a few days a week, and it's always something different. There's often not nutrition information- I just do my best to guess. Dinners are usually something different most nights of the week (with a repeat or 2 if there are leftovers, but we tend to cook small batches of food). I also eat out 2 or more times a week, and again, it's always something different.

    In short, I've dieted where I've eaten the same few things, and I've done it with a lot of variety. The result has been the same as long as I'm logging my calories. Nowadays I prefer the more varied lifestyle- for me, it makes absolutely no difference in my progress. I'll also add that I used to use a food scale until I got good at estimating portions- that probably helps me with all my guesswork. Now I just don't need it (but I respect folks who are advocates of weighing everything - they aren't wrong when they say it works).
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I eat a lot of the same stuff during the week because I like it and I'm only cooking for me. On the weekends I try to make food that the rest of my family will like.
  • FitFunLosAngeles
    FitFunLosAngeles Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you all, this is very helpful!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited June 2016
    A few months ago I stopped tracking my food altogether since I no longer felt that I needed to after 5 years of maintaining with nothing gained back. That said, I noticed when I was tracking my foods I did tend to eat the same exact things every day unlike now, where everyday is something different than the day before. I even like to eat new foods these days that I never would before. For me, I think I tented to eat the same thing simply because I didn't have to bother figuring out how many calories calories to eat since it was easier to copy & paste the meal I ate the day before.... I'm actually enjoying eating again now that I no longer have to be consumed with the numbers. :)
  • fittestpal
    fittestpal Posts: 94 Member
    Honestly i just use MFP to calculate my food for the week and eat the same thing so i know what I'm eating and it frees up my time
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Usually I will eat the same thing (maybe with a few variations) for several days in a row because it's easier to cook/prepare one batch of food. Most of the time I'm cooking for myself as my husband is away for work for four weeks out of five, so I usually prepare 3-5 days of lunches and one or two different things for dinner and eat them till they are all gone or I'm too bored. Breakfasts are usually one of about three options during the week with more variety on weekends.
    I do this to make my life easier and meal prep quicker. But, yes, being able to use the copy tool to add yesterdays lunch into today's diary is another reason.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    When it comes to lunch, because I work full time and need to quickly prepare something each morning that will be good at noon, I have like 3 or 4 repeating things. When I get tired of one type of sandwich I move to the next. Breakfast is always yogurt and coffee. I'm not a breakfast person but I have to eat something or my blood sugar will crash. Dinner varies considerably because I have time to cook for real then. On the weekends I can be creative.