Please answer this for me! You can add me as well! Really need some advice, help, and friends!

So my question is in regards to goal weight. My initial goal is to lose 50 pounds. So should I set my calorie goals etc. to say I want to lose 50? Or should I do it in increments? Like set it for myself to lose 10lbs. Then maybe another 5 or 10 and so on? I am having troubles sticking with the goals and I just wonder if it is because my goal seems so unrealistic. Maybe if I set the goal small and keep on adjusting it in smaller ways maybe I can? Advice needed! Friends are welcome to add me as well. I need a kick in the butt!


  • WA_mama2
    WA_mama2 Posts: 140 Member
    Depends on what rate you want to lose, what goal you enter affects your suggested deficit. When you have 50+ lbs to lose you can do a 500-700/day deficit for longer in the beginning. Then as you get closer to goal, readjust the settings and get a new more appropriate deficit.
  • ChasingChocolate
    ChasingChocolate Posts: 20 Member
    we're around the same age so I'll send you a friend request! It really just depends on your personal preference. I have my goal weight listed on here but I've definitely focused more on just thinking about everything in 5 or 10 pound increments, especially when things were going really slow for a while.
  • pauliskander
    pauliskander Posts: 5 Member
    The calories really depend on what you want to do, and even your lifestyle. I have lost over 60lb so far and I'm working for another 40. I would say while it's good to visualize a larger goal like the 50lb, you generally should push yourself in the immediate term by the smaller 5/10lb goals.

    The most important thing I find, is not only weighing yourself everyday, but also entering it into the app. Oddly enough I find this to be the biggest motivator to stay on track! Also feel free to add me :smile: I use MFP everyday!