Looking for encouragement, motivation, & advice

I am looking for friends for motivation, encouragement, and advice. I have been on “diets” basically all my adult life. I am now committed to making a life change. I turned 40 last year and have had so many health problems, especially with my stomach. My family and I have always been active, but I am starting to slow them down. That stops now… time to make that change. I started logging 2 weeks ago and plan to continue every day. My goal is to lose 68 lbs.


  • Rowood101
    Rowood101 Posts: 98 Member
    Can totally related. I'm 41 and I feel like my whole life has been negatively impacted by my weight. This stops NOW! I have 45-50 pounds to lose. I have bought a bike and now cycle to work and back everyday. Just completed by second 5K race on the weekend. I realize that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, some days will be good and others not so much ... just as long as the good outweigh (pun intended) the bad. Will send you a friend request. Anyone else is free to add me.
  • dee7171
    dee7171 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I just started looking at the MFP message boards (again) and seen your post. I am turning 45 soon and want to get back on the wagon (looking to lose 50-60 pounds). I would love to communicate with people who knows exactly the struggles we must face on a daily basis.
  • Namaste_Heart11
    Namaste_Heart11 Posts: 51 Member
    Good Morning!

    The moment that I stopped dieting and focused on changing my life, everything began to change... & especially my weight :) You've chosen a great path!