Anyone trying to lose last 20lbs?

Well I have my last 21lbs to lose to be exact. Just wondering if there are any ladies out there at the same stage as me?
What sort of things are you doing to get those last lbs down?
I haven't lost any weight now since May and I am doing the exact same things as I have done to lose my weight before.
21lbs really isn't too much it just wont shift.
Any ideas?


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I'm 20lbs from goal
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I am 8 lbs from goal !!! Taking it slow and really just trying to work on my strength training as my primary weapon.
  • Lovelymarebear
    I would think increase water intake and possibly more cardio longer
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I'm 19 lbs from goal. I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing. Eat healthy, track what I eat, and exercise.
    change up your routine. i got 19 lbs to go. maybe try a work out video you havent done if any. drink more water. hope this helps :)
  • MissChelleBelle
    MissChelleBelle Posts: 51 Member
    Lots of fresh fruit & fresh vegetables (raw or lightly steamed), lean protein, and whole grains. Try to stay away from the highly processed grains like white flour, instant oats, etc. I posted this topic a few months back on carbs:

    Also, drink lots of water! The more water you drink, the less work your liver has to do to help your overworked kidneys. If your liver isn't having to help you kidneys do their job, it can do it's own job of burning fat!
  • Brownaiey
    Brownaiey Posts: 5
    Your body has plateau if you change up to different kinds of workouts the body will begin to burn again get out of that COMFORTABLE MODE confuse it give something new to look forward to. I have different workouts daily for 5 days a wk then add a new exercise every two wks not allowing my body to get in that COMFORTABLE MODE I had begun to plateau when I first started exercising being that I was an athlete in my younger days had to work twice as hard just to get any results. My work out plan: Tennis, Biking, Brisk walking up and down hills, Zumba, swimming and public transit to and from work daily will begin Yoga classes in 1 wk for 6 sessions. Hope this helps GOOD LUCK!
  • Brownaiey
    Brownaiey Posts: 5
    I also forgot to mention I do WII Fitness on weekends with the family! Fun work out!
  • journey6
    journey6 Posts: 1
    I started at 183 and now I am down to 167 . I need about 30 more lbs to meet my goal. The first twenty pounds was not as hard as I thought they would be . Now however my weight loss has tappered off. I was a little discouraged but , it is a battle I will win. Sometimes it is really hard when you lose like four pounds a week then nothing.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I've got about 19 left to go! I am just keeping at eating healthy and exercising really. I know that now I am a "normal" weight, it will be much harder to take the weight off. I'm just really trying to switch up my workout routines, particularly in the weights and circuit training type areas to keep my body on its toes. I don't want it to get used to anything! That's when it tends to plateau. Add me if you want some support through the last 20 lbs!
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you everyone :)
  • dtagai
    dtagai Posts: 2
    I've got 20 to go to meet my goal. I'm totally frustrated as I started MFP about a week and a half ago and haven't lost anything! Totally Frustrated!!