Boss/Workplace Issues!!!! Please Help

tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
So...I recently got promoted and started working at a new location. And since being here its already been about 6 unpleasant conversations with my boss. It's not actually what they say but how they say it. We had an unpleasant exchanged and then they chalked it up to.."we dont know each other yet"...but this Boss had the same cellphone number of mine that my co-workers why would you not use it. My office is decorated with things I like hint can find something to talk to me about lol. One day I came down with a cold while at work but I finished out my tasks for the day because I was gonna tell them I wasnt coming tomorrow (you could see I was sick) I turn in my paperwork they remark,"Don't bring your germs to work tomorrow." Took time off because I was sick...2 days. When I return back to work I am pulled to the side and has the call in policy read to me...Duh you knew I would be gone for more than a day...Again a casual, hey I knew you were sick but make sure you call everyday" would have worked...not a policy-thumping lecture. Last week I couldnt get my office keys from the box so they had to unlock my door.....but everyday I would ask her to unlock the door they would huff and puff and stomp down the hall....and on top of that have to wait 15 or 20 min for my door to get unlocked. So this week I wasnt really concerned about the time I got to work because work always got busy and I ended up leaving 30 minutes later due to difficult situations. I know we dont get overtime never asked for it. So they come in today and say oh why were you late this morning. its starting to be a pattern blah blah blah. Im currently in training although I have done the job by myself for some time now. What I don't like about them is I only see this boss when they have something negative to say to or about me. And some of the comments that they make are just downright rude. We had a general conversation when I first got hired. It turned into current events etc. So she says, " oh Im so tired of seeing gay couples and interracial couples on tv. I'm tired of them shoving it down our throats." At the time I happened to be in an interracial relationship. Then this Orlando thing happened. They walk out of their office," I'm tired of this I wish these gay people would just get off their high horse." WTF did that have to do with innocent people losing their lives...I have gay friends and family so how rude of them to make that comment?!.

Long story short, what can I do to make this relationship work/ go smoother?


  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Ah, I think it's time to look for another job or transfer to another location. Right away.

    Yea thats what I was thinking! lol
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Ah, I think it's time to look for another job or transfer to another location. Right away.

    Yea thats what I was thinking! lol

    resigning after having been moved up to a new role?!?!
    that's the spirit.... prove your boss you were not worth the promotion!

  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    abadvat wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Ah, I think it's time to look for another job or transfer to another location. Right away.

    Yea thats what I was thinking! lol

    resigning after having been moved up to a new role?!?!
    that's the spirit.... prove your boss you were not worth the promotion!

    Ummm.first off I was at another Institution and got promoted and went to this location. I did not know her prior nor did she know me. I've more than proved in belong here..I'm not supposed to have a caseload until October but I've been doing this job by myself with one week of shadowing. So I've more than proved myself.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    It's just the whole atmosphere at this job is different to me and it doesn't feel like home. I remember walking about 300 ft to unlock a door for someone at my previous job vs. here someone huffs and puffs because they have to walk 10 steps down a hall. C'mon lol
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Private or public sector?
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    I work for the State
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I would report the things that this person is saying if you don't feel you can confront her yourself.
    If you're that uncomfortable, maybe there's another place for you? I'm not clear on what you do, but finding another job wouldn't be out of the question if things don't change. If this person is a bigot and homophobic, and you have pictures of you and your different race significant other in your office, how's that conversation going to go?

  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    You should have a grievance policy in place then. I'd say file one and go through the steps. Frankly, I'd probably wait it out until I'm past probation, since you promoted, and then file one; sometimes people get promoted out of the division/department as a means to get them out of that environment.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Honestly most of the OP doesn't sound that bad. Some bosses are just not as nice as others. If they want to be strict about rules (calling in, not being late) then just follow the rules. Or get another job if you want to work somewhere not as strict.

    The remarks about gays and biracial marriage don't have to be tolerated. Report them to HR.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    First of all the comments on gay and interracial relationships are totally inappropriate. I would report them to HR immediately even if it is only for record. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. However I don't personally think they're out of line with formally reviewing the absence and late policy with you. I'm not sure how you expected them to know you would be out multiple days but as an employee it's your responsibility to know the policies of the company. If the sick policy is to call everyday you should call everyday. If you have a specified starting time and are not at work at that time it's their job to formally review the late policy with you. I'm only saying this because as someone who has been responsible for policy control for over 600 employees, casual conversations don't work and formal review and documentation of policy protects the employee from inappropriate discipline and the employer from abuse of policy.

    It's not what they said but how they said it. And again that's just me coming to a new location I was previously a state employee, so the lecture was a bit much. And I do understand what you're saying. However before I got the job I had a bad accident and food poisoining that had my out of an undetermined amount of time and my boss did not have me calling because he knew I wouldn't be better overnight lol Its just the condescending tone behind it that makes me mad lol
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    darlswife wrote: »
    I would report the things that this person is saying if you don't feel you can confront her yourself.
    If you're that uncomfortable, maybe there's another place for you? I'm not clear on what you do, but finding another job wouldn't be out of the question if things don't change. If this person is a bigot and homophobic, and you have pictures of you and your different race significant other in your office, how's that conversation going to go?

    I am a corrections counselor, I got promoted not as a means to move me anywhere lol I applied had the qualifications and got the know the traditional way :) Not to move me, I'd love to go back to my former current position is not available there.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    Also I do have a pic of him on my computer. LOL
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    First of all the comments on gay and interracial relationships are totally inappropriate. I would report them to HR immediately even if it is only for record. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. However I don't personally think they're out of line with formally reviewing the absence and late policy with you. I'm not sure how you expected them to know you would be out multiple days but as an employee it's your responsibility to know the policies of the company. If the sick policy is to call everyday you should call everyday. If you have a specified starting time and are not at work at that time it's their job to formally review the late policy with you. I'm only saying this because as someone who has been responsible for policy control for over 600 employees, casual conversations don't work and formal review and documentation of policy protects the employee from inappropriate discipline and the employer from abuse of policy.

    Honestly most of the OP doesn't sound that bad. Some bosses are just not as nice as others. If they want to be strict about rules (calling in, not being late) then just follow the rules. Or get another job if you want to work somewhere not as strict.

    The remarks about gays and biracial marriage don't have to be tolerated. Report them to HR.

    What they said.

    Also I have worked with some *kitten* bosses in the past, but it sounds like you are not willing to adjust yourself to your new work environment.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    Wouldnt it be hard for you to adjust when your boss is always an ahole....I move mountains in this position to be a rookie...I never get a thank you or a good job or even a hey what are you working on today...Just a oh you came in late...(even though I will stay over to get all the things straight for my ladies without having to bother someone else if its a complicated situation.
    My thing is never anything positive comes out of their mouth I only see them when its something negative.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Oh boy…DOC.

    They seem to play by their own rules in every state, and I honestly don’t know if going to HR is going to help you at all. My husband works for the DOC…we are an interracial couple, and he has had his share of hate spewed his way, both for his nationality and for his relationship with me. He went to HR after an anonymous co-worker hung a noose in his locker, and HE got written up for insubordination. DOC HR never seem to want to hear about problems with staff…I’m not even sure why HR departments exist in the DOC quite frankly  Is there another facility near you hiring for a similar position?
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    My thing is I never planned to take them to HR they should just be mindful of the things that they say, and be a bit more pleasant when dealing with people. Plain and simple. I don't particularly like them but the same office gift I gave my co-workers for helping me out I gave to her so its not like I'm being an a** to them. Make sense?
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    Wouldnt it be hard for you to adjust when your boss is always an ahole....I move mountains in this position to be a rookie...I never get a thank you or a good job or even a hey what are you working on today...Just a oh you came in late...(even though I will stay over to get all the things straight for my ladies without having to bother someone else if its a complicated situation.
    My thing is never anything positive comes out of their mouth I only see them when its something negative.

    Sounds like you want a pat on the back. Sorry not all basses do that.