200+ to Lose

Hello MFP!

I just recently cleared up my friends list. I had about 50 inactive friends.

I've done some yoyoing with weight and consistency, but I do get back on track quickly. Hoping for no more YOYOs! I'm 5'7 and need to lose about 200 pounds, maybe more once i get there. I have no memory of being thin or healthy so i'm not sure of where i'll need to be.

Please add me no matter what your goals are. We can support each other! I come to MFP to log my meals/stay on track, but also to motivate and be motivation for others.

Have a great day/week/month/successful goal!

Austina :)


  • Namaste_Heart11
    Namaste_Heart11 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello there! I am a writer and lover of poetry as well! <3
  • rmwebsteriii
    rmwebsteriii Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning, I am back using MFP and 16 days and 15 pounds lost, but I have a long way to go, now that I have turned 40 it seems harder and harder to stay motivated. Could use all the help I can get and friends, and likewise A_poetiq I have a lot of inactive friends that need to go.
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    Good Morning, I am back using MFP and 16 days and 15 pounds lost, but I have a long way to go, now that I have turned 40 it seems harder and harder to stay motivated. Could use all the help I can get and friends, and likewise A_poetiq I have a lot of inactive friends that need to go.

    You can do this! Congrats on your loss! That's wonderful! i'm losing much slower, but i'm okay with that. I want it to be sustainable so I don't mind slow as long as i stay consistent and it stays gone!
  • healthymein2016
    healthymein2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me to your friends list! Sounds like we are in the same boat, lots of inactive friends. I have a long way to go (approx 100lbs) and we all could use all the support we can get :)
  • dwatson925
    dwatson925 Posts: 143 Member
    I know the YO-YO ride. I've gone from 200 to 350 and every where in between. I've learned it has to be a long term goal, not a quick fix.
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    dwatson925 wrote: »
    I know the YO-YO ride. I've gone from 200 to 350 and every where in between. I've learned it has to be a long term goal, not a quick fix.

    I've come to that realization as well. :)
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    My overall goal is to loose about 200 lbs as well. I've been going strong since February and I'm down 45 lbs so far. I log daily and I'm always down to chat and motivate. Please feel free to add me if you want a little extra support
  • Masashisama
    Masashisama Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there beauty,

    first of all, respect for what you are about to do. I am myself a woman who has much body to love. I was alwayw chubby, we tried to get a gastric banding but surgery sucked and we had to operate 9 times and now my stomach is ruined. After the death of my father and my baby girl i lost myself in drinking and bilging. So here I am and looking for friends who are willing to help me not losing my goal, which is around 90Pounds!
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    I requested both of you lovely ladies. We can do this together.

    Masashisama, PM me! I'm so sorry for all you've experienced!
  • VGanieany
    VGanieany Posts: 4 Member
    Been up and down- As a fitness professional- I need to take control again and be what I help others to be! :)
    I lost 150 in the past but but a lot back on! I completely understand how hard it is and also not to have much support from the people around me! I'm glad I joined this! I hope I can help, inspire and motivate as well as have you guys help motivate and inspire me as well! <3
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to those of you that are brand new and to those of you back for the Win! :+1:

    I've lost 100lbs.+ so far, have a fair bit more to lose but I am very proud & excited of what I have done so far!! In the past (yes here on MFP) the only thing I saw was how far I had to go. Something changed with in and now I can look at how far I've come and get excited about every lb. I lose & inch that disappears.

    I set mini goals, 20lbs, 10lbs etc., even 5lbs. if I need too, which have really helped me push forward. I set a goal to get to 299lbs and so excited when I was within lbs. of reaching that..a mini goal helps me SEE it HAPPEN!
    A cool little trick I learned from others on the board. :smiley:

    There's a group on MFP for those looking to lose 100+ that I've found to be helpful, friendly, and very inspirational.
    Here's the link if anyone would like to check it out:

    Love seeing so much support for one another on this thread, it's awesome! <3
    Wishing everyone nothing but the best on their goals!! :smiley:
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing the link! I certainly know i'll be checking!

  • Chinatot054
    Chinatot054 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello there, I'm Jennifer and I have 180 pounds to lose, so I would love to go on your journey with you so we can motivate each other. I also write poetry and songs. I have lots of poetry and songs that I've written. Please add me as a friend. I really need the motivation. Thanks, Jennifer
  • emsjay73
    emsjay73 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies

    Please feel free to add me. I've lost 140 lbs already but still have about 40 to go. It's not been easy and it's getting harder!!! But I'd appreciate support and love to help you ladies along the way too and share what I've learnt (the very hard way lol)

    Thanks Ems
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Join my weekly weigh in group would love to support you!
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,368 Member
    Hi! I've lost 50 from my highest weight and have somewhere between 100 and 150 to go. Like you, I won't really know until I get down there. I'm new to the MFP boards so I'm looking for friends and support!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited June 2016
    katie22mfp wrote: »
    Join my weekly weigh in group would love to support you!

    Share your link Girl! ;) So everyone knows where to go if they want to join. In case the Group Search feature still isn't working..
  • visualizefit
    visualizefit Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh the most I ever have. It leaves me wishing for some past days where I was already cursing my weight. I've gotten my weight to start going down, just barely. But it's somwthing, a turning point. I have 95lbs to lose.

    Def add me!
  • amandajoy21
    amandajoy21 Posts: 18 Member
    A_poetiq wrote: »
    Hello MFP!

    I just recently cleared up my friends list. I had about 50 inactive friends.

    I've done some yoyoing with weight and consistency, but I do get back on track quickly. Hoping for no more YOYOs! I'm 5'7 and need to lose about 200 pounds, maybe more once i get there. I have no memory of being thin or healthy so i'm not sure of where i'll need to be.

    Please add me no matter what your goals are. We can support each other! I come to MFP to log my meals/stay on track, but also to motivate and be motivation for others.

    Have a great day/week/month/successful goal!

    Austina :)

    Hey! I'm also trying to loose around 200 lbs. Its been a bit of a struggle with maintaining portion sizes and staying under a certain calorie intake... it would be awesome to talk and become friends with people with similar struggles or at least with similar goals.

  • Chinatot054
    Chinatot054 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I unfriendly you by mistake. Could you please refrained me, I'm new to the site and touch the wrong key. Thanks.