how many calories did i burn?

I Went on the elliptical for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
i burned 1650 calories!


  • I Went on the elliptical for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
    i burned 1650 calories!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    HOLY COW!!! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to move tomorrow if I did 2.5 hrs of eliptical!
  • Geez......and here I was feeling proud of myself for burning 250 calories in 20 minutes on the ellipitical.:mad: lol
  • How on earth did you not get bored??? I do 20 min. on it and my toes go numb. That is incredible. Congrats to you. Heidi:drinker:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member lol I know that exercise is hard for me because of my Fibro but wow...30 mins or 60 mins of very slow walking kills me.
  • How on earth did you not get bored??? I do 20 min. on it and my toes go numb. That is incredible. Congrats to you. Heidi:drinker:

    If her gym is like mine, there are individual TVs on each cardio machine so it helps pass the time. I also switch machines a few times -- 30 min treadmill, 30 minutes elliptical, 60 on the treadclimber, another 15 on the elliptical, and then walk off and cool down for 15 minutes on the treadmill... TV is mindless but it sure does make the exercise time fly by:bigsmile:
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    How on earth did you not get bored??? I do 20 min. on it and my toes go numb. That is incredible. Congrats to you. Heidi:drinker:

    I'm glad to know that someone else has the feet-go-numb problem with the eliptical. Anyone know what that's about because I know it doesn't happen to all people.