Diet Pepsi...I'm debunking the opinions...

polar5554 Posts: 576 Member

The above article was just posted on the webmd site...although it's nothing that nobody has seen/heard before..Diet Pepsi is HORRIBLE for you...It makes you Gain weight...blah blah blah blah blah...I just feel compelled to chime in here...

I personally have lost 75 lbs by pretty much having diet pepsi as my number one choice in a beverage...I barely drank any water...(not that I'm advising against water whatsoever...I LOVE IT)..I'm just saying that people get so freaked out about Diet pepsi and there is really no reason to...There are plenty of other bad things out there for us to worry about...

As Ray Charles said..."You've got the right one BABY...Uh HUH"!!! :)


  • fitzerin
    fitzerin Posts: 31
    Good For you!

    I am a pop drinker...I LOVE IT. If I drank regular pop, not diet, I would weigh a lot more than I do now. I have to have at least one or two cans of pop a day to function (I think it's the caffeine addiction).

    Yes, water is best...but not everything else out there is HORRIBLE for you! :-)
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    aha i totally agree with this! everythings bad for us these days anyway. i love diet coke and drink it all the time...the bubbles stop me feeling hungry!
  • RichardWhitman
    RichardWhitman Posts: 105 Member
    I saw that article too. And I drink maybe one glass of water a day.

    Really, diet just HAS to be better than full sugar, right, if you are monitoring all of your calories.

    That is the missing study. Maybe people who drink diet and don't watch anything else do gain weight. But for those of us counting calories, I bet the diet is the way to go.

    Any dietary research scientists out there?

    Thanks for the post Polar!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    except of the fact I am a Diet Coke person, I agree with you! So many of us are here, not because we drank Diet soda, but because we ate too much and didn't exercise enough. I have tried to shy away from the all in, obessive diet this time and have just tried to make better choices everytime I have the chance. I may still have DC on occasion or a cookie, but I account for it and make sure I have enough water through out the day and it has really worked. Your point is very well taken.:drinker: (diet coke in the cups!)
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    I saw this yesterday - but I'm like you - I can profess that changing to Diet drinks, or Pepsi Max, or Diet Dr. Pepper - has really cut out a lot of sugar and calories in my diet, helping my lose 25 lbs so far. I use to drink at least 2 Pepsi Cans a day, if not 20 oz - but now, it's way better for me to avoid the empty calories.

    I have one every now and again, but it might average one every other month and that's when I'm way under my calories....

    I'm with you.
  • mojo75
    mojo75 Posts: 314 Member
    I'm a Pepsi Max and Coke Zero addict! I will not give those up lol
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I think that it's really based upon the person. I never had a problem drinking diet sodas as far as weight loss goes. That being said though, if I drink a lot of dark soda(pepsi, coke, diet rite) it bothers my stomach. So I limit it because of that.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    It really depends on the person and in the end, it's your body to do with how you see fit. I don't personally think that drinking them constantly is good for you, but I had 8oz. of Diet Pepsi with my dinner last night (which was relatively high calorie and I knew it, so I tried to balance it with less calories in my drink) but I drank water as well... so I can't really talk about how awful they are for you.

    BUT, I see TOO many people (my boss is one of them) literally guzzling them every 30 minutes and it's NOT healthy. At that rate, you are actually ingesting calories (anything less than 5 calories doesn't have to be reported, they can put 0) and carbs. That's the issue for people who are dieting and drinking tons of diet soda, it may have less calories but there's still about 20g of carb on average per can of soda... carbs are good for you in moderation, yes, but when they're eating a McDonald's meal for lunch and going home to a pound of pasta on their plate... not so much.

    Also, for some people, the fake sugar has some negative body effects. Sucralose, for me, has a diuretic effect (not just on the bladder) and sometimes just drinking a can of diet soda will send me to the bathroom numerous times. Not fun.

    As for drinking a lot and not drinking water -- I mostly advise against that because I've had kidney problems since I was 14. You don't want a bladder infection nor do you want kidney stones. Drink water, please.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I don't drink them regularly, but I find a Diet Pepsi is a low-guilt way to deal with a craving. It may not be great for me, but it's probably better than candy or cake.
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    pop is not good for you in any way- there s no many chemicals inside is that screw up your insides. but it definitely won't make you GAIN's definitely better for you to get without it...i wish i could....its jsut so sweet and fizzy and delicious lol. fake sweeteners and carbonation cause bloat, which is my personal main concern about it. :/
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Oh girl! Prepare to be attacked by haters! LOL (diet dr pepper is my drug of choice ;))
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Same here! Although I'm more of a Diet Sierra Mist or Diet Sunkist drinker... I actually haven't had any full sugar soda since I was a teenager and used to live on Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos. Soda was never my weight problem - overeating pretty much EVERYTHING was what did it!

    As a matter of fact, diet soda is what I turn to when I want something sweet after dinner. It's like my calorie/guilt free dessert!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    except of the fact I am a Diet Coke person, I agree with you! So many of us are here, not because we drank Diet soda, but because we ate too much and didn't exercise enough. I have tried to shy away from the all in, obessive diet this time and have just tried to make better choices everytime I have the chance. I may still have DC on occasion or a cookie, but I account for it and make sure I have enough water through out the day and it has really worked. Your point is very well taken.:drinker: (diet coke in the cups!)

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm not living in fear of that increased waist circumference or excess abdominal fat.


    /chugs a Pepsi Max.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok.....wait for it
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I hate rocking the boat here...

    But I am ( can't say WAS) a fizzy drinks addict. goodness, I'd drink at least 8 cans a DAY including 2 for breakfast and couldn't imagine a life without it. Once I decided on this lifestyle, my biggest worry was not living without 'coke' I started drinking 'coke zero', figured this was sugar free and literally zero calories. It tastes disgusting to me, but never the less, I drank about 4 cans a week, but the more I learned about the harm artificial sweeteners do, the more I brought into the idea. I noticed that diet sodas made me feel hungrier as well as not tasting 'right' and those cravings were NOT for veggies and fruit...this is my own personal psyche, but there are clinical trials to suggest very serious long-term harm in consuming 'diet sodas'.

    In truth, I'd rather drink 4 cans of REAL coke and all the sugar than the 4 cans of zero sugar diet sodas because their long term use isn't as harmful as that of diet sodas. That said, long term consumption, certainly at the rate I consumed it is a one way ticket to suicide!!!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460 can't debunk and OPINION. Opinions do not have to be based on fact.
    There will always be the "eat clean or die" people, and the "this is what works for me" people.

    (Just my opinion.) (Staring at the Diet Coke can guiltily)
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    I drink a lot of soda a day (Dt. Mt. Dew is the poison of my choice). Does it cause problems? Well, aside from the occassional Kidney Stone (carbonated drinks are said to contribute to them); I really don't think so. Our bodies are miracles - we can get water from food (watermelon, cantelope - and yes, even soda) and a variety of other sources as well.

    I switched to Dt. soda; because I do drink a LOT of soda. I'm saying along the lines of 6 cans a day - every day. Now, if I were to consume regular Mt. Dew; the soda alone would be 1,020 calories a day (6 x 170cal/can). So, I drink the same quantity of soda - get my caffeine addiction - and wind up with 0-10 calories a day.

    I got my weight gain, by eating 3-4 Snickers, lots of Big Macs, Whoppers, Pizza and french fries. By gorging at the all-you-can-eat buffet, bypassing the salad bar, requesting basket upon basket of fresh rolls with butter (Red Lobster, Texas Roadhouse, Black-eyed Pea) or unlimited refills of chips and Salsa at the mexican resturants. I did this, all my myself - I didn't need any help.
  • I agree--drinking DP for over 40 yrs. Look at the source of the article.
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    Correlation does not imply causation.

    I looked out the window one day and saw a lot of people using umbrellas, and I also noticed it was raining. So, if people use umbrellas then there is more a risk of it raining?