Help please, 1200 for 40 days and not a lb!



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    OP, did you just join MFP recently?

    I think you did, so tell us what app you are using as "your tracker" as you mentioned in your OP?

    That tracker and how you set it up may be totally different than how you use MFP, so the calories you eat using that tracker and how you would eat using this one may differ..

    Need more info on your backstory???
  • amyclasby232
    amyclasby232 Posts: 5 Member
    I just use the diary as my tracker on my fitness pal, I haven't used any other tools and when it comes to weighing ingredients I do it all in grams and physically place it on the scale.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    I just use the diary as my tracker on my fitness pal, I haven't used any other tools and when it comes to weighing ingredients I do it all in grams and physically place it on the scale.

    Can you open your diary for us then? We can tell a lot by looking at the diary entries?

    edited to add: what about exercise? Any exercise? And how many pounds are you setup to loose each week?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well OP you did not come back to the thread.. I did wait and even checked to see if you did open your diary for us.

    Here are the absolute only things that I can add to this:

    First do you have any medical conditions or are you on medication?

    A 6 weeks stall is alarming in someone's weight loss.. And as much as you do not want to hear this, it can be due to eating too much, not on purpose but because of not logging all foods you consume like condiments, butter and oils, dressings, things that make it on the food but are not logged. Things you cook and prepare food with.

    Also correct entries from the food database is essential. Weighed food in grams is excellent to use, but also making sure the chosen entries are correct for your food and food labels on all bought food you are using.

    A lot of homemade entries in the database and it is hard to tell sometimes if you do not double check them when you put them on the diary.

    Also, exercise calories... are you exercising? If you are, how are they calculated and do you eat them back in accordance to how MFP works?

    How many pounds are you setup to loose each week?

    And if you have not, did you recalculate your goals after the first 10 pounds?

    In total honesty are there any cheat meals or cheat days?

    Some misc info if you need to look at this closer: For everyday weighing, consider using a program like trendweight to even out the fluctuations. You could be losing weight but just don't see it because of the daily ups and downs.

    Last but not least, weight loss is not linear and if everything is 100% on point, there could be a case where you are burning fewer calories than calculators can predict. Since it has been 40 days have you considered a trip to doctors? It might be worth it or even to registered dietitian who can give you more specific advice as we cannot advise anything beyond this without knowing more about your individual situation.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Are you weighing your food?

    It's weird to me when people blame food weighing and logging. Nobody is perfect but I always lose when I'm logging and NEVER weigh my food. Granted I do alot of protein shakes, chobani, things like that, but I'm not going to weigh salmon and spinach it maybe it's a bit larger than my fist. If you log everything I find it hard to believe that an oversized piece of chicken is the problem after 49 days... It could be the working out but 1200 calories should be enough to to lose after 40 days. I feel like she's slowing her metabolism and should workout AND make sure she's getting enough calories...

    I don't think the metabolism is the issue....but working out could make all the difference if she's off on her logging even a little.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Are you weighing your food?

    It's weird to me when people blame food weighing and logging. Nobody is perfect but I always lose when I'm logging and NEVER weigh my food. Granted I do alot of protein shakes, chobani, things like that, but I'm not going to weigh salmon and spinach it maybe it's a bit larger than my fist. If you log everything I find it hard to believe that an oversized piece of chicken is the problem after 49 days... It could be the working out but 1200 calories should be enough to to lose after 40 days. I feel like she's slowing her metabolism and should workout AND make sure she's getting enough calories...

    I don't think the metabolism is the issue....but working out could make all the difference if she's off on her logging even a little.

    Her metabolism is not screwed up. If she was eating 700 calories a day and has been doing this for quite sometime then this would alarm.

    She is stalled in weight loss, not loosing too fast or anything else. THere is a lot of variables not disclosed in her OP..

    I just can't do another "metabolism damaged" thread today.. I just can't..
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I have same problem, op. For the last few weeks i just fluctuate up and down a little with no weight loss. It's so frustrating. I can't exercise right now the way i used to, and everything just stalled. I eat within 1200 calories as well, but without my exercise there is no movement any more. And i can't imagine eating any less at this point. I eat no junk food at all, and there's no way i can cut back. Good luck, just hung in there for now and hopefully that should pass and you can continue with the loss again.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Not enough info, so I'm just gonna drop this in here...

  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    Do you have a lot of sodium in your diet? I don't add salt to my foods but I still get a lot of sodium in what I do eat and it'll mask my Weightloss for more than a month sometimes because I retain water so much.